方法名称: SOV_calib_method
方法ID: 0x4782
方法标签: SOV Test Calibration
- {
- float qa, qb, qc, qd, qe, mpp; int q, q0, q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7, q8; char S[3];
- int z;
- int i;
- int qTvl_convergence;
- long T1, T2, loopTimer, convergenceTimer, currentTime;
- int eResult, eResult2;
- float qSOV_start_press, qPress_convergence;
- float qd7, qTravelAbs, qPressure, qPressAbs;
- float T, H1, p_trip, p_reset, p_delta, gamma, qTarget_travel;
- long ids[4];
- float sov_results_trip_pressure, sov_results_reset_pressure;
- int sov_results_press_units;
- float qCycle_counter_deadband;
- int cycle_counter_value;
- int qSOV_test_option_bit_5;
- int qSOV_test_option_bit_6;
- int qSOV_test_option_bit_7;
- float qSOV_pulse_duration;
- float qSOV_alert_trip_pressure;
- float qSOV_alert_reset_pressure;
- float qSOV_monitoring_time;
- float qEPPC_sat_time;
- int bChanged;
- int nIteration;
- float p_supply;
- int MAX_ITER;
- int ePreviousState;
- int eCurrentState;
- float sov_pulse_previous;
- float c;
- int nCycleCounter;
- int MAX_ITER_C;
- float sov_results_trip_pressure_previous;
- float sov_results_reset_pressure_previous;
- _set_device_status(0xFF,0);
- _set_xmtr_device_status(0xFF,0);
- _set_all_resp_code(1);
- _set_resp_code((8),0);
- if(((_ivar_value(16532)&0x18)>0)) { ACKNOWLEDGE("|en|This instrument's Relay Type is set to a High Cv Spool Valve. This is not supported by this version of the DD. Please use a version of ValveLink Software or ValveLink Mobile that supports the High Cv Relay Type to properly configure this instrument."); process_abort(); };
- bChanged = 0;
- nIteration = 0;
- p_supply = _fvar_value(16439);
- MAX_ITER = 10;
- ePreviousState = 0;
- eCurrentState = 0;
- sov_pulse_previous = 0.0;
- c = 1.0;
- nCycleCounter = 0;
- MAX_ITER_C = 3;
- sov_results_trip_pressure_previous = 0.0;
- sov_results_reset_pressure_previous = 0.0;
- send_trans(129,35,S);
- send_trans(129,40,S);
- send_trans(129,41,S);
- if(!(((inst_level & 0x0100) && !(inst_level & 0x0040))))
- {
- ACKNOWLEDGE("|en|This Instrument Level does not support this procedure.");
- }
- else if(((_ivar_value(16530) & 0x01) > 0))
- {
- ACKNOWLEDGE("|en|Actuator Style has been set to double Acting. For SOV testing, Actuator Style needs to be set to single acting.");
- }
- else if((_ivar_value(16532) & 0x02) == 0)
- {
- ACKNOWLEDGE("|en|For SOV testing, Relay Type needs to be set to Special App.");
- }
- else if(_ivar_value(16486) != 10 || _ivar_value(16489) != 1 || _ivar_value(16491) != 0)
- {
- ACKNOWLEDGE("|en|The DVC output terminals have not been configured for SOV testing. Enable this feature in Manual Setup or rerun Device Setup before proceeding");
- }
- else
- {
- send_trans(129,0,S); _vassign(16452,16427); save_values(); if(1==_ivar_value(167)) { ACKNOWLEDGE("|en|Protection must be disabled to perform this operation."); process_abort(); } if((_ivar_value(16427))) { if(((_ivar_value(16465) & 0x01C0) == 0x0100)) { _get_dev_var_value(("|en|WARNING! Output will not track input and the SIS safety function will be disabled when Instrument Mode is Out of Service."),0,16452); } else { _get_dev_var_value(("|en|WARNING! Output will not track input when Instrument Mode is Out of Service."),0,16452); } save_values(); if(_ivar_value(16452)>0) { ACKNOWLEDGE("|en|Instrument Mode is still In Service."); process_abort(); } else { send_trans(130,6,S); } } send_trans(129,0,S); if((1==_ivar_value(16472)) || (5==_ivar_value(16472))) { if(1==_ivar_value(16472)) { ACKNOWLEDGE("|en|Access restricted\n\nInstrument was set to 'Out of Service' by a secondary master."); } else { ACKNOWLEDGE("|en|Access restricted\n\nInstrument was set to 'Out of Service' by a primary master."); } process_abort(); } _add_abort_method(17167); DELAY(1,"|en|Please wait...");
- if(1 - SELECT_FROM_LIST("|en|WARNING! Calibration will cause sudden changes in instrument output and loss of process control.","|en|Continue;Exit"))
- {
- DELAY(1,"|en|Please wait...");
- send_trans(129,29,S);
- send_trans(129,35,S);
- send_trans(129,11,S);
- send_trans(129,20,S);
- send_trans(129,80,S);
- save_values();