
变量名称: device_specific_status_17

变量ID: 0x1034

变量标签: 状态组17

变量描述: 特殊现场设备状态字节18——包含与过程故障/警告/状态相关的现场设备状态信息的数据。

变量处理: 读

变量分类: 动态 | 诊断 | 设备

变量长度: 1

变量数据类型: 位枚举

变量枚举值 变量枚举文本
0x0001 F100 Sensor error -> Remedy information: 1. Restart the device 2. Contact Endress+Hauser Service
0x0002 F101 Singleline text -> Remedy information: 1. Check process temperature 2. Check ambient temperature
0x0004 500 Process alert pressure -> Remedy information: 1. Check process pressure 2. Check configuration of process alert
0x0008 501 Process alert scaled variable -> Remedy information: 1. Check process conditions 2. Check scaled variable configuration
0x0010 502 Process alert temperature -> Remedy information: 1. Check process temperature 2. Check configuration of process alert
0x0020 900 High signal noise detected -> Remedy information: 1. Check impulse line 2. Check valve position 3. Check process
0x0040 901 Low signal noise detected -> Remedy information: 1. Check impulse line 2. Check valve position 3. Check process
0x0080 902 Min signal noise detected -> Remedy information: 1. Check impulse line 2. Check valve position 3. Check process




变量最大值: N/A

变量最小值: N/A


命令号 命令ID 命令名称
48 1043 read_additional_device_status
