Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
dens_factor 40B9 Density Factor A value, between 0.8 and 1.2, that will act as a multiplier for the density. R/W Float 8
tube_freq_digital_units 4556 Tube Frequency The tube frequency of the sensor measured in Hertz. R Enum 32
tube_freq 40BA Tube Frequency センサーのチューブ周波数で、ヘルツで計測されます。 R Float 10
tube_amplitude_digital_units 4557 Left Pickoff Amplitude The pickoff voltage of the sensor measured in Voltage. R Enum 32
tube_amplitude_L 40BB Left Pickoff Amplitude ピックオフ振幅は、振動素子が安定状態から移動する距離を示します。 R Float 10
tube_amplitude_R 40BC Right Pickoff Amplitude ピックオフ振幅は、振動素子が安定状態から移動する距離を示します。 R Float 10
drive_gain 40BD Drive The drive gain of the transmitter. R Float 10
live_zero 40BE Live Zero Flow Rate This flow value is not effected by the flow cutoff and is damped at 8 seconds. It is to be used for diagnostic purposes only and is not used in ANY flow calculations or totalization. R Float 10
board_temp_700 40BF Board Temperature The board temperature of the core processor. R Float 10
case_temp 40C0 メーター温度(T-Series) The meter temperature of the T-Series sensor. R Float 10
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class