Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
KDGM_temperature_max 4051 Temp max P46 Temperature max - The maximum temperature to which the head end of the instrument has been subjected. R/W Integer 2049
KDGM_temperature_min 4052 Temp min P47 Temperature min - The minimum temperature to which the head end of the instrument has been subjected. R/W Integer 2049
KDGM_curve_profile 4032 Curve profile P11 Curve profile - Selecting a non-linear profile will set the 10 point plot values P30 to P39 to that curve. SPECIAL allows individual point values to be changed. R/W Enum 32
KDGM_standing_level_volume 402B Standing value P14 Standing level/volume - The value of the PV at the zero level point, this offset is added after all other calculations. R/W Float 32
KDGM_level_for_max_pv 402C Level for max PV P17 Level for max PV - The height up the displacer for the maximum PV value. If set to NaN then the full length of the displacer as defined by P51 is automatically used. R/W Float 32
KDGM_level_for_min_pv 402D Level for min PV P18 Level for min PV - The height up the displacer for the minimum PV value. R/W Float 32
KDGM_pv_scale_factor 402A PV scale factor P13 PV scale factor - If the curve profile is LINEAR this is the multiplier for the PV in units per metre, else it is the maximum PV value for the curve profile selected. If P13 = NaN then P51 (Displacer Length) is used R/W Float 32
level_sensor_upper_limit 400E Upper limit P68 Upper limit - The maximum usable sensor output R/W Float 8
level_sensor_lower_limit 400F Lower limit P69 Lower limit - The minimum usable sensor output R/W Float 8
point 4017 R/W Index 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class