Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
id_number 4021 R/W Index 4096
overflow_code 4023 R/W Index 4096
lowflow_cutoff 4006 Выкл. при низ. расх. R/W Float 64
pulse_width_val 4007 Длит. импульса Pulse Width- Width of the frequency output pulse on frequency output number 'X'. R/W Float 512
span_value_forward 4009 Span adjust >F R/W Float 32
span_value_reverse 400A Span adjust R/W Float 32
system_zero_adjust_value 400B System zero adjust R/W Float 32
filter 4011 Filter to get a better process value, if the signal is noisy. R/W Enum 2048
detector_empty_pipe 4037 Detector e.pipe Turns the detector empty pipe off or on R/W Enum 2048
flow_mode 4013 Flow mode Flow is measured in forward and reverse or forward only direction R/W Enum 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class