Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
InvisibleDummy 4000 R/W Unsigned 4096
BLC_BroadcastPrimaryVariableSelector_1 4001 BroadcastPrimaryVariableSelector 1 R/W Enum 2048
BLC_BroadcastSecondVariableSelector_1 4004 BroadcastSecondVariableSelector 1 R/W Enum 2048
BLC_CommunicationEstablished_1 4006 Communication established R Enum 2048
BLC_EnableBluetooth_1 4007 Bluetooth Enable or disable Bluetooth. R/W Enum 2048
C4W_A_ArrayElement_1_1 4009 A0 Displays the current calibration coefficients for viscosity. R Float 2048
C4W_A_ArrayElement_2_1 400A A1 Displays the current calibration coefficients for viscosity. R Float 2048
C4W_A_ArrayElement_3_1 400B A2 Displays the current calibration coefficients for viscosity. R Float 2048
C4W_A_ArrayElement_4_1 400C A3 Displays the current calibration coefficients for viscosity. R Float 2048
C4W_A_ArrayElement_5_1 400D A4 Displays the current calibration coefficients for viscosity. R Float 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class