名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
vol_flow_percent_range 4051 Volume Flow Percent Range 量程百分比 - 跟踪与正常工作模式的量程下限值和量程上限值有关的数字值表示的变量。此变量的单位始终为百分比。 浮点 34
vol_flow_upper_range_value 4052 Volume Flow Upper Range Value This is the 20mA point. Defines the operational endpoint from which the Analog Value and the 100% point of the Percent Range are derived. In addition, the Upper Range Value defines the point above which all high alarms (both analog and digital) for the assigned process variable are activated. 读/写 浮点 32
vol_flow_lower_range_value 4053 体积流量量程下限值 This is the 12 mA point (Direct) or the 4 mA point (Level-Shifted). Defines the operational endpoint from which the Analog Value and the 0% point of the Percent Range are derived. In addition, the Lower Range Value defines the point below which all low alarms (both analog and digital) for the assigned process variable are activated. 读/写 浮点 32
vol_flow_upper_sensor_limit 404A 体积流量传感器上限 传感器上限值 - 定义量程上限值的最大可用值。 浮点 8
vol_flow_lower_sensor_limit 4054 体积流量传感器下限 传感器下限值 - 定义量程下限值的最小可用值。 浮点 8
vol_flow_minimum_span 4055 体积流量最小范围 最小量程值 - 定义量程上限值和量程下限值之间的最小允差。 浮点 8
vtot_digital_units 4057 体积流量总量单位 Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit. 枚举 32
vtot_digital_value 4058 Volume Total 浮点 10
vinv_digital_value 405A Inventory 浮点 10
pres_digital_units 405C Pressure Unit 现场设备变量单位 - 将随数字值表示、最小量程、量程上限值、量程下限值、传感器下限和传感器上限显示的工程单位。 读/写 枚举 32
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