名称 | ID | 标签 | 描述 | 类型 | 源代码 |
in_service_reminder_abort | 430F | In Service Reminder | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
inst_mode_method | 4310 | Change Instrument Mode | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
inst_mode_wireless_method | 4311 | Change Instrument Mode | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
config_protect_method | 4312 | Change Write Protection | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
config_protect_abort | 4313 | Change Write Protection | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
config_protect_wireless_method | 4314 | Change Write Protection | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
ctrl_mode_method | 4315 | Change Control Mode | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
perform_tuner_method | 4318 | Performance Tuner | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
perform_tuner_no_tvl_abort | 431A | Performance Tuner | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
perform_tuner_unstable_abort | 431B | Performance Tuner | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
perform_tuner_abort | 4319 | Performance Tuner aborted | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
stabilize_opt_method | 431C | Stabilize/Optimize | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
stabilize_opt_abort | 431D | Stabilize/Optimize | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
SP_rate_open_post_edit | 45AE | SP Rate Open post edit | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
SP_rate_close_post_edit | 45AF | SP Rate Close post edit | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
restart_method | 431E | Restart Processor | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
custom_char_method | 431F | Custom Characterization Table | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
run_time_method | 4320 | Days Powered Up | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
calib_var_pre_edit | 40EA | Calibration Variable | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
stroke_valve_method | 4321 | Stroke Valve | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
stroke_valve_abort | 4322 | Stroke Valve aborted | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
lag_time_method | 4323 | View/Edit Lag Time | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
tvl_counts_method | 4324 | View Travel Counts | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
actuator_selection_method | 4325 | Actuator Selection | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
EDD_compatability_method | 4326 | Incompatible DD Rev | The DD Revision is not compatible with the firmware in this device. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
instrument_time_method | 4327 | Edit Instrument Time | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
alert_switch_source_method | 4328 | Alert Switch Source | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
cycle_counter_method | 4329 | Edit Cycle Counts | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
tvl_accum_method | 432A | Edit Travel Accumulator | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
polling_address_method | 432B | Polling Address | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
switch_HART_version_method | 432C | Change to HART 5 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
dd_rev_method | 432D | DD Information | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
press_sensor_calib_method | 432E | Pressure Sensors | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
analog_in_calib_method | 4330 | Analog Input | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
analog_in_abort | 4331 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | ||
relay_adjust_method | 4332 | Relay Adjust | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
aux_term_mode_method | 4334 | Edit Auxiliary Terminal Action | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
autotest_interval_method | 4335 | Auto Test Interval | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
zero_pwr_cond_method | 4336 | Zero Power Condition | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
PST_start_point_method | 4337 | PST Start Point | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
act_style_method | 4338 | Actuator Style | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
relay_type_method | 4339 | Relay Type | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
DVC_powerup_method | 433A | Change Device Power Up | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
reset_valve_stuck_method | 433B | Reset Valve Stuck Alert | Allows the user to reset the valve stuck alert that occured during a Partial Stroke Test. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
PST_calib_method | 433C | PST Calibration | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
exit_with_PST_disabled_abort | 433E | Disable PST | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
set_PST_defaults_abort | 433F | Exit PST Calibration | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
end_point_control_enab_method | 4340 | EPPC Enable | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
PST_enable_method | 4341 | Change PST Enable | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
partial_stroke_vars_method | 4342 | PST Variables | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
disable_PST_abort | 4343 | Disable PST | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
partial_stroke_test_method | 4344 | Partial Stroke Test | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
partial_stroke_test_abort | 4345 | PST Abort | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
calib_abort1 | 432F | Calibration aborted. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
calib_abort2 | 4333 | Calibration aborted. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
not_calibrated_abort | 433D | Not Calibrated | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
last_calib_time_method | 4346 | Calibration Time | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
last_calib_time_abort | 4347 | Calibration Time | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
tvl_auto_calib_method | 4348 | Auto Calibration | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
tvl_auto_calib_abort | 4349 | Auto Calibration aborted | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
tvl_manual_calib_method | 434B | Manual Calibration | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
device_setup_partial_abort | 434E | Device Setup | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
device_setup_method | 434F | Device Setup | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
display_alert_record_method | 4350 | View Alert Records | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
clear_alert_record_method | 4351 | Clear Records | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
shutdown_0b0_travel_sensor_method | 4352 | Travel Sensor Failure Shutdown | Shutdown on Travel Travel Sensor Failure Shutdown. Upon shutdown, the instrument attempts to drive its output pressure to the zero input current condition and no longer executes its control functions. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
shutdown_0b1_press_sensor_method | 4353 | Pressure Sensor Failure Shutdown | Shutdown on Travel Pressure Sensor Failure Shutdown. Upon shutdown, the instrument attempts to drive its output pressure to the zero input current condition and no longer executes its control functions. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
shutdown_0b2_temp_sensor_method | 4354 | Temp Sensor Failure Shutdown | Shutdown on Travel Temp Sensor Failure Shutdown. Upon shutdown, the instrument attempts to drive its output pressure to the zero input current condition and no longer executes its control functions. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
shutdown_0b3_critical_NVM_method | 4355 | Critical NVM Failure Shutdown | Shutdown on Travel Critical NVM Failure Shutdown. Upon shutdown, the instrument attempts to drive its output pressure to the zero input current condition and no longer executes its control functions. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
shutdown_0b4_drive_current_method | 4356 | Drive Current Failure Shutdown | Shutdown on Travel Drive Current Failure Shutdown. Upon shutdown, the instrument attempts to drive its output pressure to the zero input current condition and no longer executes its control functions. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
shutdown_0b5_ref_voltage_method | 4357 | Reference Voltage Failure Shutdown | Shutdown on Travel Reference Voltage Failure Shutdown. Upon shutdown, the instrument attempts to drive its output pressure to the zero input current condition and no longer executes its control functions. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
shutdown_0b6_MLFB_sensor_method | 4358 | Minor Loop Sensor Failure Shutdown | Shutdown on Travel Minor Loop Sensor Failure Shutdown. Upon shutdown, the instrument attempts to drive its output pressure to the zero input current condition and no longer executes its control functions. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
shutdown_0b7_flash_itegrity_method | 4359 | Flash Integrity Failure Shutdown | Shutdown on Travel Flash Integrity Failure Shutdown. Upon shutdown, the instrument attempts to drive its output pressure to the zero input current condition and no longer executes its control functions. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
shutdown_1b2_SISProgramFlow_method | 435A | Program Flow Failure Shutdown | Shutdown on Travel Program Flow Failure Shutdown. Upon shutdown, the instrument attempts to drive its output pressure to the zero input current condition and no longer executes its control functions. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
shutdown_2b6_NonCriticalNVM_method | 435B | Non-Critical NVM Failure Shutdown | Shutdown on Travel Non-Critical NVM Failure Shutdown. Upon shutdown, the instrument attempts to drive its output pressure to the zero input current condition and no longer executes its control functions. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
shutdown_2b7_SIS_hardware_method | 435C | SIS Hardware Failure Shutdown | Shutdown on Travel SIS Hardware Failure Shutdown. Upon shutdown, the instrument attempts to drive its output pressure to the zero input current condition and no longer executes its control functions. | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
XStatus1b3_PressControlActiveEnab_method | 435D | Pressure Fallback Active Enable | Enable or disable the reporting of the Pressure Fallback Active Enable | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
XStatus1b6_SIS_TrippedByLCPEnab_method | 435E | Tripped by the LCP Enable | Enable or disable the reporting of the Tripped by the LCP Enable | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
XStatus1b7_AlertRecordNotEmptyEnab_method | 435F | Alert Record Not Empty | Enable or disable the reporting of the Alert Record Not Empty | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
XStatus2b2_AlertRecordFullEnab_method | 4360 | Alert Record Full Enable | Enable or disable the reporting of the Alert Record Full Enable | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
XStatus2b3_InstTimeInvalidEnab_method | 4361 | Instrument Time is Approximate Enable | Enable or disable the reporting of the Instrument Time is Approximate Enable | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
XStatus2b4_TravelAccumAlertEnab_method | 4362 | Travel Accumulator Alert Enable | Enable or disable the reporting of the Travel Accumulator Alert Enable | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
XStatus2b5_CycleCounterAlertEnab_method | 4363 | Cycle Count Alert Enable | Enable or disable the reporting of the Cycle Count Alert Enable | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
XStatus3b0_IntegratorSaturatedLoEnab_method | 4364 | Integrator Sat Lo Enable | Enable or disable the reporting of the Integrator Sat Lo Enable | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
XStatus3b1_IntegratorSaturatedHiEnab_method | 4365 | Integrator Sat Hi Enable | Enable or disable the reporting of the Integrator Sat Hi Enable | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
XStatus3b3_SISLockedInSafetyEnab_method | 4366 | SIS Locked In Safety Alert Enable | Enable or disable the reporting of the SIS Locked In Safety Alert Enable | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
XStatus3b4_EndPtPressDevAlertEnab_method | 4367 | EPPC Deviation Alert Enable | Enable or disable the reporting of the EPPC Deviation Alert Enable | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
XStatus3b5_SupplyPressureAlertEnab_method | 4368 | Supply Pressure Alert Enable | Enable or disable the reporting of the Supply Pressure Alert Enable | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
XStatus4b0_DriveSignalAlertEnab_method | 4369 | Drive Signal Alert Enable | Enable or disable the reporting of the Drive Signal Alert Enable | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
XStatus4b1_TvlLimitOrCutoffLoEnab_method | 436A | Travel Cutoff Lo Enable | Enable or disable the reporting of the Travel Cutoff Lo Enable | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
XStatus4b2_TvlLimitOrCutoffHiEnab_method | 436B | Travel Cutoff Hi Enable | Enable or disable the reporting of the Travel Cutoff Hi Enable | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
XStatus4b3_TvlDeviationAlertEnab_method | 436C | Travel Deviation Alert Enable | Enable or disable the reporting of the Travel Deviation Alert Enable | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
XStatus4b4_TvlAlertHiHiEnab_method | 436D | Travel Alert Hi Hi Enable | Enable or disable the reporting of the Travel Alert Hi Hi Enable | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
XStatus4b5_TvlAlertHiEnab_method | 436E | Travel Alert Hi Enable | Enable or disable the reporting of the Travel Alert Hi Enable | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
XStatus4b6_TvlAlertLoLoEnab_method | 436F | Travel Alert Lo Lo Enable | Enable or disable the reporting of the Travel Alert Lo Lo Enable | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
XStatus4b7_TvlAlertLoEnab_method | 4370 | Travel Alert Lo Enable | Enable or disable the reporting of the Travel Alert Lo Enable | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
XStatus5b2_XmiterCommErrorEnab_method | 4371 | Output Circuit Comm Failure Enable | Enable or disable the reporting of the Output Circuit Comm Failure Enable | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
XStatus5b3_SISPanelCommErrorEnab_method | 4372 | LCP Communication Failure Enable | Enable or disable the reporting of the LCP Communication Failure Enable | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 |
show_active_alerts_method | 4373 | Device Status | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | |
warning_message | 1017 | msrc_UNKNOWN | 详细信息 | ||
名称 | ID | 标签 | 描述 | 类型 | 源代码 |