Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
level_units 4003 Level Units Select units of measurement for level output. R/W Enum 32
volume_units 4004 Volume Units Select units of measurement for volume output. R/W Enum 32
flow_units 1F7B Flow Units Select units of measurement for flow output. R/W Enum 32
level_value 4005 Level Liquid level in vessel or flow element. R Float 10
distance_value 4006 Distance Distance from the face of the transducer to the surface of the liquid. R Float 10
head_value 4007 Head Liquid level above the reference point in the plume/weir. R Float 10
volume_value 4008 Volume Volume of liquid in vessel. R Float 10
flow_value 1F7C Flow Flow rate of liquid. R Float 10
totalizerNR_value 4009 NR Totalizer Flow Non-resettable value representing the total flow measured by the unit. R Float 10
totalizerR_value 400B R Totalizer Flow Total flow measured by this unit since the totalizer was last reset. R Float 10
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class