0 |
Wahlweise Eingabe des Datums in Monat/Tag/Jahr. |
1 |
Nein |
2 |
9739 Mass Flow |
3 |
.1f |
4 |
Temp.<> Me_bereich |
5 |
Fehler Stromeingang |
6 |
Möglicher Datenverlust |
7 |
Schreibschutz AUS - Niedrige Ausgabewerte |
8 |
Display -Rücklesefehler |
9 |
Event 1 ausgelvst |
10 |
Event 2 ausgelvst |
11 |
Current (mA Output 1) |
12 |
Current (mA Output 2) |
13 |
.2f |
14 |
.3f |
15 |
.4f |
16 |
.5f |
17 |
4.2f |
18 |
7d |
19 |
8.2f |
20 |
Frequenz in Hz, die einer bestimmten Durchlußrate entspricht. |
21 |
Pulses |
22 |
Die Frequenz, welche der Volumen-/Massedurchflußrate entspricht oder die Anzahl der Impulse bezogen auf Volumen- oder Masseeinheit. |
23 |
.6f |
24 |
10.4f |
25 |
Analog Output 2 Cutoff |
26 |
Viscosity Unit |
27 |
Differential Pressure |
28 |
10.2f |
29 |
Event1 Analog Value |
30 |
Event1 Percent Range |
31 |
Event 1 Upper Range Value |
32 |
Event 1 Lower Range Value |
33 |
Event 1 Upper Range Limit |
34 |
Event 1 Lower Range Limit |
35 |
Event 1 Minimum Span |
36 |
Event 2 Unit |
37 |
Event 2 Analog Value |
38 |
Event 2 Percent Range |
39 |
Event 2 Upper Range Value |
40 |
Event 2 Lower Range Value |
41 |
Event 2 Upper Range Limit |
42 |
Event 2 Lower Range Limit |
43 |
Event 2 Minimum Span |
44 |
QV |
45 |
g/Cucm |
46 |
5.4f |
47 |
Schleichmenge Var2 |
48 |
Empfindlichkeit des Sensors auf die Dichte. Max. 14 Zeichen. |
49 |
5d |
50 |
Eine dimensionslose Größe, wodurch der Nullpunktabgleich für ungültig erklärt wird, sofern die Standardabweichung 10mal größer ist als dieser Wert. |
51 |
Impulsweite: Bei geringen Frequenzen wird der Impuls mit der hier eingestellten Impulsweite ausgegeben. Bei höheren Frequenzen stellt sich automatisch ein symmetrischens Impuls-/Pausenverhältnis ein. Die Grenzfrequenz dazu berechnet sich wie folgt: fgrenz=1 / (2 x Impulsweite). |
52 |
5.3f |
53 |
Binärausgang zur Signalisierung von generellen Alarmen, laufende Nullpunkteinstellung, Alarm 1 oder 2, Durchflußrichtung. 0 V ON-Signal, 15/30 V OFF-Signal (neg. Logik). |
54 |
Binärausgang |
55 |
Druck |
56 |
5.2f |
57 |
1d |
58 |
6.2f |
59 |
ABWÄRTS: Der Stromausgang stellt sich auf 0 oder 2 mA ein, der Impuls-/Frequenzausgang auf 0 Hz. AUFWÄRTS: Der Stromausgang stellt sich auf 22 mA ein, der Impuls-/Frequenzausgang auf 15 kHz. ZULETZT GEM. WERT: Halten der Ausgänge auf den zuletzt gemessenen Werten. INTERNER NULLPUNKT: Setzen der Ausgänge auf die für Null-Durchfluß entsprechende Werte. |
60 |
Zeitkonstante zwischen 0 und 60 s, die die Haltezeit der Durchflußausgänge beim Über- oder Unterschreiten der Dichtefenstergrenzwerte festlegt. |
61 |
6.5f |
62 |
Parameter der das Einlesen (analog oder digital) von Druck/Differenzdruck zur Viskositätsmessung oder Druckkompensation in den Transmitter festlegt. |
63 |
Pressure Polling |
64 |
Visk.abfrage primär |
65 |
Visk.abfrage sekundär |
66 |
Druck.Komp.abfrage primär |
67 |
Druck.Komp.abfrage sekundär |
68 |
Viskos.: Stromeingang |
69 |
Druck.Komp.: Stromeing. |
70 |
Viskos.: Modbus |
71 |
Druck.Komp.: Modbus |
72 |
Faktor zur Kalibrierung der Viskositätsmessung über Offset und Steilheit, 14 Stellen. |
73 |
Viscosity Calibration Factor |
74 |
Eine Adresse (Tag) die zur Identifikation des Drucktransmitters durch die RFT9739 in einem HART-Netzwerk dient. |
75 |
Field Device Tag |
76 |
Eingabe der aktuellen Viskosität bei der Durchführung einer Viskositätskalibration. |
77 |
Kalibrationspunkt Visk. |
78 |
Value |
79 |
3d |
80 |
% per psi |
81 |
9.8f |
82 |
g/Cucm per psi |
83 |
10.7f |
84 |
Meßbereichsanfang für analogen Druckeingang (= 4mA). |
85 |
4 mA Pressure |
86 |
Meßbereichsende für analogen Druckeingang (= 20 mA). |
87 |
20 mA Pressure |
88 |
8.3f |
89 |
Die Spannung an der Aufnehmerspule des Sensors in Volt. |
90 |
Die Antriebsspannung des Transmitters, gemessen in Volt. |
91 |
Ein Register, das bei bestimmten Konfigurations-änderungen inkrementiert wird. Wird vorwiegend beim Verwahrungstransfer verwendet. |
92 |
Ein Register, das bei bestimmten Änderungen an den Kalibrierungsdaten inkrementiert wird. Wird vorwiegend im eichpflichtigen Verkehr verwendet. |
93 |
Kalibrationskonstante beim 3. Dichte-Kalibrationspunkt bei Durchfluß. |
94 |
7.2f |
95 |
Set Up mA Output 1 |
96 |
Set Up mA Output 2 |
97 |
Viscosity Calibrations |
98 |
Events |
99 |
Slope Calibration |
100 |
Zur Durchführung einer kompletten Kalibration bitte Betriebsanleitung benutzen. |
101 |
Offset Calibration |
102 |
mA Output 1 Loop Test |
103 |
mA Output 2 Loop Test |
104 |
Trim mA Output 1 |
105 |
Trim mA Output 2 |
106 |
Rücksetzen der internen Zähler. |
107 |
Min.Massedurchflu_ |
108 |
Kleinste Durchflußrate in g/s. Wird bei der 3-Punkt-Dichtekalibration verwendet. |
109 |
Display K Factor |
110 |
The number of pulses per unit of measure output via the frequency output |
111 |
No Additional Information for Above |
112 |
Additional Information for Above |
113 |
Invalid cutoff type code |
114 |
4 mA Pressure too low |
115 |
20 mA Pressure too low |
116 |
Zero Pres. Correction Pt. too low |
117 |
Perform digital to analog trim of the mA output. |
118 |
Perform auto zero. |
119 |
120 |
1. mA Output 1 |
121 |
2. mA Output 2 |
122 |
4. Events |
123 |
5. Map Variables |
124 |
125 |
Assign a variable to the 4-20 mA output 2, define upper and lower range values, cutoff and damping. |
126 |
Set a fixed output value for the Control Output. |
127 |
Set Up Events |
128 |
If the Secondary Variable assignment is changed, this screen will need to be refreshed in order to see the parameters for the new variable assignments. |
129 |
Digital to analog trim of the mA output 1. |
130 |
Digital to analog trim of the mA output 2. |
131 |
Calibration |
132 |
Set a fixed output value for the mA Output 1. |
133 |
Set a fixed output value for the mA Output 2. |
134 |
Configuration |
135 |
FMU860 |
136 |
DT |
137 |
138 |
139 |
AS800 |
140 |
340T |
141 |
340C |
142 |
344 |
143 |
Siemens Micro K |
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 |
75SMT |
148 |
149 |
8320 |
150 |
SX5100 |
151 |
TSV175 |
152 |
153 |
3780 |
154 |
BM70 |
155 |
8u |
156 |
WARNUNG-Regelkreis evtl. auf Handbetrieb schalten |
157 |
Kalibration Steilheit
Eingabe Visk. in %{0} |
158 |
Kalibration durchfuehren? |
159 |
Fehler gefunden |
160 |
Abbruch;Korrigieren und erneut versuchen |
161 |
HINWEIS-Regelkreis evtl. auf Automatik zurckschalten |
162 |
Visk.Kalibration beendet |
163 |
Kalibration Offset
Eingabe Visk. in %{0} |
164 |
Selbsttest beendet |
165 |
Keine Geraetefehler waehrend des Selbsttests |
166 |
WARNUNG-Stoppen des Zaehlers sperrt Frequenzausgang |
167 |
FEHLER: Zaehler rueckstellen bei Durchflu_ nicht moeglich. |
168 |
Alarm1 aktiv: Ja |
169 |
Alarm1 aktiv: Nein |
170 |
Alarm2 aktiv: Ja |
171 |
Alarm2 aktiv: Nein |
172 |
Statusabfrage beendet |
173 |
Status OK |
174 |
Min.Massedurchflu_ = %{yatemp} g/s |
175 |
HINWEIS-Vor Einstellung des Messbereiches Messvariable 1 zuweisen/senden. |
176 |
HINWEIS-Vor Einstellung des Messbereiches Messvariable 2 zuweisen/senden. |
177 |
HINWEIS-Vor Einstellung des Messbereiches Messvariable 3 zuweisen/senden. |
178 |
Die Variablen werden solange in der vorherigen Einheit dargestellt, bis diese Einheit dem Gert bermittelt wurde. |
179 |
K-Faktor: %{yatemp} Impulse/einh. |
180 |
select |
181 |
floatFreqVal |
182 |
floatRateVal |
183 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
An uncorrectable checksum mismatch has been detected.
Recommended Actions:
1. Cycle power to the flow meter.
2. The flow meter might need service. Contact Micro Motion. |
184 |
No Additional Information Available |
185 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
ROM checksum error or a RAM location cannot be written to.
Recommended Actions:
1. Cycle power to the flowmeter.
2. The flow meter might need service. Contact Micro Motion. |
186 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
Continuity failure of drive circuit, LPO, or RPO, or LPO-RPO mismatch when driving.
Recommended Actions:
1. Check for slug flow.
2. Check the test points.
3. Check the sensor circuitry.
4. Check sensor tubes for plugging.
5. If the problem persists, contact Micro Motion. |
187 |
Drive Gain:
Value %0 |
188 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
The value computed for the resistance of the line RTD or the Meter/Case RTD is outside limits.
Recommended Actions:
1. Check the sensor RTD circuitry.
2. Verify that process temperature is within range of sensor and transmitter.
3. If the problem persists, contact Micro Motion. |
189 |
Value %0 |
190 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
One or more required characterization parameters have not been entered.
Recommended Actions:
1. Check the characterization. Specifically, verify the FCF and K1 values.
2. If the problem persists, contact Micro Motion. |
191 |
Flow Cal:
Value %0
Value %1 uSec
Value %2 uSec |
192 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
The measured density has exceeded 0-10 g/cm3.
Recommended Actions:
1. If other alerts are present (typically, A003, A006, A102, or A105), resolve those alerts first. If the A008 alert persists, continue with the suggestions below.
2. Verify process. Check for air in the flow tubes, tubes not filled, foreign material in tubes, or coating in tubes.
3. Check for slug flow.
4. Check the sensor circuitry.
5. Verify calibration factors in transmitter configuration.
6. Check the test points.
7. If the problem persists, contact Micro Motion. |
193 |
Priority: advisory
Transmitter in power-up mode.
Recommended Actions:
1. Allow the flowmeter to warm up (approximately 30 seconds). The error should disappear once the flowmeter is ready for normal operation.
2. If alert does not clear, make sure that the sensor is completely full or completely empty.
3. Check the sensor circuitry. |
194 |
Priority: Advisory
Mechanical zero: The resulting zero was greater than 3 microseconds
Temperature or Density Calibrations: many possible causes
Recommended Actions:
1. If alert appears during a transmitter zero, ensure that there is no flow through the sensor, then retry.
2. Cycle power to the flowmeter, then retry.
3. If appropriate, restore the factory zero to return the flowmeter to operation. |
195 |
Priority: Advisory
Calibration procedure failed due to reverse flow through the sensor.
Recommended Actions:
1. Ensure that there is no flow through the sensor, then retry.
2. Cycle power to the flowmeter, then retry.
3. If appropriate, restore the factory zero to return the flowmeter to operation. |
196 |
Priority: Advisory
Calibration procedure failed due to flow through the sensor.The resulting zero was greater than 3 microseconds.
Recommended Actions:
1. Ensure that there is no flow through the sensor, then retry.
2. Cycle power to the flowmeter, then retry.
3. If appropriate, restore the factory zero to return the flowmeter to operation. |
197 |
Priority: Advisory
Mechanical zero: The resulting zero was greater than 3 microseconds.
Recommended Actions:
1. Remove or reduce sources of electromechanical noise, then retry. Sources of noise include mechanical pumps, pipe stress at sensor, electrical interference, or vibration effects from nearby machinery.
2. Cycle power to the flowmeter, then retry.
3. If appropriate, restore the factory zero to return the flowmeter to operation. |
198 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
Many possible causes.
Recommended Actions:
1. Cycle power to the flowmeter.
2. The transmitter might need service. Contact Micro Motion. |
199 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
Weights and Measures security seal has been broken.
Recommended Actions:
1. Alarm can be cleared by user, but authorized procedure is required to reestablish security. |
200 |
Priority: Advisory
The calculated amount of current output is outside of the linear range.
Recommended Actions:
1. Verify that mA output range values are set to appropriate values. |
201 |
Primary Variable:
Value %1 %2 |
202 |
Value %0 %1
Value %2 %3 |
203 |
Priority: Advisory
Non-zero HART address configured, or user has set the mA output to a fixed value.
Recommended Actions:
1. Check the HART address. If non-zero, set mA Output Action parameter to enable Live mA Output.
2. Exit mA output trim.
3. Exit mA output loop test.
4. Check to see if the output has been fixed via digital communications. |
204 |
Polling Address:
%0 |
205 |
Priority: Failed - Fix Now
The drive power (current/voltage) is at its maximum.
Recommended Actions:
1. Check the sensor circuitry.
2. If this is the only active alarm, it can be ignored. If desired, reconfigure the alarm severity to Ignore. |
206 |
Priority: Maintenance - Fix Soon
The core processor was unable to successfully store the totalizers and inventories on the last power down and must rely on the previously saved values. These values may be up to two hours old.
Recommended Actions:
1. Contact Micro Motion to upgrade the transmitter software.
Note: The transmitter is still functional. |
207 |
Priority: Advisory
A calibration procedure is in progress.
Recommended Actions:
1. Allow the flowmeter to complete calibration.
2. For zero calibration procedures, you may abort the calibration, set the zero time parameter to a lower value, and restart the calibration. |
208 |
Priority: Advisory
The density has exceeded the user-defined slug (density) limits.
Recommended Actions:
1. Check that sensor is completely full.
2. Check that slug limits are set to appropriate values. |
209 |
Slug High Limit:
Value %0 g/Cucm
Slug Low Limit:
Value %1 g/Cucm
Slug Duration:
Value %2 sec |
210 |
Priority: Advisory
Device is in HART burst mode.
Recommended Actions:
1. No action required.
2. If desired, reconfigure the alarm severity to Ignore. |
211 |
Priority: Advisory
Transmitter has been restarted.
Recommended Actions:
1. No action required. |
212 |
Priority: Advisory
Event 1 has been triggered.
Recommended Actions:
1. No action required.
2. If desired, reconfigure the alarm severity to Ignore. |
213 |
Priority: Advisory
Event 2 has been triggered.
Recommended Actions:
1. No action required.
2. If desired, reconfigure the alarm severity to Ignore. |
214 |
Priority: Advisory
Process variable assigned to frequency output is outside configured scale limits.
Recommended Actions:
1. Change frequency output scaling factors to more appropriate settings. |
215 |
Third Variable:
Value %1 %2 |
216 |
Rate Factor:
Value %0 |
217 |
Tube Frequency:
Value %0 Hz |
218 |
Priority: Advisory
User has set the mA output to a fixed value.
Recommended Actions:
1. Exit mA output trim.
2. Exit mA output loop test.
3. Check to see if the output has been fixed via digital communications. |
219 |
Current Selection;Mass Flow Rate;Temperature;Density;Volume Flow Rate;Viscosity;Differential Pressure;Event1;Event2 |