Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
varTemperature_Minimum_Amplitude_of_waveform 417A Ramp Low Point Temperature Minimum Amplitude of waveform R/W Float 2048
varTemperature_Maximum_Amplitude_of_waveform 417B Ramp High Point Temperature Maximum Amplitude of waveform R/W Float 2048
varTemperature_period_of_waveform 417C Ramp Period Temperature period of waveform R/W Float 2048
vDensity__Simulation_Mode 417D Control The type of Density Simulation R/W Enum 8
vDensity_Fixed_Value 417E Fixed Value Density Fixed Value R/W Float 2048
vDensity_Minimum_Amplitude_of_waveform 417F Ramp Low Point Density Minimum Amplitude of waveform R/W Float 2048
vDensity_Maximum_Amplitude_of_waveform 4180 Ramp High Point Density Maximum Amplitude of waveform R/W Float 2048
vDensity_period_of_waveform 4181 Ramp Period Density period of waveform R/W Float 2048
varDiagnostic_Action_Code 4182 Diagnostic Action R/W Enum 2048
history_0 4183 Alarm Event Log Index R Unsigned 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class