Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
unit_descriptor 0FDE Descr. disp. Descrittore del dispositivo di campo - Testo che viene memorizzato nel dispositivo di campo, quando nel dispositivo di campo sono presenti altri descrittori che si riferiscono ad applicazioni secondarie. R/W PackedAscii 2048
unit_date 0FDF Data disp. Data dispositivo di campo - Data del calendario gregoriano associata al dispositivo di campo, quando nel dispositivo di campo sono presenti altre dati che si riferiscono ad applicazioni secondarie. R/W HartDate 2048
response_preambles 0FE2 Num resp preams Number of Response Preambles- Number of Preambles to be sent in the response message from the Field Device to the Host W Unsigned 128
analog_output_code 0FE4 Analog Output Number- Index into an array of Analog Outputs W Index 64
analog_output_code_1 0FE8 Index into Analog Output Array- Is the first of an array of addresses, whose value is identified by the Analog Output Code R/W Index 4096
analog_output_code_2 0FE9 Index into Analog Output Array- Is the second of an array of addresses, whose value is identified by the Analog Output Code R/W Index 4096
analog_output_code_3 0FEA Index into Analog Output Array- Is the third of an array of addresses, whose value is identified by the Analog Output Code R/W Index 4096
analog_output_code_4 0FEB Index into Analog Output Array- Is the fourth of an array of addresses, whose value is identified by the Analog Output Code R/W Index 4096
burst_variable_code_1 0FF8 Index into Dynamic Variables Array- Is the first an array of addresses, whose value is identified by the Field Device Variable Code W Index 128
burst_variable_code_2 0FF9 Index into Dynamic Variables Array- Is the second of an array of addresses, whose value identified by the Field Device Variable Code W Index 128
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class