Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
case_temp 410A Meter Temp: T-Series The meter temperature of the T-Series sensor. R Float 10
rs485_protocol 410B RS485 Protocol This parameter defines the protocol that will be used on the RS485 physical layer. R/W Enum 2048
rs485_baudrate 410C RS485 Baudrate This parameter defines the baud rate for the protocol that will be used on the RS485 physical layer. R/W Enum 2048
rs485_parity 410D RS485 Parity This parameter defines the parity for the protocol that will be used on the RS485 physical layer. R/W Enum 2048
rs485_stop 410E RS485 Stop Bits This parameter defines the number of stop bits for the protocol that will be used on the RS485 physical layer. R/W Unsigned 2048
modbus_address 410F Modbus Address This parameter defines the Modbus slave address. Addresses 1-15,32-47,64-79, or 96-110 are allowed R/W Unsigned 2048
poll_ctrl_1 4110 Poll Control 1 A variable that represents how process variables are brought into the transmitter for the purpose of performing a pressure compensation or other calculations. R/W Enum 128
poll_ctrl_2 4111 Poll Control 2 A variable that represents how process variables are brought into the transmitter for the purpose of performing a pressure compensation or other calculations. R/W Enum 128
xmtr_tag_1 4112 Ext Dev Tag 1 This represents the tagname for the device(s) being polled for a process variable used internally for some compensation (e.g. pressure comp). R/W PackedAscii 128
xmtr_tag_2 4113 Ext Dev Tag 2 This represents the tagname for the device(s) being polled for a process variable used internally for some compensation (e.g. pressure comp). R/W PackedAscii 128
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class