
方法名称: mthLabel_Roland_sId_141211_112116

方法ID: 0x48E7

方法标签: The guided radar measuring principle requires a metallic radiating surface on the process fitting. For this purpose, you have to use a sheet metal (� > 200 mm/8 in) with direct contact to the process fitting (without contact to the probe). Flange versions from DN 50 do not need an additional sheet metal.


  • {
  • ACKNOWLEDGE("|en|The guided radar measuring principle requires a metallic radiating surface on the process fitting. For this purpose, you have to use a sheet metal (� > 200 mm/8 in) with direct contact to the process fitting (without contact to the probe). Flange versions from DN 50 do not need an additional sheet metal.|de|Das Messprinzip des Gef�hrten Radars ben�tigt am Prozessanschluss eine metallische Abstrahlfl�che. Verwenden Sie hierzu ein Metallblech (� > 200 mm/8 in) mit direktem Kontakt zum Prozessanschluss (ohne Kontakt zur Sonde). Flanschausf�hrungen ab DN 50 ben�tigen kein zus�tzliches Metallblech.");
