Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
sensorInfo | 4003 | Sensor info | R/W | ASCII | 0 | |
sensorMode_code | 4004 | Sensor mode | The sensor mode of transmitter | R/W | Enum | 0 |
sensorRange_code | 4005 | Sensor range | The sensor range of transmitter | R/W | Enum | 0 |
LCD_display_code | 4009 | LCD display | Local LCD display code | R/W | Enum | 0 |
keyZero | 400D | Key zero | R | Enum | 2 | |
keySpan | 400E | Key span | R | Enum | 2 | |
key_locked | 400F | Keys status | R/W | Enum | 0 | |
outUnit | 4013 | OUT unit | The OUT value could be set to any meaning | R/W | Enum | 0 |
outLoop_value | 4014 | OUT value | The OUT value could be set to any meaning | R | Float | 2 |
lowerOut_value | 4015 | OUT LRV | The OUT value could be set to any meaning | R/W | Float | 0 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |