0 |
Dichte-/Gasvisk.-Messsystem |
1 |
Modell |
2 |
Aktion |
3 |
Fest |
4 |
Live |
5 |
Modus |
6 |
Schreibschutz |
7 |
Deaktiviert |
8 |
Aktiviert |
9 |
Trigger Modus |
10 |
The type of process change that will initiate the trigger. |
11 |
Ereignis Meldung Steuerung: |
12 |
Primärvariable ausserhalb der Grenzen |
13 |
Nicht-Primärvariable ausserhalb der Grenzen |
14 |
Primärvariablen mA Ausgang gesättigt |
15 |
Primärvariable mA Ausgang fixiert |
16 |
g/mol |
17 |
µs |
18 |
MJ/Kg |
19 |
MJ/Nm3 |
20 |
BTU/lb |
21 |
BTU/scf |
22 |
MJ/min |
23 |
MJ/Tag |
24 |
BTU/min |
25 |
BTU/Tag |
26 |
Lange Kennung |
27 |
Datum |
28 |
Beschreibung |
29 |
Auswerteelektronik-Software |
30 |
.1f |
31 |
Hardware |
32 |
Seriennummer |
33 |
Universal |
34 |
Feldgerät |
35 |
A000: Nicht definiert |
36 |
A001: EEPROM-Fehler |
37 |
A002: RAM-Fehler |
38 |
A003: Keine Antwort vom Sensor |
39 |
A004: Messbereichsüberschreitung für Temperatur |
40 |
A005: Geschw. Bereichsüb. |
41 |
A006: Charakterisierung erforderlich |
42 |
A007: Reserviert |
43 |
A008: Messbereichsüberschreitung für Dichte |
44 |
A009: Auswerteelektronik Initialisierung/Aufwärmphase |
45 |
A010: Kalibrierungsfehler |
46 |
A011: Nullpunktkalibrierung fehlgeschlagen: Niedrig |
47 |
A012: Nullpunktkalibrierung fehlgeschlagen: Hoch |
48 |
A013: Nullpunktkalibrierung fehlgeschlagen: Instabil |
49 |
A014: Auswerteelektronikfehler |
50 |
A015: Reserviert |
51 |
A016: Sensor-RTD-Fehler |
52 |
A017: Sensor-RTD-Fehler |
53 |
A018: Reserviert |
54 |
A019: Reserviert |
55 |
A020: Kalibrierfaktoren fehlen |
56 |
A021: Auswerteel./Sensor/Software falsch |
57 |
A022: Reserviert |
58 |
A023: Reserviert |
59 |
A024: Reserviert |
60 |
A025: Reserviert |
61 |
A026: Reserviert |
62 |
A027: Sicherheitsverstoß |
63 |
A028: Reserviert |
64 |
A029: PIC/Tochterboard-Kommunikationsfehler |
65 |
A030: Falscher Platinentyp |
66 |
A031: Spannung zu niedrig |
67 |
A032: Reserviert |
68 |
A033: Aufnehmersignal unzureich. |
69 |
A034: Reserviert |
70 |
A035: Reserviert |
71 |
A036: Viscosity Overrange |
72 |
A037: Sensorprüfung Fehler |
73 |
A038: Zeitper. Bereichsüb. |
74 |
A039: Nicht definiert |
75 |
A100: mA-Ausgang 1 gesätt. |
76 |
A101: mA-Ausgang 1 fest |
77 |
A102: Antrieb Bereichsüberschreitung |
78 |
A103: Reserviert |
79 |
A104: Kalibrierung läuft |
80 |
A105: Two-Phase Flow |
81 |
A106: Burst-Betriebsart aktiviert |
82 |
A107: Spannungsunterbrechung eingetreten |
83 |
A108: Reserviert |
84 |
A109: Reserviert |
85 |
A110: Reserviert |
86 |
A111: Reserviert |
87 |
A112: Reserviert |
88 |
A113: mA-Ausgang 2 gesätt. |
89 |
A114: mA-Ausgang 2 fest |
90 |
A115: Kein externer Eingang oder abgefragte Daten |
91 |
A116: Temp.-Bereichsübers. (API) |
92 |
A117: Dichte-Bereichsüb (API) |
93 |
A118: Binärausgang fest |
94 |
A119: Reserviert |
95 |
A120: Kurvenanpassung fehlg. (Konz.) |
96 |
A121: Extrapolationsalarm (Konzentration) |
97 |
A122: Druck Bereichsüb. (API) |
98 |
A123: Reserviert |
99 |
A124: Reserviert |
100 |
A125: Reserviert |
101 |
A126: Reserviert |
102 |
A127: Reserviert |
103 |
A128: Reserviert |
104 |
A129: Reserviert |
105 |
A130: Reserviert |
106 |
A131: Reserviert |
107 |
A132: Simulation Active |
108 |
A133: EEPROM-Fehler (Displ.) |
109 |
A134: Rohr-Gehäuse Temp.Diff. Bereichsüberschr. |
110 |
A135: Zeitper. Erfass. aktiv |
111 |
A136: Falscher Anzeigertyp |
112 |
A137: Sensorprüfung fragwürdig |
113 |
A138: Reserviert |
114 |
A139: Nicht definiert |
115 |
Sensorprüfung läuft |
116 |
SD/RD/MW Kalibrierung läuft |
117 |
Dichte Offset Kalibrierung läuft |
118 |
Viskositätsskalierung Kalibrierung läuft |
119 |
Kalibrierungsprüfung |
120 |
Nullpunktkalibrierung läuft |
121 |
Kalibrierung für Temperatursteigung läuft |
122 |
Kalibrierung für Temperatur-Offset läuft |
123 |
Erw. Ereignis 1 aktiv |
124 |
Erw. Ereignis 2 aktiv |
125 |
Erw. Ereignis 3 aktiv |
126 |
Erw. Ereignis 4 aktiv |
127 |
Erw. Ereignis 5 aktiv |
128 |
Diskreter Ausgang 1 aktiv |
129 |
Reserviert |
130 |
Velocity Switch Active |
131 |
Nicht definiert |
132 |
Dynamic Variables Returned for Device Variables |
133 |
Command Response Truncated |
134 |
135 |
136 |
137 |
138 |
% Messbereich |
139 |
MAO1 |
140 |
Primärvariable Prozentbereich |
141 |
Primärvariable Messende |
142 |
Primärvariable Messanfang |
143 |
4.2f |
144 |
Update Rate |
145 |
Voreingestellte Update Rate |
146 |
Trigger Ebene |
147 |
The value of the process variable that will initiate the trigger. Applicable only if Trigger Mode = Rising or Falling. |
148 |
Burstvariable 1 |
149 |
Trigger Intervall |
150 |
The amount of time that the meter will wait, after an alert is active, before initiating event notification. |
151 |
Wiederholrate |
152 |
Event notification will continue until acknowledged by a host or until this interval expires, whichever comes first. |
153 |
A105: Schwallströmung |
154 |
Option |
155 |
Geräte Variablen mit Status |
156 |
Lesen zusätzlicher Gerätestatus |
157 |
Ungültige Auswahl. |
158 |
Geschw. Schalter Sollwert außerh. Bereich |
159 |
Auswerteelektronik-spezifischer Befehlsfehler (ungültige KM-Kurve) |
160 |
Ungültiger Konzentrationseinheitscode |
161 |
Ungültiger Temperatureinheitscode |
162 |
Ungültiger Dichteeinheitscode |
163 |
Referenztemperatur außerhalb der Grenzwerte |
164 |
Wasser-Referenztemperatur außerhalb der Grenzwerte |
165 |
Wasser-Referenzdichte außerhalb der Grenzwerte |
166 |
Steigungsabgleich außerhalb der Grenzwerte |
167 |
Steigungs-Offset außerhalb der Grenzwerte |
168 |
Extrapolationsalarmwert außerhalb der Grenzwerte |
169 |
Maximale Kurvenanpassung außerhalb der Grenzwerte |
170 |
Spule oder Startregister außerhalb Ber. |
171 |
Wert außerhalb Ber. |
172 |
Temp.Kalibr.Steigung außerhalb Bereich |
173 |
Temp.Kalibr.Offset außerhalb Bereich |
174 |
Analogstörwert außerhalb Ber. |
175 |
Wärmeausdehnungskoeff. außerhalb Bereich. |
176 |
Wechseldruck außerhalb Bereich |
177 |
Fehler bei Aktiv. API-Berechn. |
178 |
Konzentrationsmesscode außerhalb der Grenzwerte aktivieren |
179 |
Fehler bei Aktiv. Dichte untere Extrapol.Grenze |
180 |
Fehler bei Aktiv. Dichte obere Extrapol.Grenze |
181 |
Fehler bei Aktivierung Temp. untere Extrapol.Grenze |
182 |
Fehler bei Aktivierung Temp. obere Extrapol.Grenze |
183 |
Ungültiger Kurvenindex |
184 |
Ungültiger Datenindex |
185 |
Invalid Viscosity Range Select Index |
186 |
Invalid Referred Viscosity Calculation Method |
187 |
Invalid Referred Viscosity Maximum Fit Order |
188 |
Ungült. Legacy-Index 1. |
189 |
Ungült. Legacy-Index 2. |
190 |
Ungültiger Konzentrationsmessungs-Moduscode |
191 |
Dichte Spezialeinheit außerhalb Bereich |
192 |
Dyn. Viskosität Spezialeinheit außerhalb Bereich |
193 |
Kinem. Viskosität Spezialeinheit außerhalb Bereich |
194 |
Invalid Compressibility Method |
195 |
SGERG value Out of Range |
196 |
Anwend. Wasserdichte außerhalb Ber. |
197 |
Ungültige benutzerdef. Berechnung Ausgabe Basisdichte Quelle |
198 |
Ungültige Höhe. |
199 |
Invalid Gas Type |
200 |
Ungült. Konzentrationsgleichungstyp |
201 |
Angewandter Prozess zu hoch |
202 |
Angew. Prozess zu niedrig |
203 |
Enable External Volume Flow Error |
204 |
Enable External Mass Flow Error |
205 |
Enable is rejected as calculated density is enabled. |
206 |
Enable is rejected as input density is enabled. |
207 |
Density at Reference (API) |
208 |
Konzentration (KM) |
209 |
Density at Reference (CM) |
210 |
Temp.Diff. Rohr-Gehäuse |
211 |
Geschwindigkeit |
212 |
Benutzerdef. Berechnung Ausgabe |
213 |
Molekulargewicht |
214 |
Relative Dichte |
215 |
Specific Gravity (Gas) |
216 |
Base Density (Gas) |
217 |
Net Mass Flow Rate |
218 |
Net Volume Flow Rate |
219 |
Specific Gravity (CM) |
220 |
Dyn. Viskosität |
221 |
Kinem. Viskosität |
222 |
Bezugsviskosität |
223 |
Referred Viscosity (Secondary) |
224 |
Kompressibilität |
225 |
Strom (mA-Ausgang 1) |
226 |
Strom (mA-Ausgang 2) |
227 |
Pickoff Amplitude |
228 |
Sensor Zeitperiode (A) |
229 |
Sensor Zeitperiode |
230 |
Qualitätsfaktor |
231 |
Gehäusetemperatur |
232 |
Mediendichte bei spezifizierter Temperatur und Konzentration |
233 |
Konzentration |
234 |
Konzentration 1 |
235 |
Dichte 1 |
236 |
Konzentration 2 |
237 |
Dichte 2 |
238 |
Konzentration 3 |
239 |
Dichte 3 |
240 |
Konzentration 4 |
241 |
Dichte 4 |
242 |
Konzentration 5 |
243 |
Dichte 5 |
244 |
Mediendichte bei Referenztemperatur und spezifizierter Konzentration |
245 |
Referenztemperatur |
246 |
Dichte 1 bei Ref |
247 |
Dichte 2 bei Ref |
248 |
Dichte 3 bei Ref |
249 |
Dichte 4 bei Ref |
250 |
Dichte 5 bei Ref |
251 |
Konzentration 6 |
252 |
Dichte 6 bei Ref |
253 |
Subtest |
254 |
Verifizierung Zeitperiode Differenz |
255 |
Verifizierung Zeitperiode Stabilit (Test) |
256 |
Medientemperatur Stabilität (Test) |
257 |
Gehäusetemp. Stabilität (Test) |
258 |
Antriebsver. (Test) |
259 |
Ergebnis |
260 |
Fluids and Samples |
261 |
Fluid 1 and Sample 1 |
262 |
Fluid 1 and Sample 2 |
263 |
Fluid 2 and Sample 1 |
264 |
Fluid 2 and Sample 2 |
265 |
Fluid 3 and Sample 1 |
266 |
Fluid 3 and Sample 2 |
267 |
Fluid 4 and Sample 1 |
268 |
Fluid 4 and Sample 2 |
269 |
Fluid 5 and Sample 1 |
270 |
Fluid 5 and Sample 2 |
271 |
Fluid 6 and Sample 1 |
272 |
Fluid 6 and Sample 2 |
273 |
Fluid 7 and Sample 1 |
274 |
Fluid 7 and Sample 2 |
275 |
Fluid 8 and Sample 1 |
276 |
Fluid 8 and Sample 2 |
277 |
Viskosität |
278 |
Fluid 1 |
279 |
Sample 1 |
280 |
Sample 2 |
281 |
Fluid 2 |
282 |
Fluid 3 |
283 |
Fluid 4 |
284 |
Fluid 5 |
285 |
Fluid 6 |
286 |
Fluid 7 |
287 |
Fluid 8 |
288 |
Referred Viscosity at Specified Temperature |
289 |
Limits |
290 |
Calibration Gas Low |
291 |
Calibration Gas Medium |
292 |
Calibration Gas High |
293 |
Spezifisches Gewicht |
294 |
Sensor Time Period (µs) |
295 |
Molecular Weight (g/mol) |
296 |
Input Density |
297 |
Calculated Density |
298 |
Specific Gravity 1 (Gas) |
299 |
Specific Gravity 2 (Gas) |
300 |
Specific Gravity 3 (Gas) |
301 |
Specific Gravity 4 (Gas) |
302 |
Molecular Weight 1 |
303 |
Molecular Weight 2 |
304 |
Molecular Weight 3 |
305 |
Molecular Weight 4 |
306 |
Concentration 1 |
307 |
Concentration 2 |
308 |
Concentration 3 |
309 |
Concentration 4 |
310 |
Erweiterte HART Konfiguration |
311 |
Matrixdaten zurücksetzen |
312 |
Deletes all data in the concentration matrices. |
313 |
External Device Polling |
314 |
Gerät gesperrt/offen |
315 |
API Referenz Setup |
316 |
Matrixdaten eingeben |
317 |
Define or modify the matrix being configured. |
318 |
mA Ausgänge |
319 |
Werkskonfig. wiederherstellen |
320 |
Gerät lokalisieren |
321 |
Modbus-Daten lesen |
322 |
Modbus-Daten schreiben |
323 |
Discrete Output Loop Test |
324 |
Externe Eingänge |
325 |
Configure parameters required for pressure, external temperature, and other external variables. |
326 |
Spezialeinheiten |
327 |
Configure the parameters required to convert an existing measurement unit to a different unit. |
328 |
Alarmstufe ändern |
329 |
Anwendungen aktiv./deaktiv. |
330 |
Enable or disable optional applications. |
331 |
Kalibrierfaktoren |
332 |
Bekannte Dichteverifiz. |
333 |
Benutzerdef. Berechnungen |
334 |
Create a new process variable from current process data and user-defined constants. |
335 |
Dichte Offset Kalibrierg |
336 |
Geräte Reset |
337 |
A005: Velocity Overrange |
338 |
Start Calibration |
339 |
Viscosity Scaling Factor Calibration |
340 |
Gas Meter Calibration |
341 |
Perform gas meter calibration. |
342 |
Base Density |
343 |
Configure the parameters and inputs required for base density measurement. |
344 |
Enable/Disable Compressibility Calculations |
345 |
346 |
Results |
347 |
Select Device Measurement |
348 |
Inline Calibration Check |
349 |
Simulate Dynamic Viscosity |
350 |
Übersicht |
351 |
Burst Modus |
352 |
Burst Meldung 1 |
353 |
Meldungsinhalte |
354 |
Update Rate konfigurieren |
355 |
Burst Meldung 2 |
356 |
Burst Meldung 3 |
357 |
Ereignis Meldung |
358 |
Alarm Bit Auswahl |
359 |
Anwendungen |
360 |
Erkennung |
361 |
Versionen |
362 |
MID Informationen |
363 |
Sicherheit |
364 |
Konfigurieren |
365 |
CDM 100 Format |
366 |
7835/45 Format |
367 |
Displays the calibration factors in legacy format. |
368 |
Density (Uncompensated) Range 1 |
369 |
Density (Uncompensated) Range 2 |
370 |
Temperature Compensation |
371 |
Pressure Compensation Range 1 |
372 |
Pressure Compensation Range 2 |
373 |
Pressure Compensation Range 3 |
374 |
Pressure Compensation Range 4 |
375 |
Density (Calculated) |
376 |
Density (Uncompensated) |
377 |
Ultra Low Range (0.50 – 10.46 cP) |
378 |
Low Range (10.46 – 108.16 cP) |
379 |
Medium Range (108.16 – 1087.43 cP) |
380 |
High Range (1087.43 – 13345.64 cP) |
381 |
Viscosity Compensation for Density (Low) |
382 |
Viscosity Compensation for Density (High) |
383 |
Temperature Calibration Set |
384 |
Temperature Calibration Factors Set 1 |
385 |
Temperature Calibration Factors Set 2 |
386 |
Velocity of Sound Compensation |
387 |
Calibration Coefficients Set 1 |
388 |
Calibration Coefficients Set 2 |
389 |
Calibration Coefficients Set 3 |
390 |
Calibration Coefficients Set 4 |
391 |
Calibration Information |
392 |
Time Period Data Set 1 |
393 |
Time Period Data Set 2 |
394 |
Time Period Data Set 3 |
395 |
Time Period Data Set 4 |
396 |
Gas Data Set 1 |
397 |
Gas Data Set 2 |
398 |
Gas Data Set 3 |
399 |
Gas Data Set 4 |
400 |
Optionale Einstellung |
401 |
Velocity/Volume |
402 |
Mass (Calculated) |
403 |
API Referenz |
404 |
Konfiguration der Konzentrationsmessung |
405 |
Configure Matrix |
406 |
Reference Conditions |
407 |
Bei bestimmter Temp und Konz |
408 |
Bei Referenztemp und Konz |
409 |
Temperaturisotherme |
410 |
Isotherme 1 |
411 |
Isotherme 2 |
412 |
Isotherme 3 |
413 |
Isotherme 4 |
414 |
Isotherme 5 |
415 |
Isotherme 6 |
416 |
Prozessvariablen für Abgleichkonzentrationsmessung |
417 |
Dichte bei Referenzpunkt |
418 |
Calculation Constants |
419 |
Configure External Inputs |
420 |
Gas Measurement |
421 |
Setup Compressibility |
422 |
Energy Content Measurement |
423 |
Volume |
424 |
Gas Composition |
425 |
Energy |
426 |
Gas Calibration |
427 |
Mass |
428 |
Anzeiger Verhalten |
429 |
Displaymenüs |
430 |
Prozessvariablen |
431 |
Geschw. Schalter |
432 |
Externe Geräteabfrage |
433 |
Externe Abfrage 1 |
434 |
Externe Abfrage 2 |
435 |
Externe Abfrage 3 |
436 |
Externe Abfrage 4 |
437 |
Mapped Variable Units |
438 |
Eingangs-/Ausgangsfehlermaßnahmen |
439 |
Alarmstufe |
440 |
Erweiterte Ereign. |
441 |
Erweit. Ereignis 1 |
442 |
Erweit. Ereignis 2 |
443 |
Erweit. Ereignis 3 |
444 |
Erweit. Ereignis 4 |
445 |
Erweit. Ereignis 5 |
446 |
Alarm-Konzentrationsmessung |
447 |
Service Tools |
448 |
Variablen |
449 |
Calculated Variables |
450 |
API Variable |
451 |
Ignition Index |
452 |
mA-Ausgang 1 (MAO1) |
453 |
mA-Ausgang 2 (MAO2) |
454 |
Transmitter |
455 |
Process |
456 |
Kalibrierung |
457 |
Verification |
458 |
Rücks./Wiederherst. |
459 |
Simulate Values |
460 |
F: EEPROM-Fehler |
461 |
F: RAM-Fehler |
462 |
F: Keine Antwort vom Sensor |
463 |
Diagnosevariablen anzeigen |
464 |
F: Messbereichsüberschreitung für Temperatur |
465 |
Alert Diagnostic Variables |
466 |
F: Velocity Overrange |
467 |
F: Charakterisierung erforderlich |
468 |
Kalibrierfakt. anzeigen |
469 |
F: Messbereichsüberschreitung für Dichte |
470 |
F: Auswerteelektronik Initialisierung/Aufwärmphase |
471 |
F: Kalibrierungsfehler |
472 |
F: Nullpunktkalibrierung fehlgeschlagen: Niedrig |
473 |
F: Nullpunktkalibrierung fehlgeschlagen: Hoch |
474 |
F: Nullpunktkalibrierung fehlgeschlagen: Instabil |
475 |
F: Auswerteelektronikfehler |
476 |
F: Sensor-RTD-Fehler |
477 |
M: Sensor-RTD-Fehler |
478 |
F: Calibration Factors Missing |
479 |
F: Transmitter/Sensor/Software Mismatch |
480 |
F: Sicherheitsverstoß |
481 |
F: PIC/Tochterboard-Kommunikationsfehler |
482 |
F: Falscher Platinentyp |
483 |
F: Insufficient Pickoff Signal |
484 |
A: Viscosity Overrange |
485 |
F: Sensor Check Failed |
486 |
F: Time Period Overrange |
487 |
A: mA Output 1 Saturated |
488 |
A: mA Output 1 Fixed |
489 |
M: Antrieb Bereichsüberschreitung |
490 |
A: Kalibrierung läuft |
491 |
M: Two-Phase Flow |
492 |
A: Burst-Betriebsart aktiviert |
493 |
M: Spannungsunterbrechung eingetreten |
494 |
A: mA-Ausgang 2 gesättigt |
495 |
A: mA-Ausgang 2 fest |
496 |
M: Kein externer Eingang oder abgefragte Daten |
497 |
M: Temperature Overrange (API) |
498 |
M: Density Overrange (API) |
499 |
A: Diskreter Ausgang fest |
500 |
A: Curve Fit Failure (Concentration) |
501 |
M: Extrapolation Alert (Concentration) |
502 |
View Concentration Measurement Configuration |
503 |
M: Pressure Overrange (API) |
504 |
A: Simulation Active |
505 |
M: EEPROM Error (Display) |
506 |
M: Tube-Case Temperature Difference Overrange |
507 |
M: Incorrect Display Type |
508 |
A: Enhanced Event 1 Active |
509 |
A: Enhanced Event 2 Active |
510 |
A: Enhanced Event 3 Active |
511 |
A: Enhanced Event 4 Active |
512 |
A: Enhanced Event 5 Active |
513 |
A: Velocity Switch Active |
514 |
M: mA-Ausgang der Primärvariable gesättigt |
515 |
A: mA-Ausgang der Primärvariable fest |
516 |
User-Defined 1 |
517 |
Programmable Constants |
518 |
Calculation Variables |
519 |
Calculation Variable (a) |
520 |
Calculation Variable (b) |
521 |
Calculation Variable (c) |
522 |
Calculation Variable (d) |
523 |
Calculation Variable (e) |
524 |
Calculation Variable (f) |
525 |
User-Defined 2 |
526 |
User-Defined 3 |
527 |
Diagnosevariablen |
528 |
External Variables |
529 |
Setup Calibration Gas Data |
530 |
Matrix Referral |
531 |
Viscosity at Specific Temp |
532 |
ASTM D341 Single |
533 |
Multi-curve ASTM |
534 |
Ergebnisse prüfen |
535 |
Energiefluss |
536 |
8.2f |
537 |
8d |
538 |
Update Periode |
539 |
Temperatur Klassifizierung |
540 |
Temperatur Familie |
541 |
Status |
542 |
Temperatur LS |
543 |
Temperatur Familienstatus |
544 |
Temperatur Update Periode |
545 |
.2f |
546 |
.3f |
547 |
.4f |
548 |
.5f |
549 |
.6f |
550 |
High Density Cutoff |
551 |
Damping |
552 |
Dichte Klassifizierung |
553 |
Dichte Familie |
554 |
Dichte LS |
555 |
Dichte Familienstatus |
556 |
Dichte Update Periode |
557 |
Referred Density Unit |
558 |
The referred density value after the density offset has been applied. |
559 |
Referred Density Upper Sensor Limit |
560 |
Referred Density Lower Sensor Limit |
561 |
API Dichte Klassifizierung |
562 |
API Dichte Familie |
563 |
API Dichte LS |
564 |
API Dichte Familienstatus |
565 |
API Dichte Update Periode |
566 |
Dichte bei Referenz (KM) |
567 |
ED Dichte Referenz Klassifizierung |
568 |
ED Dichte Referenz Familie |
569 |
ED Dichte Referenz LS |
570 |
ED Dichte Referenz Familienstatus |
571 |
ED Dichte Referenz Update Periode |
572 |
Spezif. Dichte (KM) |
573 |
Specific Gravity (CM) Upper Sensor Limit |
574 |
Specific Gravity (CM) Lower Sensor Limit |
575 |
Specific Gravity (CM) Minimum Span |
576 |
ED Dichte SGU Klassifizierung |
577 |
ED Dichte SGU Familie |
578 |
ED Dichte SGU PDQ |
579 |
ED Dichte SGU LS |
580 |
ED Dichte SGU Familienstatus |
581 |
ED Dichte SGU Update Periode |
582 |
Mass Flow Rate Unit |
583 |
ED Netto Massedurchfluss Klassifizierung |
584 |
ED Netto Massedurchfluss Familie |
585 |
ED Netto Massedurchfluss PDQ |
586 |
ED Netto Massedurchfluss LS |
587 |
ED Netto Massedurchfluss Familienstatus |
588 |
ED Netto Massedurchfluss Update Periode |
589 |
Volume Flow Unit |
590 |
10.4f |
591 |
ED Netto Volumendurchfluss Klassifizierung |
592 |
ED Netto Volumendurchfluss Familie |
593 |
ED Netto Volumendurchfluss PDQ |
594 |
ED Netto Volumendurchfluss LS |
595 |
ED Netto Volumendurchfluss Familienstatus |
596 |
ED Netto Volumendurchfluss Update Periode |
597 |
The concentration value after the density offset has been applied. |
598 |
5.4f |
599 |
ED Konzentration Klassifizierung |
600 |
ED Konzentration Familie |
601 |
ED Konzentration LS |
602 |
ED Konzentration Familienstatus |
603 |
ED Konzentration Update Period |
604 |
Drive Gain Unit |
605 |
Drive Gain is the amount of current required to drive the vibrating element, expressed as a percentage of the maximum allowable drive gain. |
606 |
6.2f |
607 |
Antrieb Klassifizierung |
608 |
Antrieb Familie |
609 |
Antrieb LS |
610 |
Antrieb Familienstatus |
611 |
Geräte Update Periode |
612 |
Gehäusetemperatur Klassifizierung |
613 |
Gehäusetemperatur Familie |
614 |
Gehäusetemperatur PDQ |
615 |
Gehäusetemperatur LS |
616 |
Gehäusetemperatur Familienstatus |
617 |
Gehäusetemperatur Update Periode |
618 |
Pickoff Amplitude represents the distance that the vibrating element is traveling from its resting state. |
619 |
8.3f |
620 |
Messrohr Klassifizierung |
621 |
Messrohr Familie |
622 |
Messrohr PDQ |
623 |
Messrohr LS |
624 |
Messrohr Familienstatus |
625 |
Messrohr Update Periode |
626 |
Board Temperature is the temperature of the device's electronic board stack. |
627 |
Platinentemperatur Klassifizierung |
628 |
Platinentemperatur Familie |
629 |
Platinentemperatur PDQ |
630 |
Platinentemperatur LS |
631 |
Platinentemperatur Familienstatus |
632 |
Platinentemperatur Update Periode |
633 |
Input Voltage is the current power input. |
634 |
Eingangsspannung Klassifizierung |
635 |
Eingangsspannung Familie |
636 |
Eingangsspannung PDQ |
637 |
Eingangsspannung LS |
638 |
Eingangsspannung Familienstatus |
639 |
Eingangsspannung Update Periode |
640 |
External Pressure |
641 |
Current pressure value from an external device. |
642 |
Druck Klassifizierung |
643 |
Druck Familie |
644 |
Druck PDQ |
645 |
Druck LS |
646 |
Druck Familienstatus |
647 |
Druck Update Periode |
648 |
Current temperature value from an external device. |
649 |
Externe Temperatur Klassifizierung |
650 |
Externe Temperatur Familie |
651 |
Externe Temperatur PDQ |
652 |
Externe Temperatur LS |
653 |
Externe Temperatur Familienstatus |
654 |
Externe Temperatur Update Periode |
655 |
User-Defined Calculation Output Unit |
656 |
The result of the user-defined calculation. |
657 |
Benutzerdef. Berechnung Ausgabe obere Sensorgrenze |
658 |
Benutzerdef. Berechnung Ausgabe unt. Sensorgrenze |
659 |
Benutzerdef. Berechnung Ausgabe Min. Spanne |
660 |
Benutzerdef. Berechnung Ausgabe Klassifizierg |
661 |
Benutzerdef. Berechnung Ausgabe Fam. |
662 |
Benutzerdef. Berechnung Ausgabe PDQ |
663 |
Benutzerdef. Berechnung Ausgabe LS |
664 |
Benutzerdef. Berechnung Ausgabe Fam.Status |
665 |
Benutzerdef. Berechnung Ausgabe Akt.Periode |
666 |
Sensor Time Period Unit |
667 |
Sensor Zeitperiode (A) Klassifizierg |
668 |
Sensor Zeitperiode (A) Fam |
669 |
Sensor Zeitperiode (A) PDQ |
670 |
Sensor Zeitperiode (A) LS |
671 |
Sensor Zeitperiode (A) Fam.Status |
672 |
Sensor Zeitperiode Akt.Periode |
673 |
The difference between the temperature of the sensor case and the temperature of the sensor tubes. |
674 |
Temp.Diff. Rohr-Gehäuse Klassifizierung |
675 |
Temp.Diff. Rohr-Gehäuse Familie |
676 |
Temp.Diff. Rohr-Gehäuse LS |
677 |
Temp.Diff. Rohr-Gehäuse Familienstatus |
678 |
Temp.Diff. Rohr-Gehäuse Aktual.Periode |
679 |
Dyn. Viskositätseinh. |
680 |
Pascals/sec |
681 |
Dyn. Viskosität obere Sensorgrenze |
682 |
Dyn. Viskosität untere Sensorgrenze |
683 |
Dyn. Viskosität min. Spanne |
684 |
Dyn. Viskosität Klassifizierung |
685 |
Dyn. Viskosität Familie |
686 |
Dyn. Viskosität LS |
687 |
Dyn. Viskosität Familienstatus |
688 |
Dyn. Viskosität Aktual.Periode |
689 |
Kinem. Viskositätseinh. |
690 |
Kinem. Viskosität obere Sensorgrenze |
691 |
Kinem. Viskosität untere Sensorgrenze |
692 |
Kinem. Viskosität min. Spanne |
693 |
Kinem. Viskosität Klassifizierung |
694 |
Kinem. Viskosität Familie |
695 |
Kinem. Viskosität LS |
696 |
Kinem. Viskosität Familienstatus |
697 |
Kinem. Viskosität Aktual.Periode |
698 |
Referred Viscosity Unit |
699 |
Bezugsviskosität obere Sensorgrenze |
700 |
Bezugsviskosität untere Sensorgrenze |
701 |
Bezugsviskosität min. Spanne |
702 |
Bezugsviskosität Klassifizierung |
703 |
Bezugsviskosität Familie |
704 |
Bezugsviskosität PDQ |
705 |
Bezugsviskosität LS |
706 |
Bezugsviskosität Familienstatus |
707 |
Bezugsviskosität Aktual.Periode |
708 |
Sekundäre Bezugsviskosität obere Sensorgrenze |
709 |
Sekundäre Bezugsviskosität untere Sensorgrenze |
710 |
Sekundäre Bezugsviskosität min. Spanne |
711 |
Sekundäre Bezugsviskosität Klassifizierung |
712 |
Sekundäre Bezugsviskosität Familie |
713 |
Sekundäre Bezugsviskosität PDQ |
714 |
Sekundäre Bezugsviskosität LS |
715 |
Sekundäre Bezugsviskosität Familienstatus |
716 |
Sekundäre Bezugsviskosität Aktual.Periode |
717 |
Calculated Carbon Aromaticity Index |
718 |
CCAI ob. Sensorgrenze |
719 |
CCAI unt. Sensorgrenze |
720 |
CCAI Min. Spanne |
721 |
CCAI Klassifizierung |
722 |
CCAI Familie |
723 |
724 |
725 |
CCAI Familienstatus |
726 |
CCAI Aktual.Periode |
727 |
Calculated Ignition Index |
728 |
CII ob. Sensorgrenze |
729 |
CII unt. Sensorgrenze |
730 |
CII Min. Spanne |
731 |
CII Klassifizierung |
732 |
CII Familie |
733 |
734 |
735 |
CII Familienstatus |
736 |
CII Aktual.Periode |
737 |
Qualitätsfaktor ob. Sensorgrenze |
738 |
Qualitätsfaktor unt. Sensorgrenze |
739 |
Qualitätsfaktor min. Spanne |
740 |
Qualitätsfaktor Klassifiz. |
741 |
Qualitätsfaktor Fam. |
742 |
Qualitätsfaktor PDQ |
743 |
Qualitätsfaktor LS |
744 |
Qualitätsfaktor Fam.Status |
745 |
Qualitätsfaktor Akt.Periode |
746 |
Gas spezif. Dichte obere Sensorgrenze |
747 |
Gas spezif. Dichte untere Sensorgrenze |
748 |
Gas spezif. Dichte min. Spanne |
749 |
Gas spezif. Dichte |
750 |
Gas spezif. Dichte Klassifizierung |
751 |
Gas spezif. Dichte Familie |
752 |
Gas spezif. Dichte LS |
753 |
Gas spezif. Dichte Familienstatus |
754 |
Gas spezif. Dichte Aktual.Periode |
755 |
Relative Density Upper Sensor Limit |
756 |
Relative Density Minimum Span |
757 |
Relative Dichte Klassifizierung |
758 |
Relative Dichte Familie |
759 |
Relative Dichte LS |
760 |
Relative Dichte Familienstatus |
761 |
Relative Dichte Aktual.Periode |
762 |
Molekulargew.Einheit |
763 |
Molekulargew. obere Sensorgrenze |
764 |
Molekulargew. untere Sensorgrenze |
765 |
Molekulargew min. Spanne |
766 |
Molekulargewicht Klassifizierng |
767 |
Molekulargewicht Fam. |
768 |
Molekulargew. LS |
769 |
Molekulargewicht Fam.Status |
770 |
Molekulargew. Aktual.Periode |
771 |
Kompressibilität Klassifizier. |
772 |
Kompressibilität Fam. |
773 |
Kompressibilität PDQ |
774 |
Kompressibilität LS |
775 |
Kompressibilität Fam.Status |
776 |
Kompressibilität Akt.Periode |
777 |
Wobbe Index Unit |
778 |
Wobbe-Index |
779 |
The ratio of the calorific value of a gas to its specific gravity. Typically measured in BTU/SCF or MJ/SCM. |
780 |
Wobbe-Index ob. Sensorgrenze |
781 |
Wobbe-Index unt. Sensorgrenze |
782 |
Wobbe-Index min. Spanne |
783 |
Wobbe-Index Klassifizier. |
784 |
Wobbe-Index Familie |
785 |
Wobbe-Index PDQ |
786 |
Wobbe-Index LS |
787 |
Wobbe-Index Famil.Status |
788 |
Wobbe-Index Akt.Periode |
789 |
Brennwerteinheit |
790 |
Brennwert |
791 |
The amount of heat released during the combustion of a specified amount of gas. Measured in units of energy per units of the gas. |
792 |
Brennwert obere Sensorgrenze |
793 |
Brennwert untere Sensorgrenze |
794 |
Brennwert min. Spanne |
795 |
Brennwert Klassifizierung |
796 |
Brennwert Familie |
797 |
Brennwert PDQ |
798 |
Brennwert LS |
799 |
Brennwert Familienstatus |
800 |
Brennwert Aktualis.Periode |
801 |
Prozent CO2 Einheit |
802 |
Prozent CO2 |
803 |
Prozent CO2 obere Sensorgrenze |
804 |
Prozent CO2 unt. Sensorgrenze |
805 |
Prozent CO2 min. Spanne |
806 |
Prozent CO2 Klassifizierng |
807 |
Prozent CO2 Familie |
808 |
Prozent CO2 PDQ |
809 |
Prozent CO2 LS |
810 |
Prozent CO2 Fam.Status |
811 |
Prozent CO2 Akt.Periode |
812 |
External Volume Flow Rate |
813 |
Current volume flow rate from an external device. |
814 |
Volume from Mag/Vortex Meter |
815 |
Volumendurchfluss Klassifizierung |
816 |
Volumendurchfluss Familie |
817 |
Volumendurchfluss LS |
818 |
Volumendurchfluss Familienstatus |
819 |
Volumendurchfluss Update Periode |
820 |
Gas Basisdichte |
821 |
Gas Basisdichte Klassifizierung |
822 |
Gas Basisdichte Familie |
823 |
Gas Basisdichte PDQ |
824 |
Gas Basisdichte LS |
825 |
Gas Basisdichte Familienstatus |
826 |
Gas Basisdichte Aktual.Periode |
827 |
Mass Flow Rate (Calculated) |
828 |
Current mass flow rate as calculated from external volume flow rate. |
829 |
Calculated Mass Flow from Mag Meter Input |
830 |
Massedurchfluss Klassifizierung |
831 |
Massedurchfluss Familie |
832 |
Massedurchfluss LS |
833 |
Massedurchfluss Familienstatus |
834 |
Massedurchfluss Update Periode |
835 |
Prozent N2 Einheit |
836 |
Prozent N2 |
837 |
Prozent N2 obere Sensorgrenze |
838 |
Prozent N2 unt. Sensorgrenze |
839 |
Prozent N2 min. Spanne |
840 |
Prozent N2 Klassifizierg |
841 |
Prozent N2 Familie |
842 |
Prozent N2 PDQ |
843 |
Prozent N2 LS |
844 |
Prozent N2 Fam.Status |
845 |
Prozent N2 Akt.Periode |
846 |
Prozent H2 Einheit |
847 |
Prozent H2 |
848 |
Prozent H2 obere Sensorgrenze |
849 |
Prozent H2 unt. Sensorgrenze |
850 |
Prozent H2 min. Spanne |
851 |
Prozent H2 Klassifizierg |
852 |
Prozent H2 Familie |
853 |
Prozent H2 PDQ |
854 |
Prozent H2 LS |
855 |
Prozent H2 Fam.Status |
856 |
Prozent H2 Akt.Periode |
857 |
Prozent CO Einheit |
858 |
Prozent CO |
859 |
Prozent CO obere Sensorgrenze |
860 |
Prozent CO unt. Sensorgrenze |
861 |
Prozent CO min. Spanne |
862 |
Prozent CO Klassifizierg |
863 |
Prozent CO Familie |
864 |
Prozent CO PDQ |
865 |
Prozent CO LS |
866 |
Prozent CO Fam.Status |
867 |
Prozent CO Akt.Periode |
868 |
Volumendurchfluss bei Referenztemp.Klassifizierung |
869 |
Volumendurchfluss bei Referenztemp. Fam. |
870 |
Volumendurchfl. bei Referenztemp. PDQ |
871 |
Volumendurchfl. bei Referenztemp. LS |
872 |
Volumendurchfl. bei Referenztemp. Familienstatus |
873 |
Volumendurchfl. bei Referenztemp. Aktual.Periode |
874 |
External Mass Flow Rate |
875 |
Current mass flow rate from an external device. |
876 |
Energy Flow Rate Unit |
877 |
MJ/h |
878 |
BTU/h |
879 |
The energy of the process gas flowing through the meter per unit of time. Measured in units of energy per units of time. |
880 |
Energiefluss ob. Sensorgrenze |
881 |
Energiefluss unt. Sensorgrenze |
882 |
Energiefluss min. Spanne |
883 |
Energiefluss Klassifizierg |
884 |
Energiefluss Familie |
885 |
Energiefluss PDQ |
886 |
Energiefluss LS |
887 |
Energiefluss Fam.Status |
888 |
Energiefluss Akt.Periode |
889 |
Geschwind. Einheit |
890 |
The velocity value below which the transmitter will report zero velocity. |
891 |
Geschw. Abschaltung |
892 |
Geschw. obere Sensorgrenze |
893 |
Flow Damping |
894 |
Viscosity Damping |
895 |
Geschw. untere Sensorgrenze |
896 |
Geschw. Min. Spanne |
897 |
Geschw. Klassifizierung |
898 |
Geschw. Familie |
899 |
Geschwindigkeit LS |
900 |
Geschw. Familienstatus |
901 |
Geschw. Aktual.Periode |
902 |
The time required for the vibrating element to complete one vibration cycle. |
903 |
Sensor Time Period Upper Sensor Limit |
904 |
Sensor Time Period Lower Sensor Limit |
905 |
Sensor Time Period Minimum Span |
906 |
Sensor Zeitperiode Klassifizierg |
907 |
Sensor Zeitperiode Fam. |
908 |
Sensor Zeitperiode LS |
909 |
Sensor Zeitperiode Fam.Status |
910 |
Not Used |
911 |
Dichte bei Referenz (API) |
912 |
Volume Flow at Reference Temperature |
913 |
Mass from Coriolis Meter |
914 |
Sekundärvariable Prozentbereich |
915 |
Sekundärvariable Wert Messende |
916 |
Sekundärvariable Wert Messanfang |
917 |
MAO2 |
918 |
Messsystem Flansch |
919 |
ANSI 300 |
920 |
ANSI 600 |
921 |
PN 40 |
922 |
ANSI 900 |
923 |
PN 100 |
924 |
ANSI 150 |
925 |
hyg. Schellenband |
926 |
PN 16 |
927 |
ANSI 1500 |
928 |
Kegelsitz Rohrverschraubung |
929 |
unbekannt |
930 |
Mediumber. Werkst. |
931 |
Hastelloy C |
932 |
Titan |
933 |
Edelstahl 316L 1.4404 |
934 |
The Product Code of the device as ordered from the factory. |
935 |
Produktcode |
936 |
1d |
937 |
Controls the effect of forward and reverse flow on transmitter outputs and digital communications. See the transmitter configuration manual for more information. |
938 |
Durchflussrichtung |
939 |
Vorwärts |
940 |
Rückwärts |
941 |
Bidirektional |
942 |
Zweiph Ström. ob Grenze |
943 |
Zweiph Ström. unt Grenze |
944 |
Platinentyp |
945 |
Gas-Densitometer |
946 |
Stimmgabel Densitom./Viskom. |
947 |
Rohr-Densitometer |
948 |
Zweiph Ström. Timeout |
949 |
5.2f |
950 |
Velocity Switch Setpoint |
951 |
Hysterese (0.001-0.1) |
952 |
4.3f |
953 |
Var Code 22 |
954 |
Var Code 23 |
955 |
Var Code 24 |
956 |
Var Code 25 |
957 |
Var Code 26 |
958 |
Var Code 27 |
959 |
Var Code 28 |
960 |
Var Code 29 |
961 |
Var Code 30 |
962 |
Var Code 31 |
963 |
Var Code 32 |
964 |
Var Code 33 |
965 |
Var Code 34 |
966 |
Var Code 35 |
967 |
Var Code 36 |
968 |
Var Code 37 |
969 |
Var Code 38 |
970 |
Anzahl der Dezimalstellen,die für den Wert angezeigt werden sollen. |
971 |
Sensor Time Period (A) |
972 |
Matrix wird konfiguriert |
973 |
Select the matrix to be configured or modified. |
974 |
Kurve 1 |
975 |
Kurve 2 |
976 |
Kurve 3 |
977 |
Kurve 4 |
978 |
Kurve 5 |
979 |
Kurve 6 |
980 |
Referenztemperatur |
981 |
Wasserreferenztemperatur |
982 |
Temperatureinheiten |
983 |
Wasserreferenzdichte |
984 |
Dichteinheiten |
985 |
Steigung |
986 |
Offset |
987 |
Grenzwert |
988 |
Maximale Reihenfolge der Kurvenanpassung |
989 |
Konzentrationseinheiten |
990 |
Konzentrationseinheit-Zeichenfolge |
991 |
Matrixname |
992 |
Kurvenanpassungsergebnisse |
993 |
Messgenauigkeit |
994 |
Concentration Equation Type |
995 |
The multiplier (meter factor) to be used to adjust the concentration process variable. |
996 |
The value to be added to the concentration process variable. |
997 |
2 |
998 |
3 |
999 |
4 |
1000 |
5 |
1001 |
The label to be used for the concentration measurement unit. |
1002 |
Label |
1003 |
A user-defined label to be used for the concentration measurement unit. |
1004 |
Displays the name of the matrix. |
1005 |
Schlecht |
1006 |
Leer |
1007 |
0 |
1008 |
1 |
1009 |
5d |
1010 |
Source |
1011 |
Geschw.Rate Schalt. |
1012 |
Kalibrierung läuft |
1013 |
Polarität |
1014 |
The state to which the discrete output will be set if the transmitter detects a fault with Alert Severity = Fault. If None is selected, the behavior of the discrete output will be controlled by Discrete Output Source. |
1015 |
Steigung |
1016 |
Offset |
1017 |
3d |
1018 |
Akt. Nullpunktwert |
1019 |
5.5f |
1020 |
6.5f |
1021 |
Fehlermaßnahme |
1022 |
Aufwärts (21,0-21,5 mA) |
1023 |
Abwärts (3,2-3,6 mA) |
1024 |
Fehlermaßnahme |
1025 |
Fehlermaßnahme |
1026 |
This parameter allows you to select the lower or upper mA output level that will indicate a fault condition. The range is 3.2 to 3.6 mA for downscale or 21.0 to 21.5 for upscale. |
1027 |
Fehlerschwelle |
1028 |
Fehlerschwelle |
1029 |
2d |
1030 |
Abfragesteuerung 1 |
1031 |
Abfrage als prim.host |
1032 |
Abfrage als sek.host |
1033 |
Abfragesteuerung 3 |
1034 |
Abfragesteuerung 4 |
1035 |
Abfragevariable 1 |
1036 |
Massefluss von Coriolis-Mess. |
1037 |
Abfragevariable 2 |
1038 |
Abfragevariable 3 |
1039 |
Abfragevariable 4 |
1040 |
Ext. Messstellenk. 3 |
1041 |
Ext. Messstellenk. 4 |
1042 |
Pressure Input |
1043 |
Deaktivieren |
1044 |
Aktivieren |
1045 |
Fixed or Polled Pressure |
1046 |
RTD-Kabel-Widerstand |
1047 |
Meter RTD Resistance |
1048 |
Leitungs-RTD-Widerstand |
1049 |
Einschaltzeit |
1050 |
Power On Time is the number of seconds since the last power cycle. |
1051 |
Tabelle 23E |
1052 |
Tabelle 24E |
1053 |
/degC |
1054 |
4.1f |
1055 |
deaktiviert |
1056 |
aktiviert |
1057 |
The pressure to which referred density data will be corrected. |
1058 |
Reference Pressure |
1059 |
API K0 |
1060 |
API K1 |
1061 |
Externe Temperatur |
1062 |
Fixed or Polled Temperature |
1063 |
Enabled: Process measurement will be adjusted for the effect of temperature on the vibrating element.
Disabled: Process measurement will not be adjusted for the effect of temperature. |
1064 |
Externe Temperatur Modul |
1065 |
External Temperature for Viscosity |
1066 |
Enabled: The external (polled) temperature value will be used in gas measurement.
Disabled: The onboard (RTD) temperature data will be used in gas measurement. |
1067 |
External Temperature for Gas |
1068 |
Menü-Passcode |
1069 |
Passcode (4-stellig) |
1070 |
4d |
1071 |
Variable 1 |
1072 |
Diagnostic Input Density |
1073 |
Diagnostic Calculated Density |
1074 |
Variable 2 |
1075 |
Variable 3 |
1076 |
Variable 4 |
1077 |
Variable 5 |
1078 |
Variable 6 |
1079 |
Variable 7 |
1080 |
Variable 8 |
1081 |
Variable 9 |
1082 |
Variable 10 |
1083 |
Variable 11 |
1084 |
Variable 12 |
1085 |
Variable 13 |
1086 |
Variable 14 |
1087 |
Variable 15 |
1088 |
Aktualisierungsrate (100-10.000) |
1089 |
Englisch |
1090 |
Deutsch |
1091 |
Französisch |
1092 |
Spanisch |
1093 |
Modbus ASCII Support |
1094 |
1095 |
Engineer-to-Order-Nummer |
1096 |
Auswerteelek. Firmware Prüfs. |
1097 |
The result of the integrity check calculated for the meter. |
1098 |
MID Softwareversion |
1099 |
The version of the software component that implements MID security. |
1100 |
Aktive Matrix |
1101 |
Konzentrationsmessung |
1102 |
Displays the status of the concentration measurement application. |
1103 |
Temperatur hoch |
1104 |
Enable or disable the extrapolation alerts as desired. Note: If you are using matrix switching, you must enable the extrapolation alerts that will trigger matrix switching. |
1105 |
Dichte niedrig |
1106 |
Dichte hoch |
1107 |
Temperatur niedrig |
1108 |
Variable |
1109 |
Ereignistyp |
1110 |
Dichte 6 |
1111 |
Temperaturisotherme 1 |
1112 |
Temperaturisotherme 2 |
1113 |
Temperaturisotherme 3 |
1114 |
Temperaturisotherme 4 |
1115 |
Temperaturisotherme 5 |
1116 |
Temperaturisotherme 6 |
1117 |
Abgeleitete Variable |
1118 |
Density at Reference |
1119 |
Specific Gravity |
1120 |
Mass Concentration(Dens) |
1121 |
Mass Concentration(SG) |
1122 |
Volume Concentration(Dens) |
1123 |
Volume Concentration(SG) |
1124 |
Concentration(Dens) |
1125 |
Concentration(SG) |
1126 |
Geschw. Obergrenze |
1127 |
Geschw. Untergrenze |
1128 |
The calibration factors calculated for this meter, in an updated format. |
1129 |
A1 |
1130 |
A2 |
1131 |
A3 |
1132 |
A4 |
1133 |
A5 |
1134 |
A6 |
1135 |
A7 |
1136 |
A8 |
1137 |
A9 |
1138 |
The adjustment to be applied to the pressure value. This value is added to the external pressure value. |
1139 |
Druck Offset |
1140 |
The adjustment to be applied to the density process variable. This value is added to the measured density. |
1141 |
Dichte Offset |
1142 |
The adjustment to be applied to the density process variable. The measured density is multiplied by this value. |
1143 |
Gerätefaktor (0.8-1.2) |
1144 |
Korrektur |
1145 |
Pressure Measurement Type |
1146 |
Gauge |
1147 |
Absolute |
1148 |
The adjustment to be applied to the volume flow process variable. The measured volume flow is multiplied by this value. |
1149 |
Volume Factor (0.8-1.2) |
1150 |
Polled |
1151 |
Digitale Kommunikation |
1152 |
The unit from which the special unit will be calculated. |
1153 |
Basiseinheit |
1154 |
The value by which the base unit will be divided, to report data in the special unit. |
1155 |
Umrechnungsfaktor |
1156 |
The name to be used for the special unit. |
1157 |
Kennzeichnung |
1158 |
Enabled: The meter will calculate and report process variables based on the values specified here.
Disabled: The meter will calculate and report process variables based on live data. |
1159 |
When Sensor Simulation is enabled, Velocity will be fixed at this value. |
1160 |
The amount of time required for one vibration cycle. |
1161 |
The temperature of the process gas or fluid. |
1162 |
A |
1163 |
The value to be used for this constant in the equation. |
1164 |
B |
1165 |
X |
1166 |
C |
1167 |
Y |
1168 |
E |
1169 |
F |
1170 |
Konstante |
1171 |
The constant value to be used for this variable in the equation. |
1172 |
User-Defined Calculation Output Type |
1173 |
Basisdichte Quelle |
1174 |
Berechn. Basisdichte |
1175 |
Anwend. Basisdichte |
1176 |
The process variable to be used for this variable in the equation. |
1177 |
t |
1178 |
a |
1179 |
b |
1180 |
c |
1181 |
d |
1182 |
e |
1183 |
f |
1184 |
ρw (Density of Water) |
1185 |
Density of water at reference temperature and reference pressure. |
1186 |
The label to be used for the result of the user-defined calculation. |
1187 |
Calculation Output Label |
1188 |
Labordichte |
1189 |
The density of your process fluid at line temperature, as measured in a laboratory or by a very accurate device. |
1190 |
Dichte Offset Kalibr. starten |
1191 |
Select Fluid |
1192 |
Water |
1193 |
Known User Fluid |
1194 |
Anwender Sensorprfg |
1195 |
Basisdichte Sensorprüfung |
1196 |
Time Period (Vacuum) at 20 degC |
1197 |
Time Period (Air) at 20 degC |
1198 |
Zustandsprüfung Erg. |
1199 |
Fragwürdig |
1200 |
Nicht ausgeführt |
1201 |
Läuft |
1202 |
No Factory Calibration |
1203 |
Sensor Zeitp. (A) Durchschn. |
1204 |
Sensor Zeitperiode (A) Stabilit. |
1205 |
Temp.Prüfung Durchschn. |
1206 |
Temp.Prüfung Stabilität |
1207 |
Aufnehmerprfg Durchs. |
1208 |
Qualität Durchschn. |
1209 |
Temp.Differenz Durchschnitt |
1210 |
Temp.Differenz Stabilität |
1211 |
Messsystem Höhe |
1212 |
The altitude or elevation of this meter. 0 = sea level. |
1213 |
0 Fuß |
1214 |
1000 Fuß |
1215 |
2000 Fuß |
1216 |
3000 Fuß |
1217 |
4000 Fuß |
1218 |
5000 Fuß |
1219 |
6000 Fuß und höher |
1220 |
500 Meter |
1221 |
1000 Meter |
1222 |
2000 Meter und höher |
1223 |
Zustandsprüfung Fhlr |
1224 |
Sensor Zeitp. Durchsch. Fehler |
1225 |
Sensor Zeitperiode max. Abweichung Fehler |
1226 |
Temp. max. Abweichung Fehler |
1227 |
DG Durchschn. Fehler |
1228 |
Gehäusetemp. max. Abweichung Fehler |
1229 |
Sensorprüfng starten |
1230 |
Measurement Type |
1231 |
Stimmgabeltyp |
1232 |
Viscomaster |
1233 |
Viscomaster Dyn. |
1234 |
Aquametro Basic |
1235 |
Schnittstellentyp |
1236 |
1237 |
Analog |
1238 |
Externer Zugriff |
1239 |
Gabeltyp |
1240 |
Kurz |
1241 |
Lang |
1242 |
1243 |
KM Baume |
1244 |
KM Twaddle |
1245 |
KM Plato |
1246 |
CM Brix |
1247 |
Matrix Switching |
1248 |
Kanal A |
1249 |
mA Ausgang 1 |
1250 |
Kanal B |
1251 |
mA Ausgang 2 |
1252 |
Dichte Legacy-Index 1 |
1253 |
Satz 1 |
1254 |
Satz 2 |
1255 |
K0 |
1256 |
K1 |
1257 |
K2 |
1258 |
The calibration factors calculated for this meter, in legacy format. |
1259 |
9.6f |
1260 |
Dichte Legacy-Index 2 |
1261 |
Satz 3 |
1262 |
Satz 4 |
1263 |
K20A |
1264 |
K20B |
1265 |
K21A |
1266 |
K21B |
1267 |
K18 |
1268 |
K19 |
1269 |
K22 |
1270 |
K23 |
1271 |
Durch. Antriebsver. |
1272 |
Antriebsverst.Stabl. |
1273 |
Durch. Gehäusetemp. |
1274 |
Gehäusetemp. Stabilität |
1275 |
Wählen Sie die Option die Sie konfigurieren wollen: |
1276 |
Beenden zum Verlassen |
1277 |
Select ‘Yes’ to save the burst configuration settings. |
1278 |
Konfiguration speichern: |
1279 |
Version of the current Device Description. |
1280 |
A020: Kalibrierfakt. nicht eingeg. |
1281 |
A021: Sensortyp nicht erkannt/eingegeben |
1282 |
A029: Interner Kommunikationsfehler |
1283 |
A030: Hardware/Software inkompatibel |
1284 |
A033: Rohr/Gabel schwing nicht |
1285 |
A038: Zeitper. Bereichsübersch |
1286 |
A100: MAO1 gesättigt |
1287 |
A114: mA-Ausgang 2 fest |
1288 |
A122: API:Druck außerhalb Std.Bereich |
1289 |
A133: UI EEPROM Fehler |
1290 |
A134: Gehäuse-Messsystem Temp.Diff. Tol.wt.überschr. |
1291 |
A136: Falscher Anzeigertyp |
1292 |
1293 |
1294 |
KDV Calibration Index |
1295 |
Sensor Zeitperiode Stabilit. |
1296 |
Factory Average Drive Gain |
1297 |
Sensor Time Period obtained during factory test. |
1298 |
Durchschn. Zeitperi. Anw |
1299 |
A113: Secondary mAO Saturated |
1300 |
A114: Secondary mAO Fixed |
1301 |
A118: Discrete Output Fixed |
1302 |
A036: Viskosit Tol.wt.fehler |
1303 |
KV Index |
1304 |
KV4 |
1305 |
KV5 |
1306 |
KV6 |
1307 |
Density calibration factors. |
1308 |
K0 |
1309 |
K1 |
1310 |
K2 |
1311 |
Temperature calibration factors. |
1312 |
K18 |
1313 |
K19 |
1314 |
Velocity of Sound of Calibration Fluid |
1315 |
Velocity of Sound of Measured Fluid |
1316 |
Active Calibration Set |
1317 |
Density calibration factors, used to establish the relationship between density and sensor response. |
1318 |
6.6f |
1319 |
Temperature compensation factors, used to adjust measurement for the effects of temperature on the device. |
1320 |
Velocity of sound compensation factors, used to adjust measurement for the effects of pressure waves in the process gas. |
1321 |
K3 |
1322 |
K4 |
1323 |
The molecular weight of air. The default value (28.96469 g/mol) is appropriate for most applications. |
1324 |
Molecular Weight of Air |
1325 |
Calibration Gas Constant |
1326 |
Measurement Gas Constant |
1327 |
Calibration Temperature Constant |
1328 |
Measurement Temperature Constant |
1329 |
Viscosity Value Range |
1330 |
Ultra Low (0.50 – 10.46 cP) |
1331 |
Low (10.46 – 108.16 cP) |
1332 |
Medium (108.16 – 1087.43 cP) |
1333 |
High (1087.43 – 13345.64 cP) |
1334 |
V0 |
1335 |
V1 |
1336 |
V2 |
1337 |
Range Scale at selected range |
1338 |
Viscosity range switch setpoint index |
1339 |
Ultra Low to Low |
1340 |
Low to Medium |
1341 |
Medium to High |
1342 |
Dynamic Viscosity Scaling Factor |
1343 |
Viscosity Hysteresis |
1344 |
Compression Filter parameter |
1345 |
Viscosity Offset |
1346 |
The density of the process gas at base temperature and base pressure. |
1347 |
Density ASTM Coeff A |
1348 |
Density ASTM Coeff B |
1349 |
Start Viscosity Scaling Factor Calibration |
1350 |
cP |
1351 |
Laboratory Dynamic Viscosity |
1352 |
Referred Viscosity Calculation Method |
1353 |
Referred Viscosity Maximum Fit Order for 6x6 matrix |
1354 |
Referred Temperature 1 |
1355 |
Referred Temperature 2 |
1356 |
Fit Accuracy |
1357 |
Fit Result |
1358 |
Good |
1359 |
Failed |
1360 |
Matrix Data Unit |
1361 |
Number of ASTM Reference Curves |
1362 |
Compressibility Method |
1363 |
The measurement standard to be used to measure compressibility. |
1364 |
1365 |
AGA NX19 |
1366 |
1367 |
1368 |
Base Pressure |
1369 |
The compressibility of the process gas at base temperature and base pressure. |
1370 |
Base Compressibility |
1371 |
6.4f |
1372 |
The temperature to which density data will be corrected (the reference temperature). |
1373 |
Base Temperature |
1374 |
The density of air at base temperature and base pressure. |
1375 |
Base Density of Air |
1376 |
The percentage of carbon dioxide in the process gas. |
1377 |
The percentage of nitrogen in the process gas. |
1378 |
The percentage of hydrogen in the process gas. |
1379 |
The percentage of carbon monooxide in the process gas. |
1380 |
SGERG Method |
1381 |
1382 |
1383 |
1384 |
1385 |
1386 |
Compressibility Calculations |
1387 |
Calibration Number |
1388 |
Low Range Time Period Gas K0 |
1389 |
Mid Range Time Period Gas K1 |
1390 |
High Range Time Period Gas K2 |
1391 |
Low Range SG Gas K0 |
1392 |
Mid Range SG Gas K1 |
1393 |
High Range SG Gas K2 |
1394 |
Gas |
1395 |
The sensor time period used to calculate the K0 calibration point. |
1396 |
Sensor Time Period (Low) |
1397 |
The sensor time period used to calculate the K1 calibration point. |
1398 |
Sensor Time Period (Medium) |
1399 |
The sensor time period used to calculate the K2 calibration point. |
1400 |
Sensor Time Period (High) |
1401 |
The specific gravity used to calculate the K0 calibration point. |
1402 |
The relative density used to calculate the K0 calibration point. |
1403 |
The molecular weight used to calculate the K0 calibration point. |
1404 |
Specific Gravity (Low) |
1405 |
Relative Density (Low) |
1406 |
Molecular Weight Low (g/mol) |
1407 |
5.6f |
1408 |
The specific gravity used to calculate the K1 calibration point. |
1409 |
The relative density used to calculate the K1 calibration point. |
1410 |
The molecular weight used to calculate the K1 calibration point. |
1411 |
Specific Gravity (Medium) |
1412 |
Relative Density (Medium) |
1413 |
Molecular Weight Medium (g/mol) |
1414 |
The specific gravity used to calculate the K2 calibration point. |
1415 |
The relative density used to calculate the K2 calibration point. |
1416 |
The molecular weight used to calculate the K2 calibration point. |
1417 |
Specific Gravity (High) |
1418 |
Relative Density (High) |
1419 |
Molecular Weight High (g/mol) |
1420 |
The name of the gas to be used to determine the K0 calibration point. |
1421 |
Hydrogen |
1422 |
Helium |
1423 |
CO2 |
1424 |
Nitrogen |
1425 |
CO |
1426 |
Oxygen |
1427 |
Argon |
1428 |
Air |
1429 |
Hydrogen Sulphide |
1430 |
Methane |
1431 |
Ethane |
1432 |
Propane |
1433 |
Butane |
1434 |
Custom Gas 1 |
1435 |
Custom Gas 2 |
1436 |
Custom Gas 3 |
1437 |
Custom Gas 4 |
1438 |
Other |
1439 |
The name of the gas to be used to determine the K1 calibration point. |
1440 |
The name of the gas to be used to determine the K2 calibration point. |
1441 |
Start/Abort Gas Calibration |
1442 |
Abort |
1443 |
Start |
1444 |
Save Gas Calibration 1 |
1445 |
Save Gas Calibration 2 |
1446 |
Save Gas Calibration 3 |
1447 |
Start Gas Calibration |
1448 |
Active Calibration |
1449 |
The calibration factors to be used for measurement. |
1450 |
Calibration Format |
1451 |
Displays whether this calibration is based on two calibration gases or three calibration gases. |
1452 |
2-Point Calibration |
1453 |
3-Point Calibration |
1454 |
Indicates whether or not the data for this calibration is acceptable. |
1455 |
Calibration Point |
1456 |
A measure of the variability of the Sensor Time Period value, used to indicate the stage or the quality of the calibration process. |
1457 |
ns |
1458 |
Stability |
1459 |
Volume Flow Source |
1460 |
Enabled: Volume flow data will be obtained from an external device. Requires polling setup.
Disabled: No volume flow data will be obtained. |
1461 |
The current volume flow rate from the external device. |
1462 |
External Flow |
1463 |
Mass Flow Source |
1464 |
Enabled: Mass flow data will be obtained from an external device. Requires polling setup.
Disabled: No mass flow data will be obtained. |
1465 |
The current mass flow rate from the external device. |
1466 |
Referred Viscosity Curve Isotherm Index |
1467 |
Referred Viscosity Temperature Isotherm Value |
1468 |
Referred Viscosity ISO at temperature 0 |
1469 |
Referred Viscosity ISO at temperature 1 |
1470 |
Referred Viscosity ISO at temperature 2 |
1471 |
Referred Viscosity ISO at temperature 3 |
1472 |
Referred Viscosity ISO at temperature 4 |
1473 |
Referred Viscosity ISO at temperature 5 |
1474 |
Centistokes |
1475 |
Viscosity 1 |
1476 |
Viscosity 2 |
1477 |
Viscosity 3 |
1478 |
Viscosity 4 |
1479 |
Viscosity 5 |
1480 |
Viscosity 6 |
1481 |
Referred Viscosity ASTM Curve Index |
1482 |
Temperature 1 |
1483 |
Temperature 2 |
1484 |
The compressibility of the process gas. Typically measured using a gas chromatograph. |
1485 |
Line Compressibility |
1486 |
Input Density Classification |
1487 |
Input Density Family |
1488 |
Input Density LS |
1489 |
Input Density Family Status |
1490 |
Input Density Update Period |
1491 |
Calculated Density Classification |
1492 |
Calculated Density Family |
1493 |
Calculated Density LS |
1494 |
Calculated Density Family Status |
1495 |
Calculated Density Update Period |
1496 |
Gas Specific Gravity 2 Upper Sensor Limit |
1497 |
Gas Specific Gravity 2 Lower Sensor Limit |
1498 |
Gas Specific Gravity 2 Minimum Span |
1499 |
Gas Specific Gravity 2 |
1500 |
Gas Specific Gravity 2 Classification |
1501 |
Gas Specific Gravity 2 Family |
1502 |
Gas Specific Gravity 2 LS |
1503 |
Gas Specific Gravity 2 Family Status |
1504 |
Gas Specific Gravity 2 Update Period |
1505 |
Gas Specific Gravity 3 Upper Sensor Limit |
1506 |
Gas Specific Gravity 3 Lower Sensor Limit |
1507 |
Gas Specific Gravity 3 Minimum Span |
1508 |
Gas Specific Gravity 3 |
1509 |
Gas Specific Gravity 3 Classification |
1510 |
Gas Specific Gravity 3 Family |
1511 |
Gas Specific Gravity 3 LS |
1512 |
Gas Specific Gravity 3 Family Status |
1513 |
Gas Specific Gravity 3 Update Period |
1514 |
Gas Specific Gravity 4 Upper Sensor Limit |
1515 |
Gas Specific Gravity 4 Lower Sensor Limit |
1516 |
Gas Specific Gravity 4 Minimum Span |
1517 |
Gas Specific Gravity 4 |
1518 |
Gas Specific Gravity 4 Classification |
1519 |
Gas Specific Gravity 4 Family |
1520 |
Gas Specific Gravity 4 LS |
1521 |
Gas Specific Gravity 4 Family Status |
1522 |
Gas Specific Gravity 4 Update Period |
1523 |
Molecular Weight 2 Upper Sensor Limit |
1524 |
Molecular Weight 2 Lower Sensor Limit |
1525 |
Molecular Weight 2 Minimum Span |
1526 |
Molecular Weight 2 Classification |
1527 |
Molecular Weight 2 Family |
1528 |
Molecular Weight 2 LS |
1529 |
Molecular Weight 2 Family Status |
1530 |
Molecular Weight 2 Update Period |
1531 |
Molecular Weight 3 Upper Sensor Limit |
1532 |
Molecular Weight 3 Minimum Span |
1533 |
Molecular Weight 3 Classification |
1534 |
Molecular Weight 3 Family |
1535 |
Molecular Weight 3 LS |
1536 |
Molecular Weight 3 Family Status |
1537 |
Molecular Weight 3 Update Period |
1538 |
Molecular Weight 4 Upper Sensor Limit |
1539 |
Molecular Weight 4 Lower Sensor Limit |
1540 |
Molecular Weight 4 Minimum Span |
1541 |
Molecular Weight 4 Classification |
1542 |
Molecular Weight 4 Family |
1543 |
Molecular Weight 4 LS |
1544 |
Molecular Weight 4 Family Status |
1545 |
Molecular Weight 4 Update Period |
1546 |
ED Concentration 2 Classification |
1547 |
ED Concentration 2 Family |
1548 |
ED Concentration 2 LS |
1549 |
ED Concentration 2 Family Status |
1550 |
ED Concentration 2 Update Period |
1551 |
ED Concentration 3 Classification |
1552 |
ED Concentration 3 Family |
1553 |
ED Concentration 3 LS |
1554 |
ED Concentration 3 Family Status |
1555 |
ED Concentration 3 Update Period |
1556 |
ED Concentration 4 Classification |
1557 |
ED Concentration 4 Family |
1558 |
ED Concentration 4 LS |
1559 |
ED Concentration 4 Family Status |
1560 |
ED Concentration 4 Update Period |
1561 |
Sensor Simulation Mode |
1562 |
Simulation Mode Type |
1563 |
Fester Wert |
1564 |
Niedriger Steigungspunkt |
1565 |
Hoher Steigungspunkt |
1566 |
Steigungsdauer |
1567 |
The type of Dynamic Viscosity Simulation. |
1568 |
Dynamic Viscosity Fixed Value |
1569 |
Dynamic Viscosity Minimum Amplitude of waveform |
1570 |
Dynamic Viscosity Maximum Amplitude of waveform |
1571 |
Dynamic Viscosity period of waveform |
1572 |
Select measurement type: |
1573 |
SG/MW/RD of Pure Gas |
1574 |
7.5f |
1575 |
SG/MW/RD of Second Gas |
1576 |
Calibration Name |
1577 |
Water Density |
1578 |
Reference Temperature (Water) |
1579 |
Reference Pressure (Water) |
1580 |
Calculated Water Density |
1581 |
Difference in Density |
1582 |
Start Inline Calibration |
1583 |
Note: Gauges will be displayed based on active calibration selection. |
1584 |
Tag, model code, revision, security, and related data. |
1585 |
Revisionsnummern |
1586 |
Current values of process variables and outputs. |
1587 |
Primärvariable |
1588 |
Sekundärvariable |
1589 |
External Variable |
1590 |
Trend charts for common process and diagnostic variables. |
1591 |
Displays a trend chart for net mass flow rate. |
1592 |
Displays a trend chart for net volume flow rate. |
1593 |
Displays a trend chart for specific gravity (CM). |
1594 |
Displays a trend chart for density. |
1595 |
Displays a trend chart for temperature. |
1596 |
Displays a trend chart for velocity. |
1597 |
Displays a trend chart for volume flow rate. |
1598 |
Displays a trend chart for concentration. |
1599 |
Displays a trend chart for density at reference (CM). |
1600 |
Displays a trend chart for density at reference (API). |
1601 |
Displays a trend chart for specific gravity (Gas). |
1602 |
Displays a trend chart for molecular weight. |
1603 |
Displays a trend chart for relative density. |
1604 |
Displays a trend chart for base density (Gas). |
1605 |
Displays a trend chart for dynamic viscosity. |
1606 |
Displays a trend chart for kinematic viscosity. |
1607 |
Displays a trend chart for referred viscosity. |
1608 |
Displays a trend chart for referred viscosity (Secondary). |
1609 |
Displays a trend chart for sensor time period (A). |
1610 |
Displays a trend chart for sensor time period. |
1611 |
Displays a trend chart for case temperature. |
1612 |
Displays a trend chart for tube-case temp difference. |
1613 |
Displays a trend chart for input voltage. |
1614 |
Displays a trend chart for board temperature. |
1615 |
Displays a trend chart for left pickoff amplitude. |
1616 |
Displays a trend chart for right pickoff amplitude. |
1617 |
Displays a trend chart for pickoff amplitude. |
1618 |
Displays a trend chart for drive gain. |
1619 |
Displays a trend chart for quality factor. |
1620 |
Displays a trend chart for input density. |
1621 |
Grundeinstellung |
1622 |
Kalibrierfaktoren konfigurieren. |
1623 |
Configure channels, outputs and mapped variables. |
1624 |
Perform the Known Density Verification procedure to verify that the meter's current operation matches the factory baseline. |
1625 |
Configure outputs and mapped variables. |
1626 |
Determine calibration factors for a set of gases by measuring the time period while running each gas through the meter. |
1627 |
View calibration data. |
1628 |
Configure the parameters required to measure the energy content of the gas. |
1629 |
Note: Gas Composition values can be read in from an external device if External Polling has been configured. |
1630 |
Configure the parameters required for external pressure, temperature, gas composition, and other process variables. |
1631 |
The meter supports a maximum of four polling connections. |
1632 |
‘Pressure Offset’ and ‘Pressure Measurement Type’ will be read-only if ‘Pressure Input’ is set to Fixed. |
1633 |
Configure the parameters required for fundamental gas measurement. |
1634 |
Configure the parameters required to measure gas compressibility. |
1635 |
Calculation Methods |
1636 |
Note: The SGERG-88 and AGA NX19 MOD3H compressibility methods require Calorific Value. You must set up energy content measurement for these methods. |
1637 |
Note: Gas Composition values can be read in from an external device if External Polling has been configured. Percent H2 value can be entered only if Compressibility Method is set to SGERG-88. |
1638 |
Anzuzeigende Prozessvariablen auswählen. |
1639 |
Anzeigegenauigkeit für jede Prozessvariable angeben. |
1640 |
View the output channel types. |
1641 |
mA-Ausgang 1 und 2 (falls vorhanden) konfigurieren. |
1642 |
Abfrage externer Prozessdaten konfigurieren. |
1643 |
Variablen der Primärvariablen (PV), Sekundärvariablen (SV), Tertiärvariablen (TV) und Quaternärvariablen (QV) zuordnen. |
1644 |
Kanaltyp für Kanal B einstellen. |
1645 |
Binärausgang konfigurieren. |
1646 |
View the channel types. |
1647 |
Messsystem Info |
1648 |
Burst Meldungen und Ereignis Meldungen konfigurieren. |
1649 |
HART-Kommunikation konfigurieren. |
1650 |
Burst Variablen konfigurieren |
1651 |
Configure the contents of Burst Message 1. |
1652 |
Gerätevariablen |
1653 |
PV, SV, TV, QV |
1654 |
Wenn das System gesperrt ist, kann es nur mit dem aktuell angeschlossene HART-Master konfiguriert oder kalibriert werden. Wenn das System freigegeben ist, kann es von allen HART-Mastern konfiguriert oder kalibriert werden. Andere Anschlussarten sind nicht betroffen. |
1655 |
Changes the Alert Severity to Fault, Information or Ignore. |
1656 |
Displays the current severity of the alert. |
1657 |
Extrapolationstyp |
1658 |
Alle Alarme gleichzeitig bestätigen. |
1659 |
Auswerteelektronik hat ein Kommunikationsproblem mit dem Sensor festgestellt. |
1660 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Messsystem aus- und einschalten.
2. Micro Motion kontaktieren. |
1661 |
Auswerteelektronik empfängt ein oder mehrere elektrische Grundsignale nicht vom Sensor. |
1662 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Antriebsverstärkung und Aufnehmerspannung prüfen.
2. Auf Kurzschlüsse untersuchen.
3. Integrität der Messrohre prüfen. |
1663 |
Widerstandsthermometer-Widerstand liegt außerhalb des Bereichs für den Sensor. |
1664 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Auf Kurzschlüsse untersuchen.
2. Temperaturkennlinie oder Kalibrierparameter prüfen.
3. Prozessbedingungen gegen die vom Gerät ausgegebenen Werte prüfen.
4. Micro Motion kontaktieren. |
1665 |
Die gemessene Geschwindigkeit ist größer als die obere Geschwindigkeitsgrenze des Sensors. |
1666 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Falls andere Alarme gesetzt wurden, beheben Sie zunächst diese Alarmbedingungen. Falls der aktuelle Alarm weiter besteht, ergreifen Sie die empfohlenen Maßnahmen.
2. Prozessbedingungen gegen die vom Gerät gemeldeten Werte prüfen.
3. Prüfen, ob eine Zweiphasenströmung vorhanden ist. |
1667 |
Keine Kalibrierfaktoren eingegeben, Sensortyp ist falsch oder Kalibrierfaktoren entsprechen nicht dem Sensortyp. |
1668 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Alle Charakterisierungs- oder Kalibrierparameter prüfen. Diese Daten finden Sie auf dem Typenschild des Sensors oder dem Kalibrierdatenblatt für das Messsystem.
2. Auf Kurzschlüsse prüfen.
3. Micro Motion kontaktieren. |
1669 |
Leitungsdichte ist größer als 3 g/cm3. |
1670 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Falls andere Alarme gesetzt wurden, beheben Sie zunächst diese Alarmbedingungen. Falls der aktuelle Alarm weiter andauert, fahren Sie mit den empfohlenen Maßnahmen fort.
2. Sicherstellen, dass sich keine Luft in den Messrohren befindet, dass die Messrohre gefüllt sind, dass sich keine Fremdkörper oder Ablagerungen in den Messrohren befinden und dass keine anderen Prozessprobleme vorliegen.
3. Auf Zweiphasenströmung prüfen.
4. Falls ein A003 Alarm gesetzt wurde, auf Kurzschlüsse prüfen.
5. Alle Charakterisierungs- oder Kalibrierparameter prüfen. Diese Daten finden Sie auf dem Typenschild des Sensors oder dem Kalibrierdatenblatt für das Messsystem.
6. Antriebsverstärkung und Aufnehmerspannung prüfen.
7. Micro Motion kontaktieren. |
1671 |
Auswerteelek. im Einschaltmodus. |
1672 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Warten, bis das Messsystem die Einschaltsequenz abgeschlossen hat. Der Alarm sollte automatisch gelöscht werden.
2. Prüfen, ob die Messrohre mit dem Prozessmedium gefüllt sind.
3. Prüfen, ob die Spannungsversorgung der Auswerteelektronik ausreicht.
4. Falls die Spannung nicht ausreicht, das Problem beheben und das Messsystem aus- und wieder einschalten.
5. Falls ausreichend Spannung anliegt, lässt sich vermuten, dass ein internes Spannungsproblem der Auswerteelektronik vorliegt. Die Auswerteelektronik austauschen. |
1673 |
Viele mögliche Ursachen, beispielsweise zu hoher Durchfluss durch den Sensor während eines Kalibrierverfahrens oder ein Nullpunktwert, der außerhalb des Bereichs liegt. Der Alarm wird erst gelöscht, wenn Sie das Messsystem aus- und wieder einschalten. |
1674 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Falls dieser Alarm während der Nullstellung (nur CDM Messsysteme) gesetzt wird, sicherstellen, dass kein Durchfluss durch den Sensor vorhanden ist. Das Messsystem dann aus- und wieder einschalten und das Verfahren wiederholen. |
1675 |
Viele mögliche Ursachen, beispielsweise zu hoher Durchfluss - insbesondere Rückwärtsfluss - durch den Sensor während eines Kalibrierverfahrens oder ein zu niedriger Nullpunktwert. Dieser Alarm wird zusammen mit A010 gesetzt. Der Alarm wird erst gelöscht, wenn Sie das Messsystem aus- und wieder einschalten. |
1676 |
Empfohlene Maßnahme:
1. Sicherstellen, dass kein Durchfluss durch den Sensor vorhanden ist. Das Messsystem dann aus- und wieder einschalten und das Verfahren wiederholen. |
1677 |
Viele mögliche Ursachen, beispielsweise zu hoher Durchfluss - insbesondere Vorwärtsfluss - durch den Sensor während eines Kalibrierverfahrens oder ein zu hoher Nullpunktwert. Dieser Alarm wird zusammen mit A010 gesetzt. Der Alarm wird erst gelöscht, wenn Sie das Messsystem aus- und wieder einschalten. |
1678 |
Prozessbedingungen während des Kalibrierverfahrens waren zu instabil. Der Alarm wird erst gelöscht, wenn Sie das Messsystem aus- und wieder einschalten. |
1679 |
Empfohlene Maßnahme:
1. Quellen für elektromagnetisches Rauschen (z. B. Pumpen, Vibration, Rohrspannungen) entfernen oder reduzieren, das Messsystem dann aus- und wieder einschalten und das Verfahren wiederholen. |
1680 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Sicherstellen, dass alle Deckel des Gehäuses mit den Kabelanschlüssen ordnungsgemäß angebracht sind.
2. Sicherstellen, dass die Verdrahtung der Auswerteelektronik den Spezifikationen entspricht und alle Kabelabschirmungen ordnungsgemäß abgeschlossen sind.
3. Die Erdung aller Komponenten prüfen.
4. Die Umgebung auf Quellen elektromagnetischer Störungen evaluieren und die Auswerteelektronik versetzen oder die Verdrahtung ggf. anders verlegen.
5. Micro Motion kontaktieren. |
1681 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Prozessbedingungen gegen die vom Gerät gemeldeten Werte prüfen.
2. Auf Kurzschlüsse untersuchen.
3. Micro Motion kontaktieren. |
1682 |
Der berechnete Widerstandswert des Messsystems und des RTD-Gehäuses liegt außerhalb der Grenzwerte. |
1683 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Prozessbedingungen gegen die vom Gerät gemeldeten Werte prüfen. Die Temperatur sollte zwischen – 200 °F and +400 °F liegen.
2. Auf Kurzschlüsse untersuchen.
3. Micro Motion kontaktieren. |
1684 |
Einige Kalibrierfaktoren wurden nicht oder falsch eingegeben. |
1685 |
Empfohlene Maßnahme:
1. Alle Charakterisierungs- oder Kalibrierparameter prüfen. Diese Daten finden Sie auf dem Typenschild des Sensors oder dem Kalibrierdatenblatt für das Messsystem. |
1686 |
Der konfigurierte Platinentyp entspricht nicht der physikalischen Platine, oder der konfigurierte Sensortyp entspricht nicht dem physikalischen Sensor. |
1687 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Alle Charakterisierungs- oder Kalibrierparameter prüfen. Diese Daten finden Sie auf dem Typenschild des Sensors oder dem Kalibrierdatenblatt für das Messsystem.
2. Sicherstellen, dass die korrekte Platine installiert ist. |
1688 |
Auswerteelektronik wurde aus dem sicheren in den ungesicherten Modus geschaltet. Im ungesicherten Modus kann die Konfiguration der Auswerteelektronik geändert werden. |
1689 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. HART-Gerätekennung prüfen. Für MID-Anwendungen darf dieser Wert nicht gleich Null sein. Falls die Gerätekennung auf 0 eingestellt ist, das Werk verständigen.
2. Auswerteelektronik in den sicheren Modus schalten, um den Alarm zu löschen. Beachten Sie, dass ggf. zusätzliche Verfahren erforderlich sind, um das Gerät wieder in den sicheren Modus schalten zu können. |
1690 |
Interne Elektronik fehlerhaft. Dies kann auf einen Ausfall der Kommunikation zwischen Auswerteelektronik und Anzeigermodul hindeuten. |
1691 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Messsystem aus- und einschalten.
2. Anzeigermodul austauschen.
3. Micro Motion kontaktieren. |
1692 |
Die geladene Software ist nicht mit dem programmierten Platinentyp kompatibel. |
1693 |
Signal von Sensoraufnehmer(n) reicht nicht aus. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass die Messrohre oder Schwingelemente nicht vibrieren. |
1694 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Sicherstellen, dass sich keine Luft in den Messrohren befindet, dass die Messrohre gefüllt sind, dass sich keine Fremdkörper oder Ablagerungen in den Messrohren befinden und dass keine anderen Prozessprobleme vorliegen.
2. Auf eine Separation des Prozessmediums prüfen. Hierzu den Dichtewert überwachen und die Ergebnisse mit den erwarteten Dichtewerten vergleichen.
3. Sicherstellen, dass die Sensorausrichtung für die Anwendung angemessen ist. Dieser Alarm kann durch Absetzen von einem zwei- oder dreiphasigen Prozessmedium verursacht werden, selbst wenn die Messrohre gefüllt sind. |
1695 |
The measured viscosity is outside the calibrated range. |
1696 |
Recommended Actions:
1. Check your process conditions against the values reported by the device.
2. Contact Micro Motion. |
1697 |
Bekannte Dichteverifizierung fehlgeschlagen. |
1698 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Ergebnisse der Unterprüfung auswerten und empfohlene Maßnahmen durchführen.
2. Test wiederholen.
3. Micro Motion kontaktieren. |
1699 |
Das Zeitperiodensignal liegt außerhalb der Grenzwerte für den Sensortyp. |
1700 |
Empfohlene Maßnahme:
1. Prozessbedingungen gegen die vom Gerät gemeldeten Werte prüfen. |
1701 |
Der berechnete mA-Ausgangswert liegt außerhalb des konfigurierten Bereichs. |
1702 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Einstellungen für ‘Messende’ und ‘Messanfang’ prüfen.
2. Prozessbedingungen prüfen. Tatsächliche Bedingungen liegen ggf. außerhalb der Normalbedingungen, für die der Ausgang konfiguriert wurde.
3. Sicherstellen, dass sich keine Luft in den Messrohren befindet, dass die Messrohre gefüllt sind, dass sich keine Fremdkörper oder Ablagerungen in den Messrohren befinden und dass keine anderen Prozessprobleme vorliegenn.
4. Überprüfen, ob die Messsysteme für die Anwendung richtig konfiguriert sind.
5. Messrohre entlüften. |
1703 |
Die HART-Adresse ist auf einen Wert außer Null eingestellt, oder der mA-Ausgang ist so konfiguriert, dass ein konstanter Wert gesendet wird. |
1704 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Prüfen, ob der Ausgang auf Messkreistest eingestellt ist. Wenn ja, die feste Einstellung aufheben.
2. Abgleich des mA-Ausgangs beenden, falls zutreffend.
3. HART-Adresse prüfen. Wenn die HART-Adresse nicht Null ist, müssen Sie ggf. den mA-Maßnahmeparameter (Messkreismodus) aktivieren.
4. Prüfen, ob der Ausgang über digitale Kommunikation auf einen konstanten Wert eingestellt wurde. |
1705 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Antriebsverstärkung und Aufnehmerspannung prüfen.
2. Auf Kurzschlüsse prüfen.
3. Sicherstellen, dass sich keine Luft in den Messrohren befindet, dass die Messrohre gefüllt sind, dass sich keine Fremdkörper oder Ablagerungen in den Messrohren befinden und dass keine anderen Prozessprobleme vorliegen.
4. Auf eine Separation des Prozessmediums prüfen. Hierzu den Dichtewert überwachen und die Ergebnisse mit den erwarteten Dichtewerten vergleichen.
5. Sicherstellen, dass die Sensorausrichtung für die Anwendung angemessen ist. Dieser Alarm kann durch Absetzen von einem zwei- oder dreiphasigen Prozessmedium verursacht werden, selbst wenn die Messrohre gefüllt sind. |
1706 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Verfahren beenden lassen.
2. Bei Nullpunktkalibrierung (nur CDM Messsysteme) können Sie die Kalibrierung abbrechen, den Nullzeitparameter auf einen niedrigeren Wert einstellen und die Kalibrierung neu starten. |
1707 |
The density has exceeded the user-defined two-phase (density) limits. |
1708 |
Recommended Actions:
1. Check that meter is completely full.
2. Check that two-phase limits are set to appropriate values.
3. Verify Density Cutoff is at least 0.2 g/cc.
4. If you want to change the alert severity, go to the Configure-> Alert Setup-> Alert Severity screen. |
1709 |
HART-Burstmodus ist aktiviert. |
1710 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Keine Maßnahme erforderlich.
2. Auf Wunsch können Sie die Alarmstufe auf Ignorieren einstellen. |
1711 |
Der mA-Ausgang wurde auf Senden eines konstanten Werts konfiguriert. |
1712 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Prüfen, ob der Ausgang auf Messkreistest eingestellt ist. Wenn ja, die feste Einstellung aufheben.
2. Abgleich des mA-Ausgangs beenden, falls zutreffend.
3. Prüfen, ob der Ausgang über digitale Kommunikation auf einen konstanten Wert eingestellt wurde. |
1713 |
Die Verbindung zu einem externen Messsystem ist fehlgeschlagen. Keine externen Daten verfügbar. |
1714 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Sicherstellen, dass das externe Gerät ordnungsgemäß funktioniert.
2. Verdrahtung zwischen Auswerteelektronik und externem Gerät prüfen.
3. HART-Abfragekonfiguration prüfen. |
1715 |
Die gemessene Temperatur liegt außerhalb des Bereichs der API-Tabelle. |
1716 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Prozessbedingungen gegen die vom Gerät gemeldeten Werte prüfen.
2. Konfiguration der API-Referenzanwendung und relevante Parameter prüfen. |
1717 |
Die gemessene Dichte liegt außerhalb des Bereichs der API-Tabelle. |
1718 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Prozessbedingungen gegen die vom Gerät gemeldeten Werte prüfen.
2. Konfiguration der API-Referenzanwendung und relevante Parameter prüfen. |
1719 |
Der Binärausgang wurde auf Senden eines konstanten Werts konfiguriert. |
1720 |
Empfohlene Maßnahme:
1. Prüfen, ob der Ausgang auf Messkreistest eingestellt ist. Wenn ja, die feste Einstellung aufheben. |
1721 |
Die Auswerteelektronik konnte keine gültige Konzentrationsmatrix basierend auf den aktuellen Daten berechnen. |
1722 |
Empfohlene Maßnahme:
1. Die Konfiguration der Anwendung Konzentrationsmessung prüfen. |
1723 |
Leitungsdichte oder Leitungstemperatur liegt außerhalb des Bereichs der Konzentrationsmatrix plus dem konfigurierten Extrapolationsgrenzwert. |
1724 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Prozessbedingungen gegen die vom Gerät gemeldeten Werte prüfen.
2. Konfiguration der Konzentrationsmessungsanwendung prüfen. |
1725 |
Leitungsdruck liegt außerhalb des Bereichs der API-Tabelle plus dem Extrapolationsgrenzwert. |
1726 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Prozessbedingungen gegen die vom Gerät gemeldeten Werte prüfen.
2. Konfiguration der API-Referenzanwendung und relevante Parameter prüfen. |
1727 |
Speicherfehler im Anzeigermodul. |
1728 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Messsystem aus- und einschalten.
2. Anzeigermodul austauschen.
3. Micro Motion kontaktieren. |
1729 |
Sensor simulation mode/simulation mode is enabled. |
1730 |
Recommended Action:
1. Disable sensor simulation mode/simulation mode. |
1731 |
Differenz zwischen Gehäusetemperatur und Temperatur des Prozessmediums ist größer als 10 °C. |
1732 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Auf Prozessstörungen untersuchen. Änderungen der Leitungstemperatur spiegeln sich ggf. nicht sofort in der Gehäusetemperatur wider.
2. Auf Kurzschlüsse prüfen.
3. Einen Heizmantel installieren.
4. Micro Motion kontaktieren. |
1733 |
Am Gerät wurde ein falsches Anzeigermodul installiert. Dies kann in Ex-Bereichen ein Sicherheitsrisiko darstellen. |
1734 |
Empfohlene Maßnahme:
1. Das installierte Anzeigermodul gegen ein geeignetes Anzeigermodul austauschen. |
1735 |
Empfohlene Maßnahme:
1. Sicherstellen, dass die mA-Ausgangsbereichswerte richtig eingestellt sind. |
1736 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Die HART-Adresse prüfen. Wenn ungleich Null, den mA-Maßnahmenparameter einstellen, um den Live-mA-Ausgang zu aktivieren.
2. Wenn ein mA-Ausgang-Abgleich durchgeführt wird, den mA-Ausgang-Abgleich beenden.
3. Wenn ein mA-Ausgang-Messkreistest durchgeführt wird, den mA-Ausgang-Messkreistest beenden.
4. Prüfen, ob der Ausgang über digitale Kommunikation oder den Digitalanzeiger auf einen festen Wert eingestellt wurde. |
1737 |
Empfohlene Maßnahmen:
1. Dies ist ein Zusammenfassungsalarm, der generiert wird, wenn einer der Fehlerstufenalarme aktiv ist. Andere aktive Alarme zuerst beheben. |
1738 |
Erweit. Ereignis 1 wurde ausgelöst. |
1739 |
Empfohlene Maßnahme:
1. Keine Maßnahme erforderlich. |
1740 |
Erweit. Ereignis 2 wurde ausgelöst. |
1741 |
Erweit. Ereignis 3 wurde ausgelöst. |
1742 |
Erweit. Ereignis 4 wurde ausgelöst. |
1743 |
Erweit. Ereignis 5 wurde ausgelöst. |
1744 |
Velocity switch has been triggered. |
1745 |
No Active Alerts |
1746 |
mA-Ausgang so kalibrieren, dass er dem Referenzmessgerät entspricht. |
1747 |
Ist das Gerät mit einem Display ausgerüstet, suchen Sie auf dem Display nach der Modellbezeichnung die das Gerät einfach idendifizierbar macht. |
1748 |
Das Muster erscheint 60 Sekunden lang auf dem Anzeiger. |
1749 |
Weiter zum Starten. |
1750 |
Dieses Muster erscheint z. Zt. auf dem Geräteanzeiger. |
1751 |
Der Anzeiger schaltet nach 60 Sek wieder auf Normalbetrieb.
Um früher wieder in Normalbetrieb zu schalten, eine beliebige Taste auf dem Anzeiger drücken. |
1752 |
Perform a density offset calibration to verify or adjust the value of ‘Density Offset’. |
1753 |
Perform a temperature calibration to adjust the value of ‘Temperature’. |
1754 |
Perform a viscosity scaling factor calibration to adjust 'Dynamic Viscosity'. |
1755 |
Perform the Inline Calibration Check procedure to verify that the meter’s measurement is unchanged since the last calibration or applied Density Offset. |
1756 |
Modbusdaten vom Gerätespeicher lesen. |
1757 |
Modbusdaten in Gerätespeicher schreiben. |
1758 |
Gerät aus- und einschalten, ohne die Gerätekonfiguration zu ändern. |
1759 |
Vorhandene Gerätekonfiguration mit der Werkskonfiguration überschreiben. |
1760 |
Manually reset the Configuration Changed Flag if the host is not able to reset the flag automatically. |
1761 |
Verdrahtung und Stromwert des mA-Ausgangs 1 prüfen. |
1762 |
Verdrahtung und Stromwert des mA-Ausgangs 2 prüfen. |
1763 |
Verdrahtung und Polarität des Binärausgangs prüfen. |
1764 |
Simulationswerte |
1765 |
Simulationskonfiguration |
1766 |
Dichte-Simulationseinstellungen |
1767 |
Temperatur-Simulationseinstellungen |
1768 |
Dynamic Viscosity Simulation Settings |
1769 |
Simulationseinstellungen |
1770 |
Konfiguration Burst Meldung 1 |
1771 |
Burst Meldung 1 ist zu dektivieren bevor Sie fortfahren.
Diese Meldung wird kontinuierlich weiter übertragen.
Bitte nachfolgende Burst Option wählen: |
1772 |
Konfiguration Burst Meldung 2 |
1773 |
Bitte nachfolgende Burst Option wählen: |
1774 |
Konfiguration Burst Meldung 3 |
1775 |
Burst Meldung 1 Konfiguration ist nachfolgend dargestellt. Möchten Sie die Einstellungen speichern? |
1776 |
Burst Rate Konfiguration |
1777 |
Burst Meldung 2 Konfiguration ist nachfolgend dargestellt. Möchten Sie die Einstellungen speichern? |
1778 |
Burst Meldung 3 Konfiguration ist nachfolgend dargestellt. Möchten Sie die Einstellungen speichern? |
1779 |
Das Host System muss in der Lage sein Burst Meldungen und Ereignisse Meldungen zu akzeptieren. Bestätigen bevor Sie mit der Konfiguration fortfahren. |
1780 |
Ereignis Meldungen helfen durch das Senden von Burst Meldungen abnormale Gerätebedingungen zu identifizieren. |
1781 |
Wählen Sie die Alarme auf der Anzeige aus deren Änderung des Status eine Ereignis Meldung auslösen soll. |
1782 |
Werte für Trigger Intervall und Wiederholrate justieren, falls erforderlich.
Trigger Intervall ist die Zeit die der Alarm aktiv ist um die Ereignis Meldung auszulösen.
Wiederholrate ist die Zeit die die Ereignis Meldung kontinuierlich erscheint bis sie durch den Host bestätigt wird. |
1783 |
Erweiterte HART Konfiguration erfolgreich ausgeführt. |
1784 |
Meldung 2 |
1785 |
Erweiterter Geräte Status |
1786 |
Meldung 3 |
1787 |
Warnung |
1788 |
Ausgelöste Update Rate wurde justiert. |
1789 |
Fehler |
1790 |
Ungültige Burst Trigger Modus ausgewählt. |
1791 |
Burst Bedingung Konflikt |
1792 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort. |
1793 |
Matrixdaten |
1794 |
mA Ausgang 1 |
1795 |
mA Ausgang 2 |
1796 |
Typ |
1797 |
Sicherstellen, dass ‘Temperatureinheit’ auf vom ext. Temperaturmessgerät verwendete Einheit gesetzt ist. |
1798 |
Gas Inputs |
1799 |
Percent Carbon Dioxide |
1800 |
Percent Nitrogen |
1801 |
Percent Carbon Monoxide |
1802 |
Percent Hydrogen |
1803 |
‘Primärvariable’ wird automatisch mA-Ausgang 1 zugewiesen. |
1804 |
‘Sekundärvariable’ wird automatisch mA-Ausgang 2 zugewiesen (falls verfügbar). |
1805 |
‘Tertiärvariable’ wird nur für HART-Kommunik. verwendet. |
1806 |
‘Quaternärvariable’ wird nur für HART-Kommunik. verwendet. |
1807 |
Zugeordn Variabl Einh |
1808 |
Primärvariable Einh |
1809 |
Sekundärvariable Einh |
1810 |
Tertiärvariable Einh |
1811 |
Quaternärvar. Einh |
1812 |
Bekannte Dichteverifizierg Ergebn. |
1813 |
Bekannte Dichteverifiz. FEHLER. |
1814 |
Bekannte Dichteverifizierung OK. |
1815 |
Verifizierung Zeitper. Signalmittel außerhalb des akzeptablen Bereichs.
Empfohlene Maßnahmen: Messsystem muss sauber/trocken sein. Bekannte Dichteverifizierung wiederholen. |
1816 |
Verifizierung Zeitper. Signal max. Abweichung außerhalb des akzeptablen Bereichs.
Empfohlene Maßnahmen: Messsystem muss sauber/trocken sein. Bekannte Dichteverifizierung wiederholen. |
1817 |
Leitungstemp. max. Abweichung > 1 Grad C
Empfohlene Maßnahmen: Prüfen, ob die Umgebungstemperatur des Messsystems stabil ist und sich die Messsystem-
Temp. am Testort stabilisiert hat. Bekannte Dichteverifizierung wiederholen. |
1818 |
Antriebsverst. Mittel außerhalb des akzep. Bereichs.
Empfohlene Maßnahmen: Messsystem muss sauber/trocken sein. Bekannte Dichteverifizierung wiederholen. |
1819 |
Gehäusetemp. max. Abweichung > 1 Grad C
Empfohlene Maßnahmen: Prüfen, ob die Umgebungstemperatur des Messsystems stabil ist und sich die Messsystem-
Temp. am Testort stabilisiert hat. Bekannte Dichteverifizierung wiederholen. |
1820 |
Benutzerdef. Berechnung 1 |
1821 |
For each calculation variable, either assign a process variable or select constant to enter constant value. |
1822 |
Note: The meter performs this calculation using internal measurement units. If a constant represents a process variable, you must enter its value in the internal measurement unit. If a constant will be used to modify a process variable, you must use the internal measurement units to derive the constant. |
1823 |
Benutzerdef. Berechnung 2 |
1824 |
For the variable t, either assign a process variable or select constant to enter constant value. |
1825 |
Benutzerdef. Berechnung 3 |
1826 |
Den Wert wählen, der den Höhenmetern über NN am ehesten entspricht. |
1827 |
Configure the parameters required for concentration measurement. |
1828 |
Configure Concentration Measurement |
1829 |
Select the concentration matrix to be used for measurement. |
1830 |
Define or modify a concentration matrix. |
1831 |
Matrix-Konfiguration |
1832 |
Equation Selection Type |
1833 |
Adjust concentration measurement by applying an offset or a slope. |
1834 |
Important: These trim values are applied only to the concentration matrix currently selected for configuration. |
1835 |
Matrix-Auswahl |
1836 |
Extrapolationsalarm |
1837 |
Elektronikbedingungen |
1838 |
Sensorbedingungen |
1839 |
Prozessbedingungen |
1840 |
Konfigurationsbedingungen |
1841 |
Referred Matrices |
1842 |
ASTM Referral Matrices |
1843 |
Select the calibration gas and enter the Specific Gravity: |
1844 |
Select the calibration gas and enter the Relative Density: |
1845 |
Select the calibration gas and enter the Molecular Weight: |
1846 |
Calibration is in progress. Allow the sensor to stabilize for a minimum of 15 minutes, then observe the Sensor Time Period and Stability values. When the Calibration Point is Good, click Next to accept the calibration. |
1847 |
Calculated Coefficients |
1848 |
Note: ‘Difference in Density’ measurement is for diagnostic purposes only. Use ‘Known Density Verification’ for further diagnostic analysis, or ‘Density Offset Calibration’ to apply an offset. |
1849 |
Burstvariable 2 |
1850 |
Burstvariable 3 |
1851 |
Burstvariable 4 |
1852 |
Burstvariable 5 |
1853 |
Burstvariable 6 |
1854 |
Burstvariable 7 |
1855 |
Burstvariable 8 |
1856 |
Klassifizierung |
1857 |
Trigger Einheiten |
1858 |
Burst Meldungen |
1859 |
Ereignisse |
1860 |
PV Analog Channel Saturated |
1861 |
PV Analog Channel Fixed |
1862 |
Wireless |
1863 |
WirelessHART Device |
1864 |
IEEE 802.15.4 2.4GHz DSSS with O-QPSK Modulation |
1865 |
Primary |
1866 |
Primary Analog Channel |
1867 |
Secondary |
1868 |
Secondary Analog Channel |
1869 |
Tertiary |
1870 |
Tertiary Analog Channel |
1871 |
Quaternary |
1872 |
Quaternary Analog Channel |
1873 |
Quinary |
1874 |
Quinary Analog Channel |
1875 |
Critical Power Failure |
1876 |
Lock all |
1877 |
Trim not supported |
1878 |
Configuration cannot be changed |
1879 |
Locked by gateway |
1880 |
Analog Input Channel |
1881 |
Analog Output Channel |
1882 |
Secondary Analog Channel Saturated |
1883 |
Tertiary Analog Channel Saturated |
1884 |
Quaternary Analog Channel Saturated |
1885 |
Quinary Analog Channel Saturated |
1886 |
Secondary Analog Channel Fixed |
1887 |
Tertiary Analog Channel Fixed |
1888 |
Quaternary Analog Channel Fixed |
1889 |
Quinary Analog Channel Fixed |
1890 |
Simulation active |
1891 |
The device is in simulation mode and the level output is not representative of the process. |
1892 |
Non-Volatile memory failure |
1893 |
The Non-Volatile memory check is invalid or maybe corrupt, or the battery of a battery-backed memory has failed. |
1894 |
Volatile memory error |
1895 |
The RAM memory check is invalid or maybe corrupt |
1896 |
Watchdog reset executed |
1897 |
A watchdog reset has been performed |
1898 |
Voltage conditions out of range |
1899 |
A voltage condition is outside its allowable range |
1900 |
Environmental conditions out of range |
1901 |
An internal or environmental condition is beyond acceptable limits. |
1902 |
Electronic failure |
1903 |
A hardware problem not related to the sensor has been detected. |
1904 |
Subdevice list changed |
1905 |
Duplicate master detected |
1906 |
Capacity Denied |
1907 |
The device was unable to acquire the communication bandwidth required to support the Burst Messaging specified |
1908 |
Bandwidth allocation pending |
1909 |
Block transfer pending |
1910 |
Battery life |
1911 |
Percent range |
1912 |
Loop current |
1913 |
Primary variable |
1914 |
Secondary variable |
1915 |
Tertiary variable |
1916 |
Quaternary variable |
1917 |
Read receive time |
1918 |
Write date and time |
1919 |
Non-Volatile Clock |
1920 |
When set the device contains a battery-backed clock. In this case, the clock does not need to be reset if there is a power failure. |
1921 |
Clock Uninitialized |
1922 |
The real-time clock has never been set with the date and time. For example, the clock is volatile and power was removed from and restored to the device. |
1923 |
None |
1924 |
No restrictions |
1925 |
SI Only |
1926 |
Restricted to SI Unit codes only |
1927 |
Process automation device |
1928 |
Discrete device |
1929 |
Hybrid:Process automation+discrete |
1930 |
I/O System |
1931 |
WirelessHART Process automation device |
1932 |
WirelessHART Discrete device |
1933 |
WirelessHART Process automation+discrete |
1934 |
WirelessHART Gateway |
1935 |
WirelessHART Access point |
1936 |
WirelessHART Process adapter |
1937 |
WirelessHART Discrete adapter |
1938 |
WirelessHART enabled handheld/portable maintenance tool |
1939 |
Device Profile |
1940 |
US |
1941 |
United States of America |
1942 |
JP |
1943 |
Japan |
1944 |
DE |
1945 |
Germany |
1946 |
FR |
1947 |
France |
1948 |
ES |
1949 |
Spain |
1950 |
RU |
1951 |
Russian Federation |
1952 |
CN |
1953 |
People's Republic of China |
1954 |
Secondary Master |
1955 |
Primary Master |
1956 |
Device Diagnostic Status 0 |
1957 |
Device Diagnostic Status 1 |
1958 |
I/O and Subdevice Status |
1959 |
WirelessHART Status |
1960 |
Time Set Option |
1961 |
Real Time Clock Flags |
1962 |
Country |
1963 |
Country of intended device installation |
1964 |
SI Unit Control |
1965 |
Indicates if device should only display SI unit codes |
1966 |
Burst Trigger Units |
1967 |
Enable on token-passing data link layer only |
1968 |
Enable on TDMA data link layer only |
1969 |
Enable on both TDMA and token-passing data link layer |
1970 |
Burst Trigger Class |
1971 |
Continuous |
1972 |
The Burst Message is published continuously at (worst case) the Minimum Update Period. |
1973 |
Window |
1974 |
The Burst Message is triggered when the source value deviates more than the specified trigger value |
1975 |
Rising |
1976 |
The Burst Message is triggered when source value Rises Above the specified trigger value. |
1977 |
Falling |
1978 |
The Burst Message is triggered when the source value Falls Below the specified trigger value. |
1979 |
On-change |
1980 |
The Burst Message is triggered when any value in the message changes. |
1981 |
Off |
1982 |
Enable event notification on token-passing data link layer |
1983 |
Enable event notification on TDMA data link layer |
1984 |
Enable event notification on TDMA and token-passing data link layer |
1985 |
Configuration changed event pending |
1986 |
Device status event pending |
1987 |
More status available event pending |
1988 |
Wired HART Enabled |
1989 |
Enabled on Wired HART device connection only |
1990 |
Wireless HART Enabled |
1991 |
Enabled on WirelessHART device connection only |
1992 |
Both Wired and WirelessHart Enabled |
1993 |
Enabled on both Wired and WirelessHART connections |
1994 |
Burst Msg Trigger Mode |
1995 |
Event Status |
1996 |
Event Notification Control |
1997 |
Device Status Mask |
1998 |
Ext dev status Mask |
1999 |
Device Diagnostic Status 0 Mask |
2000 |
Device Diagnostic Status 1 Mask |
2001 |
Device Diagnostic Status 2 Mask |
2002 |
Device Diagnostic Status 3 Mask |
2003 |
AO saturated Mask |
2004 |
AO fixed Mask |
2005 |
Latched Device Status |
2006 |
Operate mode Mask |
2007 |
Not Defined |
2008 |
Latched Ext dev status |
2009 |
Latched Device Diagnostic Status 0 |
2010 |
Latched Device Diagnostic Status 1 |
2011 |
Latched Device Diagnostic Status 2 |
2012 |
Latched Device Diagnostic Status 3 |
2013 |
Latched AO saturated |
2014 |
Latched AO fixed |
2015 |
Latched Operate Mode |
2016 |
Flow Coriolis Mass |
2017 |
Time Stamp |
2018 |
Relative time value on network |
2019 |
8u |
2020 |
Configuration Change Counter Mismatch |
2021 |
Status bytes mismatch |
2022 |
Device Variable |
2023 |
Analog Channel Number |
2024 |
Analog Channel Number- Index into an array of Analog Channels. |
2025 |
STX Count |
2026 |
Count of STX messages received by this device |
2027 |
ACK Count |
2028 |
Count of ACK messages received by this device |
2029 |
BACK Count |
2030 |
Count of BACK messages received by this device |
2031 |
Burst Command |
2032 |
Cmd 48: Read Additional Device Status |
2033 |
Read Additional Device - This command reads additional device status information |
2034 |
Update Period |
2035 |
Update period for burst message |
2036 |
5.3f |
2037 |
Max Update Period |
2038 |
Maxium update period for burst message |
2039 |
Burst Variable Code |
2040 |
Burst Variable Slot - Device variable code assigned to the slot to be read in burst mode. |
2041 |
Burst Trigger Level |
2042 |
Time First Unack Event Triggered |
2043 |
The time when the first unacknowledged event was triggered |
2044 |
Event Notification Retry Time |
2045 |
Max Update Time |
2046 |
Burst Message Number |
2047 |
Total Burst Msgs |
2048 |
Total number of burst messages supported by this device |
2049 |
Event Number |
2050 |
Event Debounce Interval |
2051 |
Device Specific Status 0 Mask |
2052 |
Device Specific Status 1 Mask |
2053 |
Device Specific Status 2 Mask |
2054 |
Device Specific Status 3 Mask |
2055 |
Device Specific Status 4 Mask |
2056 |
Device Specific Status 5 Mask |
2057 |
Device Specific Status 14 Mask |
2058 |
Device Specific Status 15 Mask |
2059 |
Device Specific Status 16 Mask |
2060 |
Device Specific Status 17 Mask |
2061 |
Device Specific Status 18 Mask |
2062 |
Device Specific Status 19 Mask |
2063 |
Device Specific Status 20 Mask |
2064 |
Latched Device Specific Status 0 |
2065 |
Latched Device Specific Status 1 |
2066 |
Latched Device Specific Status 2 |
2067 |
Latched Device Specific Status 3 |
2068 |
Latched Device Specific Status 4 |
2069 |
Latched Device Specific Status 5 |
2070 |
Latched Device Specific Status 14 |
2071 |
Latched Device Specific Status 15 |
2072 |
Latched Device Specific Status 16 |
2073 |
Latched Device Specific Status 17 |
2074 |
Latched Device Specific Status 18 |
2075 |
Latched Device Specific Status 19 |
2076 |
Latched Device Specific Status 20 |
2077 |
Latched Cfg chng count |
2078 |
Number of Events Supported |
2079 |
Burst Variable Codes |
2080 |
Update time adjusted |
2081 |
Invalid burst message |
2082 |
Invalid device variable classification |
2083 |
Invalid burst trigger mode selection code |
2084 |
Burst condition conflict |
2085 |
Update period increased |
2086 |
Insufficient bandwidth |
2087 |
Update period or debounce interval adjusted |
2088 |
Update times adjusted |
2089 |
Update rate uncertain |
2090 |
Not all events cleared |
2091 |
NOTE-Send TV assignment before modifying range values. |
2092 |
Messkreis kann wieder in Automatikbetrieb geschaltet werden. |
2093 |
Das Ändern der Konfiguration kann den Betrieb der Auswerteelektronik beeinflussen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Regelkreis auf manuellen Betrieb gesetzt ist bevor Sie fortfahren. |
2094 |
select |
2095 |
Abbruch aufgrund Feldgerätefehler. |
2096 |
warning |
2097 |
select1 |
2098 |
select2 |
2099 |
select3 |
2100 |
Beenden |
2101 |
Nullzeit eingeben: |
2102 |
Prepare the meter:
1. Allow the meter to warm up for at least 20 minutes after applying power.
2. Run the process fluid through the meter until the sensor temperature reaches the normal process operating temperature.
3. Stop flow through the meter by shutting the downstream valve, and then the upstream valve if available.
4. Verify that the meter is blocked in, that flow has stopped, and that the meter is completely full of process fluid.
5. Observe the drive gain, temperature, and density readings. If they are stable, check the Live Zero value. If the average value is close to 0, you should not need to zero the meter.
Click Next when meter preparation is complete. |
2103 |
Nullpunktkalibrierung läuft... |
2104 |
Press Next to reset the data for all six matrices.
Warning: All matrix data will be deleted from the device. |
2105 |
Alle Matrixdaten wurden vom Gerät gelöscht. |
2106 |
Press Next to refresh the Concentration Measurement screen. |
2107 |
Sperroption auswählen: |
2108 |
Permanent;Temporär;Alle sperren |
2109 |
Gerät kann nicht entsperrt werden.
Gerät wird von einem anderen Host gesperrt. |
2110 |
Alle Alarme werden bestätigt. |
2111 |
API Tabelle Nr. wählen: |
2112 |
API Tabelle Buchs. wähl: |
2113 |
A;B;D |
2114 |
A;B;D;E |
2115 |
C;E |
2116 |
Thermischen Expansionskoeffizienten eingeben: |
2117 |
Referenztemperatur eingeben: |
2118 |
Enter Reference Pressure: |
2119 |
Select the mA output to configure: |
2120 |
mA Output 1;mA Output 2;Exit |
2121 |
Keep Existing Assignment;Temperature;Density;Density at Reference (API);Density at Reference (CM);Specific Gravity (CM);Concentration;Drive Gain;Case Temperature;External Pressure;External Temperature;User-Defined Calculation Output;Tube-Case Temperature Difference;Velocity;Sensor Time Period; |
2122 |
Keep Existing Assignment;Temperature;Drive Gain;Case Temperature;External Pressure;External Temperature;User-Defined Calculation Output;Tube-Case Temperature Difference;Velocity;Sensor Time Period; |
2123 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Temperature.
Select Primary Variable: |
2124 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Density.
Select Primary Variable: |
2125 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Density at Reference (API).
Select Primary Variable: |
2126 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Density at Reference (CM).
Select Primary Variable: |
2127 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Specific Gravity (CM).
Select Primary Variable: |
2128 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Concentration (CM).
Select Primary Variable: |
2129 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Drive Gain.
Select Primary Variable: |
2130 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Case Temperature.
Select Primary Variable: |
2131 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to External Pressure.
Select Primary Variable: |
2132 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to External Temperature.
Select Primary Variable: |
2133 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to User-Defined Calculation Output.
Select Primary Variable: |
2134 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Tube-Case Temperature Difference.
Select Primary Variable: |
2135 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Velocity.
Select Primary Variable: |
2136 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Sensor Time Period.
Select Primary Variable: |
2137 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Temperature.
Select Secondary Variable: |
2138 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Density.
Select Secondary Variable: |
2139 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Density at Reference (API).
Select Secondary Variable: |
2140 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Density at Reference (CM).
Select Secondary Variable: |
2141 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Specific Gravity (CM).
Select Secondary Variable: |
2142 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Concentration (CM).
Select Secondary Variable: |
2143 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Drive Gain.
Select Secondary Variable: |
2144 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Case Temperature.
Select Secondary Variable: |
2145 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to External Pressure.
Select Secondary Variable: |
2146 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to External Temperature.
Select Secondary Variable: |
2147 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to User-Defined Calculation Output.
Select Secondary Variable: |
2148 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Tube-Case Temperature Difference.
Select Secondary Variable: |
2149 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Velocity.
Select Secondary Variable: |
2150 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Sensor Time Period.
Select Secondary Variable: |
2151 |
Sie sind im Begriff, die Gerätekonfiguration mit Werksvorgaben zu überschreiben. Vor dem Fortfahren den Messkreis auf Handbetrieb schalten und vorhandene Konfigurationswerte dokumentieren oder speichern. Bei Unterbrechung der Verbindung zum Gerät die Verbindung mit den Vorgabewerte wiederherstellen. Fortfahren? |
2152 |
Werksvorgaben wieder hergestellt. |
2153 |
Referenzmessg. anschließen. |
2154 |
Click Next to set mA Output 1 to %0 mA. |
2155 |
Messwert des Referenzmessg. eingeben: |
2156 |
Entspricht der Geräteausgang dem Referenzmessg.? |
2157 |
Click Next to set mA Output 2 to %0 mA. |
2158 |
Gerät ist gesperrt, Parameter nicht konfigurierbar. |
2159 |
mA-Ausgang 1 zurück auf Normalbetrieb. |
2160 |
mA-Ausgang 2 zurück auf Normalbetrieb. |
2161 |
Modbus Datentyp: |
2162 |
Spule;Ohne Vorz. 16(U16);Ohne Vorz. 32(U32);Gleitk.;Beend |
2163 |
Spulenadresse lesen: |
2164 |
number |
2165 |
Registeradresse lesen: |
2166 |
Spulenwert ist %0 und Ausnahmecode ist %1. |
2167 |
U16 Wert ist %0 und Ausnahmecode ist %1. |
2168 |
U32 Wert ist %0 und Ausnahmecode ist %1. |
2169 |
Gleitkommawert ist %0 und Ausnahmecode ist %1. |
2170 |
Spulenadr. schreiben: |
2171 |
Registeradresse schreiben: |
2172 |
Spulenwt schreiben: |
2173 |
0;1 |
2174 |
U16 Wert schreiben: |
2175 |
uValue |
2176 |
U32 Wert schreiben: |
2177 |
Gleitkommawert schreiben: |
2178 |
fValue |
2179 |
mA-Ausg.Stufe 1 wählen: |
2180 |
Ausgangswert: |
2181 |
mA Ausgang 1 fest auf %0 mA. |
2182 |
mA-Ausg.Stufe 2 wählen: |
2183 |
mA Ausgang 2 fest auf %0 mA. |
2184 |
Binärausgangszustand wählen: |
2185 |
AUS;EIN;Ende |
2186 |
Discrete Output State is OFF. |
2187 |
Discrete Output State is ON. |
2188 |
Returning Discrete Output to normal function. |
2189 |
Select Pressure Unit used by the external pressure device: |
2190 |
Select Pressure Input: |
2191 |
Polled;Digital Communication;Fixed |
2192 |
Alarmnummer wählen: |
2193 |
Aktuelle Stufe ist %0. |
2194 |
Alarmstufe wählen: |
2195 |
Alarmstufe ansehen von: |
2196 |
%{1} ist auf %{0} eingestellt. |
2197 |
A001: EEPROM-Fehler (CP) ist auf %0 eingestellt. |
2198 |
A002: RAM-Fehler (CP) ist auf %0 eingestellt. |
2199 |
A003: Keine Antwort vom Sensor ist auf %0 eingestellt. |
2200 |
A004: Messbereichsüberschreitung für Temperatur ist auf %0 eingestellt. |
2201 |
A005: Messbereichsüberschreitung für Massedurchfluss ist auf %0 eingestellt. |
2202 |
A006: Charakterisierung erforderlich ist auf %0 eingestellt. |
2203 |
A008: Messbereichsüberschreitung für Dichte ist auf %0 eingestellt. |
2204 |
A009: Auswerteelektronik Initialisierung/Aufwärmphase ist auf %0 eingestellt. |
2205 |
A010: Kalibrierungsfehler ist auf %0 eingestellt. |
2206 |
A011: Nullpunktkalibrierung fehlgeschlagen: Niedrig ist auf %0 eingestellt. |
2207 |
A012: Nullpunktkalibrierung fehlgeschlagen: Hoch ist auf %0 eingestellt. |
2208 |
A013: Nullpunktkalibrierung fehlgeschlagen: Instabil ist auf %0 eingestellt. |
2209 |
A014: Auswerteelektronikfehler ist auf %0 eingestellt. |
2210 |
A016: Sensor-RTD-Fehler ist auf %0 eingestellt. |
2211 |
A017: T-Serien-RTD-Fehler ist auf %0 eingestellt. |
2212 |
A020: Calibration Factors Unentered is set to %0. |
2213 |
A021: Kein K1-Wert ist auf %0 eingestellt. |
2214 |
A027: Sicherheitsverstoß ist auf %0 eingestellt. |
2215 |
A029: Intern. Kommunikationsfehler gesetzt auf %0. |
2216 |
A030: Hardware/Software inkomp. gesetzt auf %0. |
2217 |
A033: Tube / Fork not Vibrating is set to %0. |
2218 |
A037: Sensorprfg Fhlr gesetzt auf %0. |
2219 |
A038: Zeitper außerh Bereich gesetzt auf %0. |
2220 |
A100: MAO1 gesättigt ist auf %0 eingestellt. |
2221 |
A101: mA Output 1 Fixed is set to %0. |
2222 |
A102: Messbereichsüberschreitung für Antrieb ist auf %0 eingestellt. |
2223 |
A104: Kalibrierung läuft ist auf %0 eingestellt. |
2224 |
A106: Burst-Betriebsart aktiviert ist auf %0 eingestellt. |
2225 |
A107: Spannungsunterbrechung eingetreten ist auf %0 eingestellt. |
2226 |
A113: mA Output 2 Saturated is set to %0. |
2227 |
A114: mA Output 2 Fixed is set to %0. |
2228 |
A115: No External Input or Polled Data is set to %0. |
2229 |
A116: API: Messbereichsüberschreitung für Temperatur ist auf %0 eingestellt. |
2230 |
A117: API: Messbereichsüberschreitung für Dichte ist auf %0 eingestellt. |
2231 |
A118: Discrete Output Fixed is set to %0. |
2232 |
A120: ED: Kurvenanpassung fehlgeschlagen ist auf %0 eingestellt. |
2233 |
A121: Extrapolation Alert (Concentration) is set to %0. |
2234 |
A122: API:Druck außerhalb Std.Bereich gesetzt auf %0. |
2235 |
A132: Simulation Active is set to %0. |
2236 |
A133: UI EEPROM Error is set to %0. |
2237 |
A134: Gehäuse-Messsystem Temp.Diff. Tol.wt.überschr. gesetzt auf %0. |
2238 |
A136: Falscher Anzeigertyp gesetzt auf %0. |
2239 |
Select the application option: |
2240 |
API Referenz;Konzentrationsmessung;Keine |
2241 |
API Referral;None |
2242 |
Concentration Measurement;None |
2243 |
Hinweis: MID ist aktiv und kann nicht geändert werden.
Anwendungsopt. wählen: |
2244 |
Hinweis: MID deaktiv. und kann nicht geändert werden.
Anwendungsopt. wählen: |
2245 |
Anwendung ist deaktiviert. Jetzt aktivieren? |
2246 |
Anwendung ist aktiviert. Jetzt deaktivieren? |
2247 |
API Referenz ist %0. |
2248 |
Konzentrationsmessung ist %0. |
2249 |
API application is disabled. |
2250 |
Concentration Measurement is disabled. |
2251 |
Alle Anwendungen deaktiviert. |
2252 |
Current viscosity value range is Ultra Low Range (0.50 – 10.46 cP).
Select the viscosity value range: |
2253 |
Ultra Low Range (0.50 – 10.46 cP);Low Range (10.46 – 108.16 cP);Medium Range (108.16 – 1087.43 cP);High Range (1087.43 – 13345.64 cP) |
2254 |
Current viscosity value range is Low (10.46 – 108.16 cP).
Select the viscosity value range: |
2255 |
Current viscosity value range is Medium (108.16 – 1087.43 cP).
Select the viscosity value range: |
2256 |
Current viscosity value range is High (1087.43 – 13345.64 cP).
Select the viscosity value range: |
2257 |
Known Density Verification has been aborted. |
2258 |
Prepare the meter:
1. Remove the meter from the process and place it in a protected stable environment.
2. Minimize variation in ambient temperature.
3. Eliminate vibration.
4. Ensure that a suitably rated vacuum pump is used that is able to draw a vacuum on the meter. Pull a vacuum inside the meter to a maximum pressure of 0.2 Torr.
5. Apply power to the meter.
Click Next when meter preparation is complete. |
2259 |
Prepare the meter:
1. Remove the meter from the process and place it in a protected stable environment.
2. Minimize variation in ambient temperature.
3. Eliminate vibration.
4. Ensure that the meter is clean. Check for deposition on the vibrating element or the inner walls of the device.
5. Apply power to the meter.
Click Next when meter preparation is complete. |
2260 |
Bekannte Dichteverifizierung erfordert 20 Proben und dauert ca. 20 Sekunden.
Auf Weiter klicken, um fortzufahren. |
2261 |
Known Density Verification is in progress... |
2262 |
No factory calibration present. Known Density Verification cannot be run. |
2263 |
Diese Modellbezeichnung auf dem Display hift das Gerät zu identifizieren.
Klicken Sie OK um zu starten. |
2264 |
Das Gerät zeigt jetzt die Modellbezeichnung, die es identifizierbar macht.
Das Display kehrt nach 60 Sekunden zum normalen Betrieb zurück, kann aber durch drücken einer Taste auf dem Bedieninterface unterbrochen werden. |
2265 |
Active Calculation: User-Defined Calculation 1 |
2266 |
Keine;Benutzerdef. Berechnung 1;Benutzerdef. Berechnung 2;Benutzerdef. Berechnung 3 |
2267 |
Active Calculation: User-Defined Calculation 2 |
2268 |
Active Calculation: User-Defined Calculation 3 |
2269 |
Aktive Berechnung: Keine |
2270 |
None;User-Defined Calculation 1;User-Defined Calculation 2 |
2271 |
Sie möchten keine benutzerdef. Berechnung verw.
Fortfahren, Weiter klicken. |
2272 |
User-Defined Calculation Output value is %0 %1. |
2273 |
Wert %0 %1
Wert %2 %3
Wert %4 %5 |
2274 |
User-Defined Calculation Output:
Value %0 |
2275 |
Value %0 %1
Density at Reference (CM):
Value %2 %3
Value %4 %5 |
2276 |
User-Defined Calculation Output:
Value %0
Value %1 %2
Specific Gravity:
Value %3 |
2277 |
Density at Reference (API):
Value %0 %1
Value %2 %3
User-Defined Calculation Output:
Value %4 |
2278 |
Value %0 %1 |
2279 |
Value %0 %1
Value %2 %3
User-Defined Calculation Output:
Value %4 |
2280 |
Weiter klicken, um Dichte-Offs-Kal zu starten. |
2281 |
Kalibrierung läuft... |
2282 |
Access Restricted |
2283 |
Reset des Gerätes, bitte warten. |
2284 |
Geräte Reset erfolgreich ausgeführt. |
2285 |
„OK“ drücken, um die Daten für alle sechs Matrizen zurücksetzen oder „ABBRECHEN“ drücken, um die Daten nicht zurücksetzen. |
2286 |
Press OK to refresh the Concentration Measurement screen. |
2287 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
The transmitter has detected a problem communicating with the sensor.
Recommended Actions:
1. Cycle power to the meter.
2. Contact Micro Motion. |
2288 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
The transmitter is not receiving one or more basic electrical signals from the sensor.
Recommended Actions:
1. Check the drive gain and the pickoff voltage.
2. Check for electrical shorts.
3. Check the integrity of the sensor tubes. |
2289 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
The RTD resistance is out of range for the sensor.
Recommended Actions:
1. Check for electrical shorts.
2. Verify temperature characterization or calibration parameters.
3. Check your process conditions against the values reported by the device.
4. Contact Micro Motion. |
2290 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
The measured velocity is greater than the maximum velocity limit of the sensor.
Recommended Actions:
1. If other alerts are present, resolve those alert conditions first. If the current alert persists, continue with the recommended actions.
2. Check your process conditions against the values reported by the device.
3. Check for two-phase flow. |
2291 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
Calibration factors have not been entered, or the sensor type is incorrect, or the calibration factors are incorrect for the sensor type.
Recommended Actions:
1. Verify all of the characterization or calibration parameters. See the sensor tag or the calibration sheet for your meter.
2. Check for electrical shorts.
3. Contact Micro Motion. |
2292 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
The line density is greater than 3 g/cm3.
Recommended Actions:
1. If other alerts are present, resolve those alerts conditions first. If the current alert persists, continue with the recommended actions.
2. Check for air in the flow tubes, tubes not filled, foreign material in the tubes, coating in the tubes, or other process problems.
3. Check for two-phase flow.
4. If accompanied by an A003 alert, check for electrical shorts.
5 Verify all of the characterization or calibration parameters. See the sensor tag or the calibration sheet for your meter.
6. Check the drive gain and the pickoff voltage.
7. Contact Micro Motion. |
2293 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
Transmitter is in power-up mode.
Recommended Actions:
1. Allow the meter to complete its power-up sequence. The alert should clear automatically.
2. Verify that the tubes are full of process fluid.
3. Verify that the transmitter is receiving sufficient power.
4. If it is not, correct the problem and cycle power to the meter.
5. If it is, this suggests that the transmitter has an internal power issue. Replace the transmitter. |
2294 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
Many possible causes, such as too much flow through the sensor during a calibration procedure, or a zero result that is out of range. This alert will not clear until you cycle power to the meter.
Recommended Actions:
1. If this alert appears during zeroing (CDM meters only), verify that there is no flow through the sensor, cycle power to the meter, then retry the procedure. |
2295 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
Many possible causes, such as too much flow, especially reverse flow, through the sensor during a calibration procedure, or a zero result that is too low. This alert is accompanied by A010. This alert will not clear until you cycle power to the meter.
Recommended Actions:
1. Verify that there is no flow through the sensor, cycle power to the meter, then retry the procedure. |
2296 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
Many possible causes, such as too much flow, especially forward flow, through the sensor during a calibration procedure, or a zero result that is too high. This alert is accompanied by A010. This alert will not clear until you cycle power to the meter.
Recommended Actions:
1. Verify that there is no flow through the sensor, cycle power to the meter, then retry the procedure. |
2297 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
There was too much process instability during the calibration procedure. This alert will not clear until you cycle power to the meter.
Recommended Actions:
1. Remove or reduce sources of electromechanical noise (e.g., pumps, vibration, pipe stress), cycle power to the meter, then retry the procedure. |
2298 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
Many possible causes.
Recommended Actions:
1. Ensure that all wiring compartment covers are installed correctly.
2. Ensure that all transmitter wiring meets specifications and that all cable shields are properly terminated.
3. Check the grounding of all components.
4. Evaluate the environment for sources of high electromagnetic interference (EMI) and relocate the transmitter or wiring as necessary.
5. Contact Micro Motion. |
2299 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
The value computed for the resistance of the Line RTD is outside limits.
Recommended Actions:
1. Check your process conditions against the values reported by the device.
2. Check for electrical shorts.
3. Contact Micro Motion. |
2300 |
Priority: Maintenance - Fix Soon
The value computed for the resistance of the meter and case RTDs are outside limits.
Recommended Actions:
1.Check your process conditions against the values reported by the device. Temperature should be between – 200 °F and +400 °F.
2. Check for electrical shorts.
3. Contact Micro Motion. |
2301 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
Some calibration factors have not been entered or are incorrect.
Recommended Actions:
1. Verify all of the characterization or calibration parameters. See the sensor tag or the calibration sheet for your meter. |
2302 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
The configured board type does not match the physical board, or the configured sensor type does not match the physical sensor.
Recommended Actions:
1. Verify all of the characterization or calibration parameters. See the sensor tag or the calibration sheet for your meter.
2. Ensure that the correct board is installed. |
2303 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
The transmitter has been switched from secure mode to unsecure mode. In unsecured mode, the transmitter configuration can be changed.
Recommended Actions:
1. Check the HART device ID. For MID applications, it must be non-zero. If it is set to 0, contact the factory.
2. Set the transmitter to secure to clear the alert. Note that additional procedures may be required to return the device to secured mode. |
2304 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
Internal electronics failure. This can indicate a loss of communication between the transmitter and the display module.
Recommended Actions:
1. Cycle power to the meter.
2. Replace the display module.
3. Contact Micro Motion. |
2305 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
The loaded software is not compatible with the programmed board type.
Recommended Actions:
1. Cycle power to the meter.
2. Contact Micro Motion. |
2306 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
The signal from the sensor pick-off(s) is insufficient. This suggests that the sensor tubes or vibrating elements are not vibrating.
Recommended Actions:
1. Check for air in the flow tubes, tubes not filled, foreign material in the tubes, coating in the tubes, or other process problems.
2. Check for fluid separation by monitoring the density value and comparing the results against expected density values.
3. Ensure that the sensor orientation is appropriate for your application. Settling from a two-phase or three-phase fluid can cause this alert even if the flow tubes are full. |
2307 |
Priority: Advisory
The measured viscosity is outside the calibrated range.
Recommended Actions:
1. Check your process conditions against the values reported by the device.
2. Contact Micro Motion. |
2308 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
Known Density Verification failed.
Recommended Actions:
1. Check the subtest results and perform the recommended actions.
2. Retry the test.
3. Contact Micro Motion. |
2309 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
The time period signal is outside the limits for the sensor type.
Recommended Actions:
1. Check your process conditions against the values reported by the device. |
2310 |
Priority: Advisory
The calculated mA output value is outside the configured range.
Recommended Actions:
1. Check the settings of ‘Upper Range Value’ and ‘Lower Range Value.’
2. Check process conditions. Actual conditions may be outside the normal conditions for which the output is configured.
3. Check for air in the flow tubes, tubes not filled, foreign material in the tubes, coating in the tubes, or other process problems.
4. Verify that the measurement units are configured correctly for your application.
5. Purge the flow tubes. |
2311 |
Priority: Advisory
The HART address is set to a non-zero value, or the mA output is configured to send a constant value.
Recommended Actions:
1. Check whether the output is in loop test mode. If it is, unfix the output.
2. Exit mA output trim, if applicable.
3. Check the HART address. If the HART address is non-zero, you may need to enable the mA Output Action (Loop Current Mode) parameter.
4. Check whether the output has been set to a constant value via digital communication. |
2312 |
Priority: Maintenance - Fix Soon
The drive power (current/voltage) is at its maximum.
Recommended Actions:
1. Check the drive gain and the pickoff voltage.
2. Check for electrical shorts.
3. Check for air in the flow tubes, tubes not filled, foreign material in the tubes, coating in the tubes, or other process problems.
4. Check for fluid separation by monitoring the density value and comparing the results against expected density values.
5. Ensure that the sensor orientation is appropriate for your application. Settling from a two-phase or three-phase fluid can cause this alert even if the flow tubes are full. |
2313 |
Priority: Advisory
A calibration procedure is in progress.
Recommended Actions:
1. Allow the procedure to complete.
2. For zero calibration (CDM meters only), you may abort the calibration, set the zero time parameter to a lower value, and restart the calibration. |
2314 |
Priority: Maintenance - Fix Soon
The density has exceeded the user-defined two-phase (density) limits.
Recommended Actions:
1. Check that meter is completely full.
2. Check that two-phase limits are set to appropriate values.
3. Verify density cutoff is at least 0.2 g/cc.
4. If you want to change the alert severity, go to the Configure-> Alert Setup-> Alert Severity screen. |
2315 |
Priority: Advisory
HART burst mode is enabled.
Recommended Actions:
1. No action required.
2. If desired, you can reconfigure the alert severity level to Ignore. |
2316 |
Priority: Maintenance - Fix Soon
The transmitter has been restarted.
Recommended Actions:
1. No action required.
2. If desired, you can reconfigure the alert severity level to Ignore. |
2317 |
Priority: Advisory
The mA output is configured to send a constant value.
Recommended Actions:
1. Check whether the output is in loop test mode. If it is, unfix the output.
2. Exit mA output trim, if applicable.
3. Check whether the output has been set to a constant value via digital communication. |
2318 |
Priority: Maintenance - Fix Soon
The connection to an external measurement device has failed. No external data is available.
Recommended Actions:
1. Verify that the external device is operating correctly.
2. Verify the wiring between the transmitter and the external device.
3. Verify the HART polling configuration. |
2319 |
Priority: Maintenance - Fix Soon
The measured temperature is outside the range of the API table.
Recommended Actions:
1. Check your process conditions against the values reported by the device.
2. Verify the configuration of the API referral application and related parameters. |
2320 |
Priority: Maintenance - Fix Soon
The measured density is outside the range of the API table.
Recommended Actions:
1. Check your process conditions against the values reported by the device.
2. Verify the configuration of the API referral application and related parameters. |
2321 |
Priority: Advisory
The discrete output has been configured to send a constant value.
Recommended Actions:
1. Check whether the output is in loop test mode. If it is, unfix the output. |
2322 |
Priority: Advisory
The transmitter was unable to calculate a valid concentration matrix from the current data.
Recommended Actions:
1. Verify the configuration of the concentration measurement application. |
2323 |
Priority: Maintenance - Fix Soon
The line density or line temperature is outside the range of the concentration matrix plus the configured extrapolation limit.
Recommended Actions:
1. Check your process conditions against the values reported by the device.
2. Verify the configuration of the concentration measurement application. |
2324 |
Priority: Maintenance - Fix Soon
The line pressure is outside the range of the API table plus the extrapolation limit.
Recommended Actions:
1. Check your process conditions against the values reported by the device.
2. Verify the configuration of the API Referral application and related parameters. |
2325 |
Priority: Advisory
Sensor simulation mode/simulation mode is enabled.
Recommended Actions:
1. Disable sensor simulation mode/simulation mode. |
2326 |
Priority: Maintenance - Fix Soon
There is a memory error in the display module.
Recommended Actions:
1. Cycle power to the meter.
2. Replace the display module.
3. Contact Micro Motion. |
2327 |
Priority: Maintenance - Fix Soon
The difference between the case temperature and the fluid temperature is greater than 10 °C.
Recommended Actions:
1. Check for process upsets. Changes to line temperature may not be immediately reflected in case temperature.
2. Check for electrical shorts.
3. Install a heat jacket.
4. Contact Micro Motion. |
2328 |
Priority: Maintenance - Fix Soon
An incorrect display module has been installed on the device. This may cause a safety violation in hazardous areas.
Recommended Actions:
1. Replace the installed display module with an appropriate display module. |
2329 |
Priority: Advisory
Enhanced Event 1 has been triggered.
Recommended Actions:
1. No action required. |
2330 |
Priority: Advisory
Enhanced Event 2 has been triggered.
Recommended Actions:
1. No action required. |
2331 |
Priority: Advisory
Enhanced Event 3 has been triggered.
Recommended Actions:
1. No action required. |
2332 |
Priority: Advisory
Enhanced Event 4 has been triggered.
Recommended Actions:
1. No action required. |
2333 |
Priority: Advisory
Enhanced Event 5 has been triggered.
Recommended Actions:
1. No action required. |
2334 |
Priority: Advisory
Velocity switch has been triggered.
Recommended Actions:
1. No action required. |
2335 |
Priority: Maintenance - Fix Soon
Non-zero HART address configured, or user has set the mA output to a fixed value.
Recommended Actions:
1. Check the HART address. If non-zero, set mA Output Action parameter to enable Live mA Output.
2. If mA output trim is being performed, exit mA output trim.
3. If mA output loop test is being performed, exit mA output loop test.
4. Check to see if the output has been fixed via digital communications or the local display. |
2336 |
Priority: Maintenance - Fix Soon
The calculated amount of current output is outside of the linear range.
Recommended Actions:
1. Verify that mA output range values are set to appropriate values. |
2337 |
Prepare the meter:
1. Remove the meter from the process and place it in a protected stable environment.
2. Minimize variation in ambient temperature.
3. Eliminate vibration.
4. Ensure that a suitably rated vacuum pump is used that is able to draw a vacuum on the meter. Pull a vacuum inside the meter to a maximum pressure of 0.2 Torr.
Click OK when meter preparation is complete. |
2338 |
Prepare the meter:
1. Remove the meter from the process and place it in a protected stable environment.
2. Minimize variation in ambient temperature.
3. Eliminate vibration.
4. Ensure that the meter is clean. Check for deposition on the vibrating element or the inner walls of the device.
Click OK when meter preparation is complete. |
2339 |
Known Density Verification requires 20 samples, and will take about 20 seconds to complete.
Click OK to continue. |
2340 |
Bekannte Dichteverifizierung läuft... |
2341 |
Know Density Verification: %0
Time Period Diff: %1
Time Period Stability: %2
Fluid Temp: %3
Drive Gain: %4
Case Temp Stability: %5 |
2342 |
Know Density Verification: %0
Time Period Diff: %1
Time Period Stability: %2
Fluid Temp: %3
Drive Gain: %4 |
2343 |
Click OK to begin density offset calibration. |
2344 |
Keep Existing Assignment;Temperature;Density;Density at Reference (API);Density at Reference (CM);Specific Gravity (CM);Net Mass Flow Rate (CM);Net Volume Flow Rate (CM);Concentration (CM);Drive Gain;Case Temperature;External Pressure;External Temperature;User-Defined Calculation Output;Volume from Mag/Vortex Meter;Calculated Mass Flow from Mag Meter Input;Sensor Time Period; |
2345 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Net Mass Flow Rate (CM).
Select Primary Variable: |
2346 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Net Volume Flow Rate (CM).
Select Primary Variable: |
2347 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Volume from Mag/Vortex Meter.
Select Primary Variable: |
2348 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Calculated Mass Flow from Mag Meter Input.
Select Primary Variable: |
2349 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Net Mass Flow Rate (CM).
Select Secondary Variable: |
2350 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Net Volume Flow Rate (CM).
Select Secondary Variable: |
2351 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Volume from Mag/Vortex Meter.
Select Secondary Variable: |
2352 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Calculated Mass Flow from Mag Meter Input.
Select Secondary Variable: |
2353 |
Keep Existing Assignment;Temperature;Density;Density at Reference (API);Density at Reference (CM);Specific Gravity (CM);Net Mass Flow Rate (CM);Net Volume Flow Rate (CM);Concentration (CM);Drive Gain;External Pressure;External Temperature;User-Defined Calculation Output;Dynamic Viscosity;Kinematic Viscosity;Referred Viscosity;Referred Viscosity (Secondary);Volume from Mag/Vortex Meter;Calculated Mass Flow from Mag Meter Input; |
2354 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Dynamic Viscosity. |
2355 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Kinematic Viscosity. |
2356 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Referred Viscosity. |
2357 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Referred Viscosity (Secondary). |
2358 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Dynamic Viscosity. |
2359 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Kinematic Viscosity. |
2360 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Referred Viscosity. |
2361 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Referred Viscosity (Secondary). |
2362 |
Keep Existing Assignment;Temperature;Density;Drive Gain;External Pressure;External Temperature;User-Defined Calculation Output;Specific Gravity (Gas);Relative Density;Molecular Weight;Volume from Mag/Vortex Meter;Base Density (Gas);Calculated Mass Flow from Mag Meter Input;Volume Flow at Reference Temperature;Mass from Coriolis Meter;Sensor Time Period; |
2363 |
Keep Existing Assignment;Temperature;Drive Gain;External Pressure;External Temperature;User-Defined Calculation Output;Specific Gravity (Gas);Relative Density;Molecular Weight;Volume from Mag/Vortex Meter;Base Density (Gas);Calculated Mass Flow from Mag Meter Input;Volume Flow at Reference Temperature;Mass from Coriolis Meter;Sensor Time Period; |
2364 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Specific Gravity (Gas). |
2365 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Relative Density. |
2366 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Molecular Weight. |
2367 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Base Density (Gas). |
2368 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Volume Flow at Reference Temperature. |
2369 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Mass from Coriolis Meter. |
2370 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Specific Gravity (Gas). |
2371 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Relative Density. |
2372 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Molecular Weight. |
2373 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Base Density (Gas). |
2374 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Volume Flow at Reference Temperature. |
2375 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Mass from Coriolis Meter. |
2376 |
Keep Existing Assignment;Temperature;Density;Density at Reference (API);Drive Gain;External Temperature;User-Defined Calculation Output;Dynamic Viscosity;Kinematic Viscosity;Referred Viscosity;Referred Viscosity (Secondary);CCAI;CII; |
2377 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to CCAI. |
2378 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to CII. |
2379 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to CCAI. |
2380 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to CII. |
2381 |
A036: Viscosity Out of Limit is set to %0. |
2382 |
Keep Existing Assignment;Temperature;Density;Net Mass Flow Rate (CM);Net Volume Flow Rate (CM);Concentration (CM);Drive Gain;External Pressure;External Temperature;User-Defined Calculation Output;Specific Gravity (Gas);Molecular Weight;Wobbe Index;Calorific Value;Percent CO2;Volume from Mag/Vortex Meter;Base Density (Gas);Calculated Mass Flow from Mag Meter Input;Percent N2;Percent H2;Percent CO;Volume Flow at Reference Temperature;Mass from Coriolis Meter;Energy Flow;Sensor Time Period; |
2383 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Wobbe Index. |
2384 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Calorific Value. |
2385 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Percent CO2. |
2386 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Percent N2. |
2387 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Percent H2. |
2388 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Percent CO. |
2389 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Primary Variable is set to Energy Flow. |
2390 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Wobbe Index. |
2391 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Calorific Value. |
2392 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Percent CO2. |
2393 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Percent N2. |
2394 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Percent H2. |
2395 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Percent CO. |
2396 |
Any changes made on this screen will be written to the device when the Next button is clicked and could affect transmitter operation. Click Next to write changes to the device, or click Cancel to abort.
Secondary Variable is set to Energy Flow. |
2397 |
Keep Existing Assignment;Temperature;Density;Net Mass Flow Rate (CM);Net Volume Flow Rate (CM);Concentration (CM);Drive Gain;External Pressure;External Temperature;User-Defined Calculation Output;Relative Density;Percent CO2;Volume from Mag/Vortex Meter;Base Density (Gas);Calculated Mass Flow from Mag Meter Input;Percent N2;Percent H2;Percent CO;Volume Flow at Reference Temperature;Mass from Coriolis Meter;Sensor Time Period; |
2398 |
Dynamic Viscosity:
Value %0 %1
Kinematic Viscosity:
Value %2 %3
Referred Viscosity:
Value %4 %5 |
2399 |
Referred Viscosity (Secondary):
Value %0 %1
Value %2 %3
Value %4 %5 |
2400 |
Dynamic Viscosity:
Value %0 %1
Kinematic Viscosity:
Value %2 %3
Value %4 %5 |
2401 |
Value %0 %1 |
2402 |
Kinematic Viscosity:
Value %0 %1
Value %2 %3 |
2403 |
Keep Existing Assignment;Temperature;Density;Dynamic Viscosity;Kinematic Viscosity; |
2404 |
Keep Existing Assignment;Temperature; |
2405 |
Keep Existing Assignment;Kinematic Viscosity; |
2406 |
Value %0 %1
Value %2 %3 |
2407 |
Specific Gravity (Gas):
Value %0
Molecular Weight:
Value %1 %2
Value %3 %4 |
2408 |
Specific Gravity (Gas):
Value %0
Molecular Weight:
Value %1 %2
Base Density (Gas):
Value %3 %4 |
2409 |
Relative Density:
Value %0
Base Density (Gas):
Value %1 %2
Value %3 %4 |
2410 |
Current referred viscosity method is ASTM D341 Single.
Select referred viscosity method: |
2411 |
ASTM D341 Single;Multi-curve ASTM;Matrix Referral |
2412 |
Current referred viscosity method is Multi-curve ASTM.
Select referred viscosity method: |
2413 |
Current referred viscosity method is Matrix Referral.
Select referred viscosity method: |
2414 |
Select the fluid: |
2415 |
Fluid 1;Fluid 2;Fluid 3;Fluid 4;Fluid 5;Fluid 6;Fluid 7;Fluid 8;End; |
2416 |
The ASTM Referral Matrix data was successfully written to the device. |
2417 |
Matrix Referral Results:
Fit Accuracy: %0
Fit Result: %1 |
2418 |
Click Next to begin viscosity scaling factor calibration. |
2419 |
Calibration is in progress. Allow the sensor to stabilize for some time. |
2420 |
Before beginning calibration, the reference chamber must be purged. See the configuration manual for more information. |
2421 |
Select device measurement: |
2422 |
Specific Gravity;Molecular Weight;Relative Density; |
2423 |
Select calibration format (applies to all calibrations):
2424 |
2-Point Calibration;3-Point Calibration; |
2425 |
Select calibration number: |
2426 |
1;2;3;4; |
2427 |
Select the calibration option: |
2428 |
Calibration Gas Low;Calibration Gas High;Calculate Calibration Coefficients; |
2429 |
Flow Calibration Gas Low through the meter, and click Next to start the calibration. |
2430 |
Starting calibration... |
2431 |
Low Gas Calibration is complete. Click Next to save it. |
2432 |
The calibration is complete. Ensure that all required calibrations have been performed before beginning measurement:
• 2-point calibrations: Calibration Gas Low (K0) and Calibration Gas High (K2). |
2433 |
Calibration is not started. Please try again. |
2434 |
Flow Calibration Gas High through the meter and click Next to start the calibration. |
2435 |
High Gas Calibration is complete. Click Next to save it. |
2436 |
Calibration Gas Low;Calibration Gas Medium;Calibration Gas High;Calculate Calibration Coefficients; |
2437 |
The calibration is complete. Ensure that all required calibrations have been performed before beginning measurement:
• 3-point calibrations: Calibration Gas Low (K0), Calibration Gas Medium (K1), and Calibration Gas High (K2). |
2438 |
Flow Calibration Gas Medium through the meter and click Next to start the calibration. |
2439 |
Medium Gas Calibration is complete. Click Next to save it. |
2440 |
Calibration Gas Low;Calibration Gas High; |
2441 |
Flow Calibration Gas Low has been saved.
Both the high and low calibrations need to be done before calculating the calibration factors. |
2442 |
Continue Calibration;Calculate Calibration Coefficients |
2443 |
Flow Calibration Gas High has been saved.
Both the high and low calibrations need to be done before calculating the calibration factors. |
2444 |
Calibration Gas Low;Calibration Gas Medium;Calibration Gas High; |
2445 |
Flow Calibration Gas Low has been saved.
All three high, medium and low calibrations need to be done before calculating the calibration factors. |
2446 |
Flow Calibration Gas Medium has been saved.
All three high, medium and low calibrations need to be done before calculating the calibration factors. |
2447 |
Flow Calibration Gas High has been saved.
All three high, medium and low calibrations need to be done before calculating the calibration factors. |
2448 |
The calibration has been aborted. Ensure that all required calibrations have been performed before beginning measurement:
• 2-point calibrations: Calibration Gas Low (K0) and Calibration Gas High (K2). |
2449 |
The calibration has been aborted. Ensure that all required calibrations have been performed before beginning measurement:
• 3-point calibrations: Calibration Gas Low (K0), Calibration Gas Medium (K1), and Calibration Gas High (K2). |
2450 |
Enter specific gravity of pure gas: |
2451 |
Enter specific gravity of second gas: |
2452 |
Enter molecular weight of pure gas: |
2453 |
Enter molecular weight of second gas: |
2454 |
Enter relative density of pure gas: |
2455 |
Enter relative density of second gas: |
2456 |
Resetting Configuration Changed Flag, please wait. |
2457 |
Configuration Changed Flag has been reset. |
2458 |
The compressibility calculations is disabled. Do you want to enable it? |
2459 |
The compressibility calculations is enabled. |
2460 |
The compressibility calculations is enabled. Do you want to disable it? |
2461 |
The compressibility calculations is disabled. |
2462 |
Fit Accuracy:
Fit Result:
%1 |
2463 |
Select Device Measurement: |
2464 |
Gas Specific Gravity;Relative Density;Molecular Weight |
2465 |
Select the Simulation Mode Type: |
2466 |
Simulations Modus ist %0. |
2467 |
Select option: |
2468 |
Known User Fluid;Water |
2469 |
Click Next to begin Inline Calibration Check. |
2470 |
Inline Calibration Check completed. |
2471 |
Enter Dynamic Viscosity Fixed Value |
2472 |
Enter Dynamic Viscosity Minimum Amplitude of waveform |
2473 |
Enter Dynamic Viscosity Maximum Amplitude of waveform |
2474 |
Enter Dynamic Viscosity period of waveform in second. |