Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
calibration_activation 401A Activate calibration Set the value to activate position feedback calibration. W Enum 2048
position_sensor_serial_number 401E Pos sensor S/N The serial number of position sensor module R/W Unsigned 2048
device_serial_number 4021 ND800 S/N The serial number of the ND800 valve controller written into the identification plate R/W Unsigned 2048
temperature_compensation 4024 Temp compensation Position temperature compensation state W Enum 2048
max_actuator_pressure_mode 4026 Max acttr prs mde Drives actuator into fail-safe position W Enum 2048
press_sensor_range 4028 Pressure snsr rnge The linear measurement range of the pressure sensor module W Float 2048
measured_press_difference 4029 Measured prs diff Measured pressure difference W Float 2048
valve_position_mode 402B Valve fixed pos Drives valve to a predefined position W Enum 2048
position_sensor_angle 402D Pos sensor angle Position sensor angle W Float 2048
position_sensor_range 402E Pos sensor range Position sensor linear range in the degrees of angle W Float 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class