名称 | ID | 标签 | 描述 | 类型 | 源代码 |
KDGM_add_100 | 4064 | Add 100 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
KDGM_subtract_100 | 4065 | Subtract 100 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
KDGM_trim_4mA | 403F | Trim 4mA | 数字到模拟修正——允许对选择的模拟量输出进行标定,在模拟量输出的操作端点有外部参考。 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
KDGM_trim_20mA | 4040 | Trim 20mA | 数字到模拟修正——允许对选择的模拟量输出进行标定,在模拟量输出的操作端点有外部参考。 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
KDGM_curve_profile_method | 409D | Set Curve profile | Curve profile - Selecting a non-linear profile will set the 10 point plot values P30 to P39 to that curve. SPECIAL allows individual point values to be changed. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
automatic_method_p13 | 409E | Set PV scale factor | PV scale factor - If the curve profile is LINEAR this is the multiplier for the PV in units per metre, else it is the maximum PV value for the curve profile selected. If P13 = NaN then P51 (Displacer Length) is used | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
automatic_method_p15 | 409F | Set Calibrate max | Calibrate max - the PV at which the current output is 20mA and the % output is 100%. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
auto_nan | 40A1 | auto text | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
automatic_method_p17 | 40A2 | Set Level for max PV | Level for max PV - The height up the displacer for the maximum PV value. If set to NaN then the full length of the displacer as defined by P51 is automatically used. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
automatic_method_p25 | 40A3 | Set Process Temperature | Process temperature - defines the temperature inside the vessel being measured. If set to NaN then the temperature measured by the sensor in the instrument head is used | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
automatic_method_p44 | 40A4 | Set Temperature | Electronics temperature - If set to a value then the temperature will be fixed, else if set to NaN the integral temperature sensor will be used. The temperature is used to correct for system temperature effects. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
KDGM_output_cal | 405E | 应用数值 | 应用值——通过将需要的上限值和下限值应用至设备输入对设备执行重新排列。 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
KDGM_sensor_cal | 405D | Sensor rerange | Sensor rerange - Used to redefine the place on the displacer that represents zero PV and max PV. These are by default the top and bottom of the displacer | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
KDGM_enter_password | 403B | If password is OPEN then non protected parameters can be changed. Enter 62 to OPEN the password. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
loop_test | 1002 | 回路测试 | 回路测试——允许用户将选择的模拟量输出手动调节至选择的常数输出值。 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
return_to_normal | 1016 | 中止返回正常 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
leave_fixed_current_mode | 1003 | 退出固定电流模式 | 退出固定电流模式——使选择的模拟量输出退出输出为常数值的模式,使输出返回输出跟踪输入的模式。 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
dac_trim | 1004 | D/A修正 | 数字到模拟修正——允许对选择的模拟量输出进行标定,在模拟量输出的操作端点有外部参考。 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
名称 | ID | 标签 | 描述 | 类型 | 源代码 |