Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
D4 409C D4 The density, in g/cc, of the water or other high-density fluid that is used during a 4-point density calibration with Micro Motion T-series sensors. D4 can represent the D4 value for a Micro Motion T-series sensor. R/W Float 8
K1 409D K1 The tube period, in microseconds, corresponding to a density equal to D1. R/W Float 8
K2 409E K2 The tube period, in microseconds, corresponding to a density equal to D2. R/W Float 8
K3 409F K3 The tube period, in microseconds, corresponding to a density equal to D3. R/W Float 8
K4 40A0 K4 The tube period, in microseconds, corresponding to a density equal to D4. R/W Float 8
DCoef 40A1 TC The percent change in the elasticity of the flow tubes around the bending axis per 100 degrees Celsius. R/W Float 8
DT 40A2 DT The percent change in the elasticity of the flow tubes around the bending axis per 100 degrees Celsius. R/W Float 8
alarm_number 40B4 Event num R/W Index 4096
alarm1_type 40A8 Event 1 Type Determines whether the Event is activated when it goes above (High) or below (Low) the setpoint. R/W Enum 1024
alarm2_type 40AD Event 2 Type Determines whether the Event is activated when it goes above (High) or below (Low) the setpoint. R/W Enum 1024
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class