
Method Name: input_trim

Method ID: 0x408B

Method Label: A/D trim

Method Help: Analog to Digital trim - Allows the calibration of a selected Analog Input with an external reference ( precision calibrator ).

  • {
  • long ids[4];
  • float ftmp;
  • int eingang;
  • int select;
  • int anzahl_der_versuche;
  • int counter;
  • int success;
  • char status[3];
  • char xmtr_status[25];
  • _set_device_status(0xFF,0);
  • _set_all_resp_code(0);
  • _set_xmtr_device_status(0xFF,0);
  • _set_xmtr_all_resp_code(0);
  • ACKNOWLEDGE(literal_string(368));
  • _add_abort_method(4118);
  • get_more_status(status,xmtr_status);
  • if (xmtr_status[3] & 0x0F)
  • {
  • ACKNOWLEDGE(literal_string(367));
  • send(42,status);
  • if (status[0])
  • {
  • display_response_status(42,status[0]);
  • ACKNOWLEDGE(literal_string(369));
  • process_abort();
  • }
  • DELAY(3,literal_string(370));
  • anzahl_der_versuche = 0;
  • do {
  • get_more_status(status,xmtr_status);
  • }
  • while (status[0] == 32 && anzahl_der_versuche++ < 2);
  • if (status[0] == 32)
  • {
  • ACKNOWLEDGE(literal_string(371));
  • process_abort();
  • }
  • else
  • if (status[0])
  • {
  • display_response_status(48,status[0]);
  • ACKNOWLEDGE(literal_string(369));
  • process_abort();

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