
方法名称: ejx_method_master_test

方法ID: 0x400C

方法标签: 主测试

方法描述: Master Reset- Commands the EJX electronics to reset and perform a selftest. Reports any errors that occured.

  • {
  • char status[3];
  • char xmtr_status[25];
  • int number_of_tries;
  • int slen1;
  • char disp_string1[60];
  • {
  • _set_all_resp_code(0);
  • _set_device_status(0xFF,0);
  • _set_xmtr_device_status(0xFF,0);
  • _set_xmtr_all_resp_code(0);
  • }
  • ;
  • if (SELECT_FROM_LIST(literal_string(1209),literal_string(1157)) == 0)
  • {
  • process_abort();
  • }
  • slen1 = 60;
  • _get_dictionary_string(19726337,disp_string1,slen1);
  • ACKNOWLEDGE(disp_string1);
  • _iassign(16727,0);
  • _add_abort_method(16729);
  • send(42,status);
  • DELAY(8,literal_string(1210));
  • number_of_tries = 0;
  • do {
  • get_more_status(status,xmtr_status);
  • }
  • while (status[0] == 32 && number_of_tries++ < 3);
  • if (status[0] == 32)
  • {
  • ACKNOWLEDGE(literal_string(1146));
  • }
  • else
  • if (xmtr_status[0] || xmtr_status[1] || xmtr_status[2] || xmtr_status[3] || xmtr_status[4] || xmtr_status[5] || xmtr_status[14] || xmtr_status[15])
  • {
  • {
  • {
  • {
  • {
  • if (xmtr_status[0] & 0x80)
  • _display_xmtr_status(4139,0x80);
  • }
  • ;
  • {
  • if (xmtr_status[0] & 0x20)
  • _display_xmtr_status(4139,0x20);
  • }
  • ;
