Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
dStdVolumeTotalPulsesPerUnit 4228 Std Vol Total Pulses Per Unit The unit of measure to define the pulses/unit output. R/W Float 512
dStdVolumeTotalFreqRange 4229 Std Vol Total Frequency Limit Pulse frequency at maximum flow rate R/W Float 32
cConcPercentUnits 403D % Concentration Units Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit R/W Enum 32
dConcPercentValue 403E % Concentration Field Device Variable Value- Digital value that changes magnitude with respect to time with no user intervention R Float 34
dConcPercentUpperSensorLimit 403F USL Valor límite superior del sensor: Define el valor máximo utilizable para el valor de rango superior. R Float 8
dConcPercentLowerSensorLimit 4040 LSL Valor límite inferior del sensor: Define el valor mínimo utilizable para el valor de rango inferior. R Float 8
dConcPercentMinimumSpan 4041 Minimum Span Valor de span mínimo: Define la menor diferencia permitida entre el valor de rango superior y el valor de rango inferior. R Float 8
dConcPercentFrequency 422A Frequency Value of variable given in frequency output R Float 514
dConcPercentFreqRange 422B % Concentration Frequency Limit Pulse frequency at maximum flow rate R/W Float 32
dConcPercentFreqPercent 422C Frequency Percent Percent of maximum flow rate R Float 34
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class