Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
CO_InputSelOffVisible_1 406F InputSelOffVisible 1 R Unsigned 2048
CO_MeasuringMode_1 4071 Measuring mode current output Select the measuring mode for the output. R/W Enum 2048
CO_OperatingMode_1 4059 Current range output Select the current range for the measured value output and the upper and lower fault condition signal level. Additional information: - The measured value range is specified in the "Lower range value output @1" parameter and the "Upper range value output @1" parameter. - If the measured value lies outside the scaled measured value range, diagnostic message "441 Current output @1 faulty" is generated. - In the event of a device alarm, the current output adopts the behavior specified in the "Failure behavior current output @1" parameter. R/W Enum 2048
CO_OutValue_1 4072 Output current 1 Displays the current value currently calculated. R Float 2
Unit_Variable_CO_OutValue_1 4073 R Enum 2048
CO_SimulationMode_1 4076 Current output 1 simulation Switch simulation of the current output on or off. Additional information: When simulation is on, the current output signal is set to the value specified in the "Current output @1 value" parameter. R/W Enum 2048
CO_SimulationValue_1 4077 Current output value Enter the current value for the simulation. In this manner, it is possible to verify the current output is configured correctly and downstream processing units are functioning properly. Additional information: The valid input range is determined by the "Current range output @1" parameter. R/W Float 2048
Unit_Variable_CO_SimulationValue_1 4078 R Enum 2048
CO_TauDamping_1 407B Damping current output Enter time constant (PT1 element) to set the reaction time of the output signal to fluctuations in the measured value caused by process conditions. Additional information: - The smaller the time constant the faster the output reacts to fluctuations in the measured value. - If the time constant is 0, damping is deactivated. R/W Float 2048
CO_TrimValueHi_1 407C 20mA trim value Enter the actual current value measured for the 20 mA point. R Float 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class