Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
module_isolator_material 177F Isoltr Matl Sensor Isolator Material- Construction material of a part of the module type that comes in contact with the process material. R/W Enum 2048
module_type_code 177B Meas Typ Measurement Type- Type of measurement application this Field Device is intended to be used with. R Enum 2048
module_range_code 4005 Module Rnge Module range- pressure range located on the side of the sensor R Enum 2048
local_keys_control 4006 EXT. SW Local Keys Control Mode- Controls the mode of the User Interface keys on the Field Device R/W Enum 2
cut_point 4007 Cut Pt % Cut_Pt: Low Cut Point- Dimension in % Flow at Calibrated Range, affects Analog Output and Transmitter LCD in SQR mode only. Available range is from 0% to 20% Flow. R/W Float 16
cut_mode 4008 Cut Mode Cut_Mode: Low Cut Mode- Output mode below Low Cut Point, affects Analog Output and Transmitter LCD in SQR mode only. Available mode is LINEAR or ZERO. R/W Enum 16
Upper_Display_Value 4009 UDV (LCD 20mA) XMTR LCD- Transmitter LCD display parameter. XMTR LCD Display is able to set in independence with Analog Output. UDV: Upper Display Value- Available range is as below; -99999 to 99999 -9999.9 to 9999.9 -999.99 to 999.99 -99.999 to 99.999 -9.9999 to 9.9999 R/W Float 2048
Lower_Display_Value 400A LDV (LCD 4mA) XMTR LCD- Transmitter LCD display parameter. XMTR LCD Display is able to set in independence with Analog Output. LDV: Lower Display Value- Available range is as below; -99999 to 99999 -9999.9 to 9999.9 -999.99 to 999.99 -99.999 to 99.999 -9.9999 to 9.9999 R/W Float 2048
Digit_Data_Point 400B Digit DP XMTR LCD- Transmitter LCD display parameter. XMTR LCD Display is able to set in independence with Analog Output. Digit DP: Digit under Decimal Point- Available range is from 0 to 4 as below; 0 (XXXXX) 1 (XXXX.X) 2 (XXX.XX) 3 (XX.XXX) 4 (X.XXXX) R/W Unsigned 2048
lcd_unit_code 400C LCD Unit XMTR LCD- Transmitter LCD display parameter. XMTR LCD Display is able to set in independence with Analog Output. There are 4 groups as below. All units appear in series. 1)Pressure(DISP=LIN) 2)Level(DISP=LIN) 3)Flow(DISP=SQR) 4)Special(%and None) R/W Enum 256
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class