Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
temp_gain_adjust 4093 Temp gain adjust R/W Float 2048
temp_offset_adjust 42EA Temp offset Adjust offset of temperature measurement R/W Float 2048
fluid_max_temp_value 4094 Fluid max temp R Float 32
dens_fix_select 4095 Ref density sel R/W Enum 2048
dens_fixed_value 4096 Reference density R/W Float 8
dens_ref_value 4294 Dens ref value R/W Float 8
mass_flow_fix_select 4097 Mass flo fix sel R/W Enum 2048
mass_flow_fixed_value 4098 Mass flo fixed val R/W Float 8
heat_of_combustion_value 4295 Heat of combustion Heat of combustion value R/W Float 8
heat_of_combustion_units 4296 Heat of combu unit Heat of combustion unit R/W Enum 32
release_date 4297 Device S/W date Device S/W date R HartDate 2048
release_revision 4298 Device S/W version Device S/W version R PackedAscii 2048
burn_out_state 4299 Burn out Burn out State of the Electronic Transmitter R Enum 2048
key_status 4099 Key status R/W Enum 2048
rcct_long_tag 409A Long Tag Long Tag- Text that is associated with the Field Device installation. R/W ASCII 2048
alarm_select_1 409B Alarm 1 select R/W Enum 1024
alarm_select_2 409D Alarm 2 select R/W Enum 1024
mass_preset 409E Total limit switch Sets the totalizer to the value defined here R/W Float 16
autozero_tuning 409F Zero tuning R/W Enum 2048
autozero_duration 40A0 Autozero duration R/W Enum 2048
autozero_value 40A1 Autozero value R/W Float 32
autozero_fluct 40A2 AZ fluctuation R Float 32
autozero_hist_index 40A3 Data Set: R/W Enum 2048
date_index 40A4 Date index : R/W Enum 2048
autozero_hist_zero_value 40A5 Val: R Float 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class