Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
compat_burst_vars_3_2 4F2B Burst Variable 4 Burst Variable Slot - Device variable code assigned to the slot to be read in burst mode. R/W Index 2048
compat_burst_vars_4_2 4F2C Burst Variable 5 Burst Variable Slot - Device variable code assigned to the slot to be read in burst mode. R/W Index 2048
compat_burst_vars_5_2 4F2D Burst Variable 6 Burst Variable Slot - Device variable code assigned to the slot to be read in burst mode. R/W Index 2048
compat_burst_vars_6_2 4F2E Burst Variable 7 Burst Variable Slot - Device variable code assigned to the slot to be read in burst mode. R/W Index 2048
compat_burst_vars_7_2 4F2F Burst Variable 8 Burst Variable Slot - Device variable code assigned to the slot to be read in burst mode. R/W Index 2048
compat_burst_trig_mode_2 4F30 Burst Msg Trigger Mode Defines the condition the device will use to determine when to publish the burst message. R/W Enum 2048
compat_burst_trig_class_2 4F31 Burst Trigger Class R/W Enum 2048
compat_burst_trig_units_2 4F32 Burst Trigger Units R/W Enum 2048
compat_burst_trig_level_2 4F33 Burst Trigger Level Defines the threshold value for the device to begin bursting at the triggered update rate. Within the threshold limits, the device will burst at the default rate. Applicable to rising, falling and windowed trigger modes only. R/W Float 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class