Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
ND800_specific_status1 | 4000 | State of ND800 | State can be normal operation, calibratig or running test | R | Enum | 2051 |
ND800_specific_status1_error | 4001 | Calibration status | Calibration may fail, this variable tells if the failure has occurred | R | Enum | 2051 |
position_gain | 4002 | Position gain | Position control gain value. The higher gain results to faster response. | R/W | Float | 2048 |
dead_angle_compensation | 4005 | Dead angle comp | Control valve dead angle as percent of calibrated valve travel range | R/W | Float | 2048 |
position_sensor_rotation | 4008 | Pos sensor rot | Sets the relationship between the rotation direction of position sensor shaft and valve travel | R/W | Enum | 2048 |
signal_direction | 400B | Signal direction | Sets the relationship between the direction of input signal and valve travel | R/W | Enum | 2048 |
modification_control | 400E | Modification control | Set the modification curve use | R/W | Enum | 2048 |
safety_range | 4011 | Safety range | Sets the value of input signal in percent of range at which valve is fully closed | R/W | Float | 2048 |
velocity_gain | 4014 | Parameter B | The actuator type specific feedback parameter B of position control | R/W | Float | 2048 |
press_diff_gain | 4017 | Parameter D | The actuator type specific feedback parameter D of position control | R/W | Float | 2048 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |