Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
HART_dev_ID_core_processor 41B0 Device Identification (CP) HART unique ID for core processor R Unsigned 2048
core_firmware_checksum 41B1 Core Processor The checksum value for the core processor firmware must be read during meter commissioning to meet Weights and Measures requirements for gas applications in Germany. They may also be useful for MID/WELMEC 7.2 test reports. R Unsigned 2048
core_serial_number 4036 Core Processor The serial number from the core processor label. R/W Unsigned 2048
transmitter_serial_number 41B4 Transmitter Serial Number R Unsigned 2048
transmitter_firmware_checksum 41B2 Transmitter The checksum value for the transmitter firmware must be read during meter commissioning to meet Weights and Measures requirements for gas applications in Germany. They may also be useful for MID/WELMEC 7.2 test reports. R Unsigned 2048
weights_measures_software_version 41B3 Weights and Measures Software Version The version of the software component that implements MID security. R Unsigned 0
varEnable_GSV 413C Volume Flow Type Volume Flow Type R/W Enum 2048
varGas_Density 413D Gas Reference Density Reference density of the gas being measured. R/W Float 2048
varGas_Standard_Volume_Total_and_Inventory_Unit 413F Gas Vol flo tot inv unit R Enum 2048
varSpecial_Units_Base_Volume_Flow_Units_Code 4140 Base Unit The existing volume unit that the special unit will be based on. R/W Enum 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class