Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
statusinfo_0 | 4060 | MultiEcho Trpl | MultiEcho Triple - Triple reflection detected. | R | Enum | 2050 |
statusinfo_1 | 4061 | MultiEcho Dbl | MultiEcho Double - Double reflection detected. | R | Enum | 2050 |
statusinfo_2 | 4062 | Tank Dim Invld | Tank Dimensions Invalid - Tank dimensions exceed maximum range of the transmitter; reduce tank height and/or Sensor Offset values. | R | Enum | 2050 |
statusinfo_3 | 4063 | Info 0008 | R | Enum | 2050 | |
statusinfo_4 | 4064 | Info 0010 | R | Enum | 2050 | |
statusinfo_5 | 4065 | Clutter Off Hi | Clutter Offset High - False target only partially captured; re-run False Target Rejection routine. | R | Enum | 2050 |
statusinfo_6 | 4066 | Scatter Target | Scattered Target - Return signals scattered due to turbulence in vessel. | R | Enum | 2050 |
statusinfo_7 | 4067 | Uncertn Target | Uncertain Target - Target is missing, but not determined to be lost; device is holding last valid value while confirming the target position, will continue based upon the LOE Delay value, consult Factory if problem persists. | R | Enum | 2050 |
statusinfo_8 | 4068 | DC Noise | DC Noise - Excessive noise on A/D channel; consult Factory. | R | Enum | 2050 |
statusinfo_9 | 4069 | Signal Too Hi | Signal Too High - Level signal amplitude is excessive; choose higher Dielectric range, reduce Turbulence or Foam settings, consult Factory if problem persists. | R | Enum | 2050 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |