名称 | ID | 标签 | 描述 | 类型 | 访问 | 分类 |
SysFault | 4009 | System Fault State | System Fault State defines how the Analog Output will respond when the transmitter detects a system fault. | 读/写 | 枚举 | 65 |
LOEFault | 401E | LOE Fault State | LOE Fault State defines how the Analog Output will respond when the transmitter detects a Loss of Echo fault. | 读/写 | 枚举 | 65 |
SZFault | 401F | SZ Fault State | Safety Zone Fault State defines how the Analog Output will respond when the transmitter detects a level that is within the Safety Zone which is a user defined area just below the Blocking Distance. Enable fault if necessary to ensure safe, reliable high-level readings in critical applications. If Latch3.6 or Latch22 is chosen, the unit will remain in alarm until it is manually cleared with the SZ Alarm Reset. | 读/写 | 枚举 | 65 |
LOEDelay | 4020 | LOE Delay | Loss of Echo Delay, valid values are 0 to 255 seconds. | 读/写 | 无符号 | 2048 |
SZHeight | 4021 | SZ Height | Safety Zone Height - Enter a distance that develops a safety zone just below the Blocking Distance. The transmitter will report a Safety Zone Fault if the level rises into this area. | 读/写 | 浮点 | 2048 |
AntennaType | 4012 | Antenna | Antenna Type - Select the first 7 digits of the Antenna Model Number (first 4 are significant). Information is located on the nameplate mounted on the antenna. | 读/写 | 枚举 | 2048 |
AntennaExtension | 4013 | Extension | Antenna Extension - Select the last three digits of the Antenna Model Number corresponding to the Antenna Extension. Information is located on the nameplate mounted on the antenna. | 读/写 | 枚举 | 2048 |
AntennaMount | 4022 | Antenna Mount | Type of Antenna Mounting. | 读/写 | 枚举 | 2048 |
Launcher | 4023 | Launcher | Factory parameter, displayed for diagnostic purposes only. | 读/写 | 枚举 | 2048 |
Dielectric | 4024 | Dielectric | Select the dielectric range of the medium. | 读/写 | 枚举 | 2048 |
名称 | ID | 标签 | 描述 | 类型 | 访问 | 分类 |