Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Source |
reset_config_changed_flag | 4003 | Reset Conf.Changed | msrc_UNKNOWN | Details | |
zaehlerreset | 4031 | Totalizer reset | msrc_UNKNOWN | Details | |
reset_fehler | 403A | Reset Err.register | msrc_UNKNOWN | Details | |
method_edit_impulsfaktor | 40E7 | Edit Pulse factor | Value of pulse factor for totalizer calculation. | msrc_UNKNOWN | Details |
method_edit_impulsbreite | 40E8 | Edit Pulse width | Value of pulse width for pulse output. | msrc_UNKNOWN | Details |
transmitter_loop_test | 1023 | Loop test | Loop test- Allows the User to manually manipulate the Analog Output to a selected constant output value | msrc_UNKNOWN | Details |
leave_fixed_current_mode | 1003 | Leaving fixed crnt mode | Leaving Fixed Current Mode- Takes the Analog Output out of a mode where the output was a constant value, and returns the output to a mode where the output tracks the input | msrc_UNKNOWN | Details |
return_to_normal | 1016 | Aborting return to normal | msrc_UNKNOWN | Details | |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Source |