Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
varSpecial_Units_Vol_Total_String 4170 Total Label R/W ASCII 2048
varGas_Standard_Volume_Cutoff 4171 Gas Standard Volume Cutoff Specifies the lowest gas standard volume flow rate that will be reported as measured. All gas standard volume flow rates below this cutoff are reported as 0. R/W Float 2048
varEnable_Simulation_Mode 4172 Simulate Primary Purpose Variables The state of the overall simulation mode R/W Enum 2048
varMass_Flow_Simulation_Mode 4173 Control The type of Mass Flow Simulation R/W Enum 2048
varMass_Flow_Fixed_Value 4174 Fixed Value Mass Flow Fixed Value R/W Float 2048
varMass_Flow_Minimum_Amplitude_of_waveform 4175 Ramp Low Point Mass Flow Minimum Amplitude of waveform R/W Float 2048
varMass_Flow_Maximum_Amplitude_of_waveform 4176 Ramp High Point Mass Flow Maximum Amplitude of waveform R/W Float 2048
varMass_Flow_period_of_waveform 4177 Ramp Period Mass Flow period of waveform R/W Float 2048
varTemperature__Simulation_Mode 4178 Control The type of Temperature Simulation R/W Enum 8
varTemperature_Fixed_Value 4179 Fixed Value Temperature Fixed Value R/W Float 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class