
变量名称: C4W_DensityAdjustMode_1

变量ID: 0x4027

变量标签: Density adjustment mode

变量描述: Select the density adjustment mode. Additional information: Before performing the density adjustment, the following conditions must be met: - The density adjustment must be performed under operating conditions and there must be little variation in the operating conditions. - The reference media must be gas-free or pressurized so that any gas they contain is compressed. - The reference density measurements must be performed at the temperature of the medium in the process. Otherwise the density adjustment will be inaccurate. - The correction made can be undone by selecting the "Restore original" option in the "Execute density adjustment" parameter.

变量处理: 读

变量分类: 设备

变量长度: 2

变量数据类型: 枚举

变量枚举值 变量枚举文本
0x00EE 1 point adjustment
0x00EF 2 point adjustment




变量最大值: N/A

变量最小值: N/A


命令号 命令ID 命令名称
173 42E8 read_index_parameter_173


命令号 命令ID 命令名称
178 42E6 write_index_parameter_178