0 |
SST70 |
1 |
SST50 |
2 |
SST71 |
3 |
SST51 |
4 |
SST75 |
5 |
SST55 |
6 |
SST76 |
7 |
SST56 |
8 |
SST77B |
9 |
SST57B |
10 |
11 |
12 |
SST79 |
13 |
SST59 |
14 |
VALCOM srl |
15 |
Terranova Instruments |
16 |
Alarm Type |
17 |
21.0 mA |
18 |
3.85 mA |
19 |
Last |
20 |
None |
21 |
Linear |
22 |
.2f |
23 |
8.2f |
24 |
Set Zero (OFFSET) |
25 |
PV (Density Value) |
26 |
PV |
27 |
.0f |
28 |
8.0f |
29 |
.3f |
30 |
7d |
31 |
Primary Variable - Level/Density Compensation |
32 |
Level/Density |
33 |
SV (Percent) |
34 |
TV (Loop current) |
35 |
Flow Unit |
36 |
QV (Temperature) |
37 |
Temperature Unit |
38 |
Sensor Temperature Units- Engineering unit to be displayed with Sensor Temperature. |
39 |
Sensor Flow Units- Engineering unit to be displayed with Sensor flow. |
40 |
m3/h |
41 |
kg/h |
42 |
ton/h |
43 |
lb/h |
44 |
l/h |
45 |
ft3/h |
46 |
Gal/h |
47 |
Nm3/h |
48 |
49 |
50 |
Measure zero offset value |
51 |
8.3f |
52 |
Zero Current |
53 |
2.3f |
54 |
Gain Current |
55 |
56 |
57 |
ADC0 Value |
58 |
ADC1 Value |
59 |
SPAN URV Value |
60 |
Edit the full scale adjustment parameter |
61 |
.4f |
62 |
Invalid units code |
63 |
SPAN LRV Value |
64 |
Edit the zero scale adjustment parameter |
65 |
Restore Factory |
66 |
67 |
68 |
69 |
Read values |
70 |
71 |
Put actual measure as URV value. Therefore the actual output will become 20 mA |
72 |
73 |
Put actual measure as LRV value. Therefore the actual output will become 4 mA |
74 |
Basic Setup |
75 |
Process Variables |
76 |
Read signals |
77 |
Advanced Setup |
78 |
79 |
Revisione Device |
80 |
PV Analog Channel Saturated |
81 |
PV Analog Channel Fixed |
82 |
Wireless |
83 |
WirelessHART Device |
84 |
IEEE 802.15.4 2.4GHz DSSS with O-QPSK Modulation |
85 |
Critical Power Failure |
86 |
Analog Input Channel |
87 |
Analog Output Channel |
88 |
8u |
89 |
Device Variable |
90 |
Are you sure to RESTORE the factory configuration? |
91 |
92 |
Restoring... |
93 |
Updating LRV, URV... |
94 |
Updating SPEC. GRAVITY... |
95 |
Updating ZERO ELEVATION... |
96 |
Updating SPAN URV value... |
97 |
Updating SPAN LRV value... |
98 |
This operation will set the actual measure to the URV Value (to 100%).
Proceed? |
99 |
Set the actual measure to the URV Value... |
100 |
Updating SPAN URV Value... |
101 |
This operation will set the actual measure to the LRV Value (to 0%).
Proceed? |
102 |
Set the actual measure to the LRV Value... |
103 |
Updating SPAN LRV Value... |
104 |
This operation will set the URV value to the actual measure, in order to have a 20 mA output.
Proceed? |
105 |
This operation will set the LRV value to the actual measure, in order to have a 4 mA output.
Proceed? |
106 |
Trim zero operation? |
107 |
Zero trim... |