Method Name: relay_adjust_method
Method ID: 0x430A
Method Label: Relay Adjust
Method Help:
- {
- float qa, qb, qc, qd, qe; int q, q0, q1, q2, q3; char S[3];
- int c, i;
- long ids[2];
- _set_device_status(0xFF,0);
- _set_xmtr_device_status(0xFF,0);
- _set_all_resp_code(1);
- _set_resp_code((8),0);
- send(151,S); if(_ivar_value(16804) > 1) { ACKNOWLEDGE("|en|The DD revision is not compatible with the firmware in the device.\nContact your Fisher sales office for an upgrade to your Device Description."); return; };
- send_trans(129,0,S); _vassign(16452,16427); save_values(); if(1==_ivar_value(167)) { ACKNOWLEDGE("|en|Protection must be disabled to perform this operation."); process_abort(); } if((_ivar_value(16427))) { if(((_ivar_value(16465) & 0x01C0) == 0x0100)) { _get_dev_var_value(("|en|WARNING! Output will not track input and the SIS safety function will be disabled when Instrument Mode is Out of Service."),0,16452); } else { _get_dev_var_value(("|en|WARNING! Output will not track input when Instrument Mode is Out of Service."),0,16452); } save_values(); if(_ivar_value(16452)>0) { ACKNOWLEDGE("|en|Instrument Mode is still In Service."); process_abort(); } else { send_trans(130,6,S); } } send_trans(129,0,S); if((1==_ivar_value(16472)) || (5==_ivar_value(16472))) { if(1==_ivar_value(16472)) { ACKNOWLEDGE("|en|Access restricted\n\nInstrument was set to 'Out of Service' by a secondary master."); } else { ACKNOWLEDGE("|en|Access restricted\n\nInstrument was set to 'Out of Service' by a primary master."); } process_abort(); } _add_abort_method(17129); DELAY(1,"|en|Please wait...");
- send(138,S); send_trans(129,0,S); if(((_ivar_value(16790) & 0x31) > 0) || (_ivar_value(10098) == 0)) { send_trans(142,6,S); send_trans(142,1,S); send_trans(157,0,S); if(1 != _ivar_value(167)) { _iassign(16622,(0)); save_values(); send_trans(130,74,S); } if((_ivar_value(171) == 0)) _iassign(16453,(2)); else { ACKNOWLEDGE("|en|Calibration or diagnostics was in progress.\nReset Control Mode, if required."); if(0 == _ivar_value(10098)) { _iassign(16453,(3)); } else { _vassign(16453,10098); } save_values(); _get_dev_var_value(("|en|Control Mode"),0,16453); } save_values(); send_trans(130,7,S); send_trans(129,0,S); DELAY(1,"|en|Please wait..."); };
- c = 1;
- send_trans(129,34,S);
- if(1 - SELECT_FROM_LIST("|en|WARNING! Relay adjust will cause the valve to move from its last set point.","|en|Continue;Exit"))
- {
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