Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
densitya_for_cal 40B0 比較密度 a R/W Float 4096
densityb_for_cal 40B1 比較密度 b R/W Float 4096
poll_ctrl 40B2 Pressure polling A variable which represents how [differential] pressure is brought into the transmitter for the purpose of viscosity calculation or pressure compensation. R/W Enum 128
viscal 40B3 Visc cal factr A 14-character factor consisting of a slope and offset (optional) used to adjust the measured viscosity. R/W ASCII 32
dp_tag 40B4 Fld dev tag A tag used to identify a pressure transmitter being polled by the 9739 via a HART network. R/W PackedAscii 128
viscosity_for_cal 40B5 比較粘度 User-entered viscosity for the purpose of performing an on-line viscosity calibration. R/W Float 4096
visc_trim_point 40B6 Visc trim point R/W Enum 4096
temp_for_cal 40B7 Ref temperature User-entered temperature for the purpose of performing an on-line temperature calibration. R/W Float 4096
cutoff_code 40BB カットオフ タイプ R/W Index 4096
D1 40BC Dens A The density, in g/cc, of the air or other low-density fluid used during a 2-point density calibration. Dens A can represent: The Dens A (D1) value on an ELITE sensor, a value of 0.0000 g/cc for a D, DL, or DT sensor with a 14-character dens cal factor. R/W Float 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class