名称 | ID | 标签 | 描述 | 类型 | 源代码 |
PreSetVersionDd | 4068 | PreSetVersionDd | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
MthResetConfigChangedFlag | 4069 | Reset Configuration Changed Flag | Reset of the HART 'Configuration Changed' flag. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
MthResetDevice | 406A | Device reset | Perform a "cold start" (like power-on start). | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
MthSetTotalizerFlow | 40C5 | Set start value | Set the start value of the totalizer. Sets the totalizer to a desired value. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
MthSetTotalizer | 40C6 | Set start value | Set the start value of the totalizer. Sets the totalizer to a desired value. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
MthResetTotalizerFlow | 40C9 | Reset totalizer | Reset the totalizer. Reset the totalizer value to 0. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
MthResetTotalizer | 40CA | Reset totalizer | Reset the totalizer. Reset the totalizer value to 0. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
MthStartTotalizerFlow | 40CB | Start totalizer | Start the totalizer. Starts or resumes the actual totalizer function. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
MthStartTotalizer | 40CC | Start totalizer | Start the totalizer. Starts or resumes the actual totalizer function. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
MthStopTotalizerFlow | 40CD | Stop totalizer | Stop the totalizer. Stops the actual totalizer function. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
MthStopTotalizer | 40CE | Stop totalizer | Stop the totalizer. Stops the actual totalizer function. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
MthResetDeviceFunction | 40C7 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | ||
MthDisplayFdiHealthStatus | 4107 | FDI Health Status | Displays the 'Health Status' according to FDI standard. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
GetHealthStatus | 0403 | GetHealthStatus | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
reset_condensed_status_map_meth | 4108 | Reset Condensed Status Map | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
MthResetCondensedStatusMap | 4121 | Reset to default | Reset the mappings to the Condensed Status to default values. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
MthSetSimulationBits | 4122 | Set Simulation Bits | (De)activates the selected Simulation bits | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
MthChangeModeSimulationStatus | 4123 | Enable/disable Status Simulation | Enable/disable status simulation. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
return_to_normal | 1016 | 中止返回正常 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
leave_fixed_current_mode | 1003 | 退出固定电流模式 | 退出固定电流模式——使选择的模拟量输出退出输出为常数值的模式,使输出返回输出跟踪输入的模式。 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
transmitter_loop_test | 1023 | 回路测试 | 回路测试——允许用户将选择的模拟量输出手动调节至选择的常数输出值。 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
device_self_test | 1071 | 自测试 | 自检——命令电子设备执行自检。 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
transmitter_dac_trim | 1024 | D/A trim PV | Calibration of the PV current output with an external reference. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
warning_message | 1017 | Set Loop to manual | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
名称 | ID | 标签 | 描述 | 类型 | 源代码 |