Method Name: ModifyRejectionCurve_method
Method ID: 0x46F6
Method Label: Modify Rejection Curve
Method Help: Echo Rejection procedure for customizing a Standard Echo Rejection curve. This is particularly useful when rejecting a mixing blade that can stop in a different location yielding a slightly different echo. The goal is to make the Custom Echo Rejection Curve just large enough to surround these possibilities. It can be modified more than once. After making all desired changes to the custom echo rejection curve, select the "Apply/Save" option to put the changes into effect.
- {
- char status[3];
- int good_echo_number;
- int result;
- long select;
- _set_device_status(0xFF,0);
- send_command(203);
- save_values();
- if (EchoRejProfileStatus != 2)
- {
- ACKNOWLEDGE(literal_string(1584));
- change_to_std_echo_rej();
- process_abort();
- }
- _add_abort_method(4118);
- ACKNOWLEDGE(literal_string(1440));
- _get_dev_var_value(literal_string(1570),0,16511);
- send_trans(150,2,status);
- _add_abort_method(18386);
- send_trans(224,8,status);
- if (status[0] != 0)
- {
- display_response_status(224,status[0]);
- DELAY(1,literal_string(1590));
- process_abort();
- }
- EchoRejectState = 1;
- save_values();
- send_trans(172,0,status);
- modify_option_select = 0;
- curve_selection = 12;
- refresh_curve1_method();
- if (EchoRejProfileStatus == 2)
- {
- curve2_select = 1;
- curve_selection = curve2_select;
- requested_runtime = echo_runtimes[curve_selection];
- save_values();
- send_trans(224,0,status);
- refresh_curve2_method();
- modify_option_select = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- ACKNOWLEDGE(literal_string(1584));
- change_to_std_echo_rej();
- process_abort();
- }
- _add_abort_method(18394);
- save_values();
- while (modify_option_select != 4)
- {
- good_echo_number = 0;
- echo_number = 0;
- _get_dev_var_value(literal_string(1602),0,18395);
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