Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
Pulse_width_value 400E Puls width Pulse Width R/W Unsigned 512
Low_flow_cutoff 400C Lo flo cutoff Lo flo cutoff-Adjustable from 1 to 10% of the setting range. Below set value, output is driven to the zero flow rate signal level. Display is latched to zero. R/W Enum 64
Flow_tube_size 400D Tube size Flow tube size- Nominal inside diameter of the pipe adjacent to the sensor. R/W Enum 32
Pulse_output_test 4014 Puls outp test Pulse Output Test Value- Scaled frequency output from 0-1000 Hz, linear with input. R/W Float 4096
preset_value 4015 Totlizer cntrl Totalizer Control Code- Controls the operation of all available totalizers. R/W Unsigned 16
total_count 4000 Totlizer display Totalizer display-Display totalized value. R/W Unsigned 34
flow_gravity 4004 Gravity Specific gravity R/W Float 64
display_select 4005 Disp select Set main display. %: Percent of range. Rate: Flow rate. Total: Totalized value. R/W Enum 64
function_set 4006 Func set Select Pulse or DO output. Pulse: Pulse output. ST out: Digital status output. R/W Enum 32
ex_value 4012 EX value EX value: Unique detector factor.Ex factor is stamped on the name plate. R/W Float 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class