Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
setpoint_value 4000 Setpoint Refers to the requested position in terms of percent. R Float 10
position_value 4001 Position Refers to the actual valve position in terms of percent. R Float 10
pressure_value 138E Pressure Refers to the output pressure of OUT 1 of the positioner in terms of percent. R Float 10
setpoint_units 4002 Setpoint Units Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit R/W Enum 8
position_units 4003 Position Units Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit R Enum 8
pressure_units 138D Pressure Units Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit R Enum 8
sensor_units 4004 Sensor Units Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit R Enum 8
range_units 4005 PV rnge unit Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit R Enum 8
analog_alarm_code 4006 AO Alrm typ Analog Output Alarm Type- Defines how the Analog Output will respond when the Field Device detects that the Analog Output may not be tracking the associated Field Device Variable. NOTE- The Digital Value representation may not be determinate. R Enum 64
input_analog_value 4007 Input I Refers to the requested position in terms of current in mA. R Float 66
output_analog_value 4008 Output I Refers to the actual valve position in terms of current in mA. R Float 66
damping_val 4009 PV Damp Valore di smorzamento - Costante di tempo di smorzamento applicata sia alla rappresentazione del valore digitale che al valore analogico della rispettiva uscita analogica. Le unità di questa variabile sono sempre in secondi. R Float 8
input_upper_value 400A FS In Refers to the input current to move the valve to full open / close position in normal / reverse operation. R Float 32
input_lower_value 400B Zero In Refers to the input current to move the valve to full open / close position in normal / reverse operation. R Float 32
output_upper_value 400C FS Out Refers to the output current when the valve is at full open / close position in normal / reverse operation. R Float 32
output_lower_value 400D Zero Out Refers to the output current when the valve is at full open / close position in normal / reverse operation. R Float 32
sensor_serial_number 400E Sensor Serial Numero di serie sensore - Identifica in modo univoco il sensore da cui deriva principalmente la rappresentazione del valore digitale o la variabile dispositivo di campo. R Unsigned 32
min_sensor_span 400F Min_Sensor_Span Valore intervallo minimo - Definisce la differenza più piccola consentita tra il valore di campo superiore e il valore di campo inferiore. R Float 32
flow_type 4014 Flow Type The positioner supports Linear, Quick Opening, and Equal Percentage flow types. R/W Enum 32
reserved_1 4015 R/W Integer 1025
limit_enbl 4016 Limit Control Limit the valve travel in certain region specified by upper and lower limits. R/W Enum 1025
control_mode 2772 Control Mode Control the valve in either normal or reverse acting mode. R/W Enum 1025
flop_mode 4017 Display Mode Show %closed or %open on positioner display. R/W Enum 1025
digital_setpoint_mode 4018 Digital Mode When enabled, the positioner will ignore 4 to 20 mA input signal, and allows control to be applied digitaly. R/W Enum 1025
cutoff_mode 4019 Cutoff Mode When enabled, the positioner will apply a larger than necessary close control signal to the valve R/W Enum 1025
valve_type 401A Valve Type Positioner can work with linear and rotary valves. R/W Enum 1025
compensator_gain_setting 401B P Gain Index Proportional gain index is from 1 to 20 (with 20 is the highest). R/W Enum 8
compensator_derivative_gain_switch 401C D Gain Switch Derivative gain switch allows finer adjustment of the compensator derivative gain. For small valves this switch should be in the LOW position. R/W Enum 1024
compensator_derivative_gain_setting 401D D Gain Index Derivative gain index is from 1 to 20 (with 20 is the highest). R/W Enum 8
integrator_setting 401E Integral Time The integral time is the time ellapsed before the valve try to offset its steady state error when the valve does not move. In each time ellapsed, the valve corrects itself in 0.2% increment. R/W Enum 8
mode_of_calibration 401F R/W Unsigned 4096
valve_open_slew_limit 4020 Opening Speed The speed limit at which the valve opens. This index limits how fast the control input is applied to the input of the valve feedback loop when valve is opening. R/W Enum 8
valve_close_slew_limit 4021 Closing Speed The speed limit at which the valve closes. This index limits how fast the control input is applied to the input of the valve feedback loop when valve is closing. R/W Enum 8
digital_setpoint 4022 Dig.Setpt Digital Setpoint allows digital control with the percent value specified, when digital mode is enabled. R/W Unsigned 8
mA_upper_limit 4023 Setpn FS Indicates the setpoint upper limit in mA. R/W Unsigned 8
mA_lower_limit 4024 Setpn Zero Indicates the setpoint lower limit in mA. R/W Unsigned 8
IFS 4025 Max Current IFS is measured Full Scale Loop Current R/W Float 8
IMN 4026 Min Current IMN is measured Minimum Loop Current R/W Float 8
NFS 4027 Full scale A/D count Full scale A/D count returned by command 135 R/W Unsigned 8
NMN 4028 MIN scale A/D count Minimum scale A/D count returned by command 135 W Unsigned 8
mA_slope 4029 mA slope mA slope is (IFS-IMN)*2^16/(NFS-NMN) W Unsigned 8
mA_offset 402A mA offset mA offset is NFS-(IFS*2^16/mAslope) W Integer 8
reserved_2 402B R/W Enum 1025
trvl_alert_enbl 402C Travel Alert When enabled, the positioner will signal alert signal when upper or lower travel limits is violated. R/W Enum 1025
cyc_alert_enbl 402D Cycle Alert When enabled, the positioner will signal alert signal when cycle limits is violated. R/W Enum 1025
acum_alert_enbl 402E Accum. Alert When enabled, the positioner will signal alert signal when accumulator limits is violated. R/W Enum 1025
int_ctrl_enbl 402F Integral Control When disabled, the positioner will use intrgral control to offset the steady error. R/W Enum 1025
dev_alert_enbl 4030 Deviation Alert When enabled, the positioner will signal alert signal when deviation limits is violated. R/W Enum 1025
close_limit_enbl 4031 ClsLmtSw Alert When enabled, the positioner will signal alert signal when close limit switch is on. R/W Enum 1025
open_limit_enbl 4032 OpnLmtSw Alert When enabled, the positioner will signal alert signal when open limit switch is on. R/W Enum 1025
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class