Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
autozero_hist_dens_value 40A6 Dens: R Float 2048
autozero_hist_temp_value 40A7 Temp: R Float 2048
autozero_hist_date_value 40A8 Date: Date in format (mm/dd/yyyy) R/W HartDate 2048
coeff_a_units 42EB Coeff a units Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit R/W Enum 32
coeff_b_units 42EC Coeff b units Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit R/W Enum 32
reference_temperature 42ED Ref. temperature Reference temperature (where reference density is measured) R/W Float 2048
ref_dens_carrier 42EE Ref. dens. carrier Reference density (measured at reference temperature) R/W Float 2048
ref_dens_product 42EF Ref. dens. product Reference density (measured at reference temperature) R/W Float 2048
coeff_a_carrier 42F0 Coeff. a carrier Linear temperature coefficient for change of density R/W Float 2048
coeff_a_product 42F1 Linear temperature coefficient for change of density R/W Float 2048
coeff_b_carrier 42F2 Coeff. b carrier Squared temperature coefficient for change of density R/W Float 2048
coeff_b_product 42F3 Squared temperature coefficient for change of density R/W Float 2048
conc_version 40A9 Conc version R/W Unsigned 2048
conc_enable 4063 Conc meas sel R/W Enum 2048
concentr_set_index 40AA Selected Set: R/W Enum 2048
concentr_set_count 40AB No of Para sets Parameter sets help R/W Unsigned 2048
concentr_temp_value 40AC Tmp: Temperature help R/W Float 2048
concentr_para_A_value 40AD P_A: Parameter Input help R/W Float 2048
concentr_para_B_value 40AE P_B: Parameter Input help R/W Float 2048
concentr_para_C_value 40AF P_C: Parameter Input help R/W Float 2048
concentr_para_D_value 40B0 P_D: Parameter Input help R/W Float 2048
error_overview 40B1 Error : R Unsigned 2051
alarm_overview 40B2 Alarm : R Unsigned 2051
warng_overview 40B3 Warning: R Unsigned 2051
ord_hist 40B4 ord_hist R Enum 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class