名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
actuator_position_units 404B Valve trv units The units of valve travel 枚举 8
actuator_position_sp_value 404F Vlv trv SP The valve travel setpoint as percent of the calibrated valve travel range 浮点 10
actuator_position_sp_units 4050 Valve travel SP units The units of valve travel setpoint 枚举 8
actuator_pressure_value 4051 Act pres The actuator pressure difference in 1- and 2-acting actuators (proportional to actuator load) 浮点 10
actuator_pressure_units 4052 Pressure units Sets the displayed pressure units 读/写 枚举 8
device_temperature_value 4053 Temp The temperature of the device 浮点 10
device_temperature_units 4054 Temperature units Sets the displayed temperature units 读/写 枚举 8
foo_uint1 404C Foovar 读/写 无符号 16
foo_uint2 4055 Foovar 读/写 无符号 16
foo_uint3 404E Foovar 读/写 无符号 16
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类