方法名称: options_method
方法ID: 0x4092
方法标签: options
方法描述: Change options in config menu reported by the SVI II like valve characterization , button lock , limit stops and other options.
- {
- char nbr;
- int bCam;
- int bUpdate;
- int result;
- float test1;
- float test2;
- int i;
- int a;
- int b;
- long ids[2];
- char status[3];
- _add_abort_method(16440);
- send(249,status);
- if (status[0])
- {
- display_response_status(249,status[0]);
- DELAY(3,literal_string(434));
- process_abort();
- }
- if (_ivar_value(16391) == 3 || _ivar_value(16391) == 8)
- {
- ACKNOWLEDGE(literal_string(435));
- PUT_MESSAGE(literal_string(436));
- nbr = 0;
- do {
- nbr += 1;
- if (nbr == 10)
- {
- DELAY(3,literal_string(434));
- process_abort();
- }
- send(135,status);
- send(249,status);
- }
- while (_ivar_value(16391) != 4);
- send(3,status);
- if (status[0])
- {
- display_response_status(3,status[0]);
- DELAY(3,literal_string(434));
- process_abort();
- }
- _vassign(16441,16385);
- save_values();
- return;
- }
- send(150,status);