名称 | ID | 标签 | 描述 | 类型 | 访问 | 分类 |
live_zero_vol_flow_lower_sensor_limit | 4357 | 质量流量LRL | 传感器下限值——定义上限值的最小可用数值。 | 读 | 浮点 | 8 |
live_zero_vol_flow_minimum_span | 4358 | 质量流量最小范围 | 最小范围值——定义上限值和下限值之间允许的最小差。 | 读 | 浮点 | 8 |
live_zero_vol_flow_hzfreq | 4359 | 频率系数 | The number of cycles, in Hertz, that equal a proportional flow rate represented by the frequency/pulse output. | 读/写 | 浮点 | 512 |
live_zero_vol_flow_hzrate | 435A | 速率系数 | The flow rate that equals a set frequency if the frequency output represents mass or volume flow; or the mass or volume total that equals a set number of pulses if the frequency output represents mass or volume total. | 读/写 | 浮点 | 512 |
live_zero_vol_flow_p_u | 435B | Pulses/Unit | This parameter allows you to scale the frequency output in terms of the number of pulses per unit of flow. | 读/写 | 浮点 | 512 |
live_zero_vol_flow_u_p | 435C | Units/Pulse | This parameter allows you to scale the frequency output in terms of the number of units of flow required to generate one pulse. | 读/写 | 浮点 | 512 |
software_rev_core_processor | 435E | S/W Rev Core Proc | Software revision number for core processor | 读 | 无符号 | 2048 |
device_type_core_processor | 435F | Dev type Core Proc | Device type for core processor | 读 | 无符号 | 2048 |
HART_dev_ID_core_processor | 4360 | HART Dev ID Core Proc | HART unique ID for core processor | 读 | 无符号 | 2048 |
lpo_stiffness_mean | 4479 | Dataset LPO Stiffness | Meter Verification dataset LPO stiffness. | 读/写 | 浮点 | 2 |
名称 | ID | 标签 | 描述 | 类型 | 访问 | 分类 |