DD File path:
DD File name: sia_defs.h
DD File type: Header file

  • /*
  • **
  • ** SIA device description definition header
  • ** Filename: sia_def.h
  • */
  • #ifndef __SIA_DEFS_H
  • #define __SIA_DEFS_H
  • #define __SIA 0x105
  • #define __SIA_2010 0x0001
  • /*
  • ** Block Alarm subcodes definition
  • */
  • #define __BLOCK_ALARM_SUBCODE_16 { 16, "Unspecified error", "An error has occurred that was not identified." }
  • #define __BLOCK_ALARM_SUBCODE_17 { 17, "General error", "An error has occurred that could not be classified as one of the errors bellow." }
  • #define __BLOCK_ALARM_SUBCODE_18 { 18, "Calibration error", "An error occurred during calibration of the device or a calibration error has been detected during operation of the device." }
  • #define __BLOCK_ALARM_SUBCODE_19 { 19, "Configuration error", "An error occurred during configuration of the device or a configuration error has been detected during operation of the device." }
  • #define __BLOCK_ALARM_SUBCODE_20 { 20, "Electronics Failure", "An electronic component has failed." }
  • #define __BLOCK_ALARM_SUBCODE_21 { 21, "Mechanical Failure", "A mechanical component has failed." }
  • #define __BLOCK_ALARM_SUBCODE_22 { 22, "I/O Failure", "An I/O failure has failed." }
  • #define __BLOCK_ALARM_SUBCODE_23 { 23, "Data Integrity Error", "Indicates that data stored within the system may no longer be valid due to NVM checksum failure,Data verify after write failure,etc." }
  • #define __BLOCK_ALARM_SUBCODE_24 { 24, "Software Error", "The software has detected an error.This could be caused by an improper interrupt service routine,an arithmetic overflow,a watchdog timer,etc." }
  • #define __BLOCK_ALARM_SUBCODE_25 { 25, "Algorithm Error", "The algorithm used in the transducer block produced an error.This could be due to an overflow,data reasonableness failure,etc." }
  • #define __BLOCK_ALARM_SUBCODE \

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