
Method Name: mthimpStartDielectricAssistent_Solids

Method ID: 0x48F7

Method Label: Dielektrizit�tszahl ermitteln

Method Help:

  • {
  • DD_STRING msg,yesno;
  • int result; float distance;
  • char status[3];
  • int running;
  • _get_dev_var_value(("|en|Distance to level|de|Distanz zum F�llstand" ),0,18614);
  • varLowerERCalculation_Action = 1;
  • send_trans(135,46,status);;
  • do {
  • DELAY_TIME(1);
  • send_trans(134,46,status);;
  • running = _ivar_value(18613);
  • } while(running!=0);
  • send_trans(134,47,status);;
  • if(varLowerERCalculationResult_Valid == 1)
  • {
  • msg ="|en|The following value was determined for the dielectric constant:|de|Es wurde folgender Wert f�r die Dielektrizit�tszahl ermittelt:" +"|en|%[.3f]{varLowerERCalculationResult_LowerERValue}. " +"|en|With 'Complete' the value is taken over into the device.|de|Mit 'Fertigstellen' wird der Wert in das Ger�t �bernommen." ;
  • yesno ="|en|Yes|de|Ja" +"|en|; " +"|en|No|de|Nein" ;

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