名称 | ID | 标签 | 描述 | 类型 | 源代码 |
sensor_setup_meth | 4165 | Sensor Selection | This selection must be made to enable calibration parameters to be visible for the selected sensor type. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
set_chanb | 4185 | Freq/DO Setup | This function will allow the user to setup channel B to act as a frequency output or a discrete output. The appropriate configuration parameters will be displayed to the user once this selection has been made. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
mmi_auto_zero | 417B | Perform auto zero | Please refer to manual for complete calibration instructions. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
dencal_a | 4186 | Perform Cal | Please refer to manual for complete calibration instructions. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
dencal_b | 4187 | Perform Cal | Please refer to manual for complete calibration instructions. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
dencal_c | 4188 | Perform Cal | Please refer to manual for complete calibration instructions. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
dencal_d | 4189 | Perform Cal | Please refer to manual for complete calibration instructions. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
dencal_fd | 418A | Perform Cal | Please refer to manual for complete calibration instructions. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
temp_offset_cal | 41AA | Perform Cal | Please refer to manual for complete calibration instructions. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
temp_slope_cal | 41AB | Perform Cal | Please refer to manual for complete calibration instructions. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
fix_do_1 | 4207 | Fix Discrete Out 1 | Outputs a user-programmed discrete state to the discrete output. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
leave_fixed_do1_mode | 4218 | Exits fixed mode and returns the discrete output to its active state. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
fix_frequency | 4161 | Fix Frequency Out | Outputs a user-programmed frequency to the frequency output. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
fix_ao_1 | 415F | Fix Analog Out 1 | 固定模拟量输出——允许用户将选择的模拟量输出手动调节至选择的常数输出值。 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
analog_1_trim | 4144 | Trim Analog Out 1 | 数字到模拟修正——允许对选择的模拟量输出进行标定,在模拟量输出的操作端点有外部参考。 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
fix_ao_2 | 4160 | Fix Analog Out 2 | 固定模拟量输出——允许用户将选择的模拟量输出手动调节至选择的常数输出值。 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
analog_2_trim | 4145 | Trim Analog Out 2 | 数字到模拟修正——允许对选择的模拟量输出进行标定,在模拟量输出的操作端点有外部参考。 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
api_setup | 4217 | API Setup | This method will step the user through setting up the API parameters. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
self_test | 415E | 自测试 | Instructs transmitter to perform internal self test. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
start_total | 4153 | Start totalizer | Enables the internal totalizers to begin counting. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
stop_total | 4154 | Stop totalizer | Prevents the internal totalizers from counting. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
reset_all_total | 4155 | Reset all totals | Resets internal totalizers. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
reset_mass_total | 4156 | Reset mass total | Resets internal totalizers. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
reset_vol_total | 4157 | Reset volume total | Resets internal totalizers. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
alarm1_stat | 4179 | Status Event1 | When set, indicates that Event 1 has reached its programmed setpoint. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
alarm2_stat | 417A | Status Event2 | When set, indicates that Event 2 has reached its programmed setpoint. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
do1_stat | 4178 | Status DO1 | When set, indicates that DO 1 has been triggered. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
view_xmtr_status | 413F | View status | Reports any currently active device status information. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
scaled_dac_trim_ao2 | 4146 | Scaled AO2 trim | 数字到模拟缩放修正——允许对选择的模拟量输出进行标定,在模拟量输出的操作端点有外部参考。 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
abort_auto_zero | 41A8 | Aborts Auto Zero operation and continues to use previous zero offset value. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
leave_fixed_freq_mode | 41AC | Exits fixed mode and returns the frequency output to its active state. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
mmi_leave_analog_fixed_current_mode1 | 41AD | 退出固定电流模式 | 退出固定电流模式——使选择的模拟量输出退出输出为常数值的模式,使输出返回输出跟踪输入的模式。 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
mmi_leave_analog_fixed_current_mode2 | 41AE | 退出固定电流模式 | 退出固定电流模式——使选择的模拟量输出退出输出为常数值的模式,使输出返回输出跟踪输入的模式。 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
abort_send | 41A9 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | ||
must_send_fault_level | 41FA | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | ||
must_send_pv | 4001 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | ||
must_send_sv | 4003 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | ||
must_send_tv | 4005 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | ||
must_send_event_var | 41AF | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | ||
must_send_units | 400A | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | ||
must_send_scaling | 40B7 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | ||
read_modbus_register | 448E | Read Modbus Data Value | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
write_modbus_register | 448F | Write Modbus Data Value | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
write_alarm_severity_meth | 4445 | Write Severity | Allows the user to change the severity level of an alarm. The alarms are represented by their alarm number. For example, A26 is 26 and A102 is 102. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
read_alarm_severity_meth | 4446 | Read Severity | Reports the severity level of the selected alarm. The alarms are represented by their alarm number. For example, A26 is 26 and A102 is 102. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
review_alarm_severity_meth | 4447 | Review Severity (All) | Reports the severity level of all the alarms. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
select_acknowledge_alarm | 4448 | Acknowledge the selected alarm | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
refresh_alarm_history | 444A | Refresh Alarm Event Log | Uploads the 50 alarm history records from the device. This method takes approximately 30 sec to run. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
perform_varDiagnostic_Action_Code | 4433 | Perform Diagnostic Action | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
write_discrete_assignment_meth | 447D | Assign Discretes | Assigns a discrete to an action. Select none for no discrete assignment. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
read_discrete_assignment_meth | 447E | Read Action Assign | For a selected discrete action, reports the associated discrete assignment. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
review_discrete_assignment_meth | 447F | Read Action Assign (All) | Cycles through the discrete actions and reports the associated discrete assignments. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
write_simulation_params_massflow | 4480 | Simulate Mass Flow | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
write_simulation_params_temp | 4481 | Simulate Temperature | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
write_simulation_params_Density | 4482 | Simulate Density | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
meth_meter_verification | 4490 | Meter Verification | Starts meter verification and shows the result PASS or FAIL. This procedure takes upto 4 minutes. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
abort_meter_verification | 4491 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | ||
reset_ed_net_mass_total | 443A | Reset ED Net Mass Totl | Resets internal totalizers ED Net Mass Total. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
reset_ed_net_vol_total | 443B | Reset ED Net Vol Totl | Resets internal totalizers for ED Net Volume Total. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
reset_gas_std_vol_total | 443C | Reset Gas std. vol. total | Resets internal totalizers for Gas Standard Volume Total. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
reset_api_ref_vol_total | 4438 | Reset API Ref (Std) Vol Totl | Resets internal totalizers for API Reference (Standard) Volume Total | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
reset_ed_ref_corr_vol_total | 4439 | Reset ED Ref (Corr.) Vol Totl | Resets internal totalizers for ED Reference (Corrected) Volume Total. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
pc1_stat | 44AE | 状态 | When set, indicates that the Discrete Event has reached its programmed trigger point. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
pc2_stat | 44AF | 状态 | When set, indicates that the Discrete Event has reached its programmed trigger point. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
pc3_stat | 44B0 | 状态 | When set, indicates that the Discrete Event has reached its programmed trigger point. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
pc4_stat | 44B1 | 状态 | When set, indicates that the Discrete Event has reached its programmed trigger point. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
pc5_stat | 44B2 | 状态 | When set, indicates that the Discrete Event has reached its programmed trigger point. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
warning_message | 1017 | 设置回路为手动 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
scaled_dac_trim | 1005 | Scaled AO1 trim | 数字到模拟缩放修正——允许对选择的模拟量输出进行标定,在模拟量输出的操作端点有外部参考。 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
return_to_normal | 1016 | 中止返回正常 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
leave_fixed_current_mode | 1003 | 退出固定电流模式 | 退出固定电流模式——使选择的模拟量输出退出输出为常数值的模式,使输出返回输出跟踪输入的模式。 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
名称 | ID | 标签 | 描述 | 类型 | 源代码 |