
Method Name: display_universal_rev_j_var

Method ID: 0x4008

Method Label: Abort of the Chg universal rev

Method Help: Abort of the Chg universal rev- Display the universal revision.

  • {
  • long next_universal_rev;
  • long next_device_rev;
  • next_universal_rev = _ivar_value(16389);
  • next_device_rev = _ivar_value(16390);
  • { _set_all_resp_code(0); _set_device_status(0xFF,0); _set_xmtr_device_status(0xFF,0); _set_xmtr_all_resp_code(0); };
  • if( next_universal_rev != _ivar_value(156) ){
  • ACKNOWLEDGE("|en|Current universal rev is %{universal_revision} with fld dev rev %{transmitter_revision}.\nNew universal rev will be %{next_universal_rev} with fld dev rev %{next_device_rev}.\n");
  • }
  • else{
  • ACKNOWLEDGE("|en|Current universal rev is %{universal_revision} with fld dev rev %{transmitter_revision}.\n");

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