Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
minPressBelowLimit | 402A | Min pressure | The minimum overrange value recorded | R | Float | 0 |
isolatorMaterialCode | 402C | Isolator material | The isolator material used | R | Enum | 0 |
fillFluidCode | 402D | Fill fluid | The fill fluid used | R | Enum | 0 |
processConnectionCode | 402E | Process connection | The process connection way used | R | Enum | 0 |
processCoMaterialCode | 402F | Process Co.Ma. | Process connection material used | R | Enum | 0 |
oRingMaterialCode | 4030 | O-ring material | O-ring material used | R | Enum | 0 |
remoteModeCode | 4031 | Remote mode | The sensor remote mode used | R | Enum | 0 |
rSealTypeCode | 4032 | Seal type | Remote seal type used | R | Enum | 0 |
rSealDiaphragmMaCode | 4033 | Seal diaphgram Ma. | Remote seal diaphgram material used | R | Enum | 0 |
rFillFluidCode | 4034 | Seal fill fluid | Remote seal fill fluid used | R | Enum | 0 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |