
Method Name: perform_batch_cal_method

Method ID: 0x40D1

Method Label: Perform Batch Cal

Method Help: To perform a Batch Calibration the user will enter the desired test mass quantity when prompted, start and stop the material flow using the NexGen's batch controller ,and enter the correct test mass quantity from the calibration standard when prompted.

  • {
  • char status[3];
  • char xmtr_status[25];
  • int stat;
  • int choice;
  • int local_batch_varcode;
  • int local_batch_units;
  • int leave;
  • float local_batch_size;
  • float local_batch_trickle;
  • float meas_mass;
  • float act_mass;
  • float ratio;
  • long var_id[8];
  • _set_xmtr_device_status(0xFF,0);
  • _set_xmtr_all_resp_code(0);
  • _set_device_status(0xFF,0);
  • _set_all_resp_code(0);
  • _iassign(16728,0);
  • send_command(145);
  • var_id[1] = 16394;
  • _iassign(16749,8);
  • send_command(153);
  • var_id[3] = 16404;
  • _iassign(16736,12);
  • send_command(158);
  • var_id[0] = 16644;
  • choice = select_from_list(literal_string(592),var_id,literal_string(593));
  • if (choice != 0)
  • process_abort();
  • send_command(154);
  • local_batch_varcode = _ivar_value(16494);
  • _iassign(16754,0);

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